This is a history sub-page related to William Afton.
Five Nights at Freddy's[]
While William does not physically appear in the game, he is indirectly referred on the newspapers.
Five Nights at Freddy's 2[]
William first physically appears in several minigames that occasionally occur after the player gets killed by one of the animatronics, including "Foxy Go! Go! Go!", "Take Cake to the Children", and "SAVETHEM" where his many killing sprees are revealed.
His murders were revealed in both "Take Cake to the Children" and "Foxy Go! Go! Go!", where he killed the crying assigned child outside of the restaurant and five children respectively. In the "SAVETHEM" minigame, William sometimes appears in one room upon entering and will suddenly rush towards Withered Freddy (whom the player plays as) to end the minigame, resulting in a game crash along with a text reading "you can't". There is no way to avoid him upon seeing him.
Five Nights at Freddy's 3[]
William appears in the third game as a reanimated corpse permanently trapped within a heavily damaged Spring Bonnie suit (likely used in the murders), and became Springtrap.
Main Nights[]

Springtrap attacking from the left side of the Office, animated.

Springtrap attacking from the right side of the Office, animated.
Springtrap can enter every room and vent, and therefore, can be seen by every camera unless he is in the Office, the hallway, or outside the Office's doorway. He has two positions per camera, excluding the Vent Cams and CAM 01. There is no known fixed location where he starts, but he generally begins his path from CAM 07, CAM 08, and CAM 09.
Springtrap acts in a very human-like manner, usually going to more secluded areas of a camera's field of view to attempt to hide from the player. However, he will stare straight into CAM 01, CAM 09, and CAM 13. When around the Office, Springtrap will lurk around and even stare at the player through the window. On occasions when he is about to attack, he will peek in from behind the door, simply staring dead ahead at the player. He will also briefly appear from the right, only to slink away from the player's peripheral vision. Occasionally, Springtrap may run across the screen when the camera monitor is being used, meaning he will briefly be seen.
As mentioned in the Night 2 phone call, Springtrap is susceptible to audio distractions and will constantly follow the source of the noise the player creates, possibly due to him mistaking the noise for the sound of actual children. He will only follow the sound when it is played in a location close to where he is. He is also susceptible to the vents being sealed, as he commonly uses them as means of getting to the player. Springtrap may also be attracted to the sound of the Office's alarm blaring (when the light flashes red in the Office), and after the ventilation system is left with errors for too long, after which the player starts hallucinating and seeing multiple Springtraps in the cameras, and will soon be jumpscared by the actual Springtrap. Unlike the robotic movements of all of the previous animatronics, Springtrap moves in a fluid manner, slinking into the Office in an almost human-like fashion (hinting at the fact that he is a human who's stuck in a suit).
End-of-Night Minigames[]

One of the victim's ghost confronting William, who soon dons the Springtrap suit and laughs.

William's death by springlock failure, causing him to fall down and lie in his own blood as the spirits fade away.
Before the starting events of the third game, William appears in the end-of-night minigames within the abandoned Freddy Fazbear's Pizza where his fate of becoming Springtrap is revealed. In the first four end-of-night minigames, William will dismantle the four original animatronics when they attempt to go to the Safe Room, one by one on each night. Upon attempting to enter the room while following Shadow Freddy, the "ERR" message will be displayed. If the animatronic doesn't enter the room for a little while, William will dismantle them regardless.
On Night 5, however, five spirits appear and enter the Safe Room along with a panicked William. After one of the spirits taunts him, he seemingly hides in the Spring Bonnie suit. He is then crushed to death in the suit due to the malfunctioning springlocks. Years later, his soul bonds to the suit and is reborn as Springtrap.
Springtrap's AI values are as follows for each night. His AI level is shared with all phantom animatronics, and does not change throughout the night.
Night | AI |
1 | 0 (inactive) |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
4 | 4 |
5 | 5 |
6 | 7 |
Springtrap's movement is determined by a movement counter that increases by 1 every second (2 if "Aggressive" is enabled in the Extras menu), and is then checked against the following equation:
- is Springtrap's AI level.
- is Springtrap's aggressiveness value. This value is normally 0, but becomes 1 if one of the following conditions is met:
- The player has a ventilation error.
- The player has been inactive for 10 seconds or more.
- From 4 AM onward.
- is a random number between 0 and 14 that is generated when the equation is checked.
- is a counter that starts at 1 and increments under certain conditions.
If the the movement counter is greater than the result of the equation, Springtrap will move. A random action selected number between 1 and 4 is generated to determine how he will move:
- 1: Remains in place and increases by 1.
- 2: Retreats to the previous position.
- 3: Advances to the next position.
- 4: Moves into an adjacent vent. if Springtrap is not next to a vent, behaves the same as 1.
After a successful movement, Springtrap's movement counter is reset to 0, and his counter is reset to 1 (unless his action selected number incremented it instead).
Excluding vent movements, Springtrap will attempt to progress through cameras in order from CAM 10 down to CAM 01; as such, the "next position" would be the camera that is 1 lower than his current location, whereas the "previous position" is the camera whose number is 1 higher. For example, if Springtrap is visible on CAM 08, his "next position" is CAM 07 and "previous position" is CAM 09.
Using an audio lure on one of Springtrap's adjacent cameras will move him to that position immediately, but has a 1 in 7 chance to fail and do nothing instead.
Vents (connected to CAMs 10, 09, 07, 05, and 02) allow Springtrap to bypass the usual sequence of cameras and threaten the player directly. The vents connected to CAM 10 and CAM 02 lead to the office; If he successfully moves through these vents and is not blocked by sealing the vent, he will enter the office and jumpscare the player. The other three vents, if he successfully navigates them, will put him in front of the office and allow him to enter his attack stage.
Once Springtrap has reached the window in front of the office (the hallway between CAM 02 and CAM 01), he enters his attack stage. He will no longer move backwards, and his action selected number on a successful movement instead determines how he will advance his attack, which will occur when the player is not looking at him. He can be driven away by playing the Audio Lure on CAM 02, returning him to his normal movement.
- If the action selected number is 2, Springtrap will move to CAM 01. His next successful movement will put him at the office door.
- If the action selected number is 3 or 4, he will be at the office door directly.
When Springtrap is at the office door, he will jumpscare the player the next time they look at the Maintenance Panel and put it down, black out from a ventilation error, or look toward the right side of the office and back. If the player is looking in the camera while Springtrap is at the office door, he will run to the right side of the office and then jumpscare the player.[1]
Five Nights at Freddy's 4[]

William's cameo in the fourth game.
While William Afton himself does not appear as an antagonist in Five Nights at Freddy's 4, he does makes a cameo in Fredbear's Family Diner at the end of Night 3, where, if the player goes back to the Dining Room when the man in the Fredbear suit is first seen, William appears to be helping one of his employees into a Spring Bonnie suit.
Plushtrap, an enemy in the fourth game, has a similar name and design to Springtrap, but both were actually never related, as he is a nightmarish version of a Spring Bonnie plush instead of the actual Spring Bonnie or Springtrap.
Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location[]
While William does not appear anywhere in Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location, his presence is very strong. His voice can be heard during the opening intro, where he describes Circus Baby's design and purpose. At the end of the game, his son, Michael (the main protagonist of the game), speaks to him. He informs him that he found something William was looking for, and that "they" (likely the animatronics of Sister Location) had mistaken Michael for being William.
His Springtrap form also returns, but only appears briefly at the end cutscene that takes place in the burnt Fazbear's Fright (after the events of the third game) when the player beats all of the Custom Night presets, meaning that he survived the burning of the attraction. After Michael Afton finishes speaking, Springtrap will appear from the right side of the screen before the cutscene abruptly ends.
Upon observing his appearance, Springtrap appears much the same as his original design from the third game, although he seems to be missing a few animatronic parts (such as the pelvis and hip which exposes his endoskeleton pelvis and complete lack of veins and arteries), and an extra few rips and tears, making his appearance fall into further disrepair a little bit. From his half-torn right ear, the red wire appears to be cut off. His back from the lowest part of his torso is chopped off. Blood "vessel-tubes" at the front of his neck are missing as well. His pupils, however, are not glowing white, unlike from the third game, though this could just be the angle and lighting. He is most likely damaged from the fire. The rest of Springtrap's features, however, are difficult to locate clearly due to being covered partly by darkness. This burned version of Springtrap was called Dark Springtrap by Funko POP!.
Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator[]
William Afton makes his return in Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator as his second, drastically different designed incarnation: Scraptrap. He is also one of the four salvageable animatronics.
Main Nights[]

William Afton attacking during salvaging, animated.

William Afton attacking during management, animated.
The player may choose to throw this animatronic away or try to salvage him for parts. Salvaging this animatronic will net the player a base profit of $1000.
Unlike previous games in the franchise, the animatronics of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator share the same behavior: all four are attracted to sound. During the management portion of the day, the player must do tasks such as ordering supplies, printing flyers, and doing maintenance. Each of these (as well as the computer itself and the fan) make noise that draws in the animatronics. However, they can be misled using an audio system (similar to that of Five Nights at Freddy's 3) to lure them around the vents, and the player can also reduce their presence by shutting down the computer and the fan. Should an animatronic be ready to attack in the vent, the Player can shine their flashlight into the vent to force them away.
During the Completion Ending, he burns with the rest of the animatronics. During the monologue, Henry Emily refers to him as an "old friend", hinting that they used to work together before William was revealed to be a murderer. Henry tells him that the darkest pit of hell has opened for him and to not keep the devil waiting; he then burns with rest of the animatronics.
Outside Appearances[]
While not directly appearing, footprints that are very similar to Springtrap's can be found behind the house in Midnight Motorist's secret minigame, presumably luring away the child of the abusive father in the game. It is unclear what happened to the boy, or when this even took place.
Seen when completing the Fruity Maze game, standing next to a girl named Susie from the right is William Afton wearing the Spring Bonnie suit that he eventually was trapped in and became Springtrap; he then seemingly murders Susie.
Each animatronic starts the night in a random room on the top row of the Terminal map. Every few seconds, each animatronic has a 1/3 chance to move to an adjacent room, or if in a room adjacent to the office, it may enter the vent on that side. The direction in which the animatronic moves is random, but they have a higher chance of moving toward the office; if an audio lure is playing in an adjacent room, however, it will have a 50% chance of moving toward the lure.
The time interval between movement opportunities depends on the night, with the values shown below:
Night | Movement Timer (seconds) |
1 / Monday | 8 |
2 / Tuesday | 5 |
3 / Wednesday | 4 |
4 / Thursday | 3 |
5 / Friday | 2.5 |
6 / Saturday | 2 |
From Night 3 onwards, the movement timer will be set to 2 seconds if the player has done nothing for 30 seconds, and 1 second if they have been idle for 45 seconds.
If an animatronic enters the vent, where they move on their next successful movement depends on if they can hear the player (which is periodically determined at random, based on how much sound the player is making) as well as use of the flashlight:
- If they hear the player, and the player is not shining the flashlight on them, they will enter the office. The animatronic will then jumpscare the player the next time they turn or after 5 seconds of Terminal use, ending the night.
- If they do not hear the player and the player does not shine the flashlight on them, they will back out of the vent and retreat one room upward.
- If they hear the player and the player shines the flashlight down the correct vent, the animatronic will retreat to the bottom corner room on the same side.
- If they do not hear the player and the player shines the flashlight on them, they will retreat to the top corner room on the same side. This also works if they are in the adjacent room to the office, before entering the vent.
When Scraptrap enters the top middle room after 20 seconds have passed in the night, he will instantly move to the room to the player's right. He can only do this once per night. This behavior is shared only with Scrap Baby. Additionally, when he enters one of the rooms adjacent to the player, he will play a voiceline (once per room).[2]
Ultimate Custom Night[]
William Afton returned in Ultimate Custom Night as individually both Springtrap and Scraptrap.

Springtrap attacking the player, animated.
Springtrap climbs around in the vent system, making his way toward the vent opening embedded in the wall in front of the player. They must track him by watching the vent monitor. He moves silently, so listening for him is not necessary. When he is poised to attack, his face will be visible from the vent. The player should then shut the vent door on him to send him away. If successful, he will return to the start of the air vent, and his behavior repeats.
The challenges in which Springtrap is present are as follows:
- Creepy Crawlies 1 (10)
- Creepy Crawlies 2 (20)
- Springtrapped (20)
- Old Friends (20)

William Afton attacking the player, animated.
Scraptrap will only attack once per night, and there will be no way of knowing in advance when this attack will happen, or if it will happen at all. He will always attack from the vent on the right wall, and when he does, there will be a violent clamoring sound in the vent and the lights will flicker. When this happens, the player will have only a fraction of a second to close the vent door or the run will end with Scraptrap screaming in their face.
The challenges in which Scraptrap is present are as follows:
- Pay Attention 1 (5)
- Pay Attention 2 (20)
- Creepy Crawlies 2 (1)
- Springtrapped (20)
- Chaos 1 (5)
- Chaos 2 (20)
Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted[]

Springtrap attacking the player, animated.

Virtualtrap attacking the player, animated.
FNAF 3 Mode[]
Springtrap (in-universe video game character based on real Springtrap) appears in the FNAF 3 section as the main antagonist. His mechanic is essentially the same as in Five Nights at Freddy's 3. He becomes active on Night 2, and will make his way from CAM 07, CAM 08, or CAM 09. The player can use the audio lure on the cameras to distract him. He can also make his way through the vents. If he is seen in the vent camera, the player must seal the vent to block his way.
Vent Repair[]
Springtrap also appears in the Blacklight version of Ennard's Vent Repair level (named Virtualtrap in the game's files), in one of the sections of the breaker room. In this case, the player must repair the vent as fast as they can before Springtrap reaches them, as once he does, he will jumpscare them, forcing them to start over.
Night Terrors[]
In addition to these, Springtrap appears in the Pizza Party level of Night Terrors, peeking into a room resembling the FNAF3 Office. If the player takes too long to leave the room, he will eventually enter, jumpscaring them.
Five Nights at Freddy's AR: Special Delivery[]

Springtrap attacking the player, animated.
Springtrap (mass produced replicas of real Springtrap suit) returns in Five Nights at Freddy's AR: Special Delivery as one of the animatronics Fazbear Entertainment sends out. However, while his personality traits are seemingly the same as in the other games, it has been confirmed that this isn't the actual William Afton (despite the fact that, as shown in the image at right, the mouth of the corpse inside the suit can clearly be seen during his jumpscare).
To defeat him, the player must listen for him and watch his movements, and, after he decloaks, give him a controlled shock. Springtrap's mechanics are different from the others. When haywiring, the results depend on his eye colors. If the eyes glow white, the player must stare at him until he disappears or until his eyes turn red.
It is also possible to obtain a Springtrap plush suit which can be placed on an endoskeleton and said endoskeleton can then be sent to salvage for parts or attack other players.
Available Skins[]
- At this point, Springtrap has four skins:
Name | Image | Description |
Toxic Springtrap | ![]() |
Introduced for the Wasteland Event since June 18, 2020. |
Flaming Springtrap | ![]() |
Introduced for the Sizzling Summer Event since August 13, 2020. |
Clown Springtrap | ![]() |
Introduced for the Dark Circus Event since September 17, 2020. |
The Curse | ![]() |
Introduced for the Ancient Equinox Event since March 5, 2021. |
Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach[]

Artwork for "Mad Science with Dr. Scraptrap" arcade machine
While William does not physically appear in the game, he (in his Scraptrap form) is shown on the artwork for the "Mad Science with Dr. Scraptrap" arcade machine.
Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted 2[]
Although not directly appearing, a seemingly sentient cutout of Springtrap appears in the Fazerblast: FNAF3 level, moving around the location by teleporting. The player must use every weapon available to them in order to defeat him. They must first throw balls at him, destroying his animatronic parts and revealing the black material and balloons beneath. They must then shoot the balloons with the dart gun. Once he is nothing more than a black material with eyes that has the shape of Springtrap, the player must shoot him in the eyes with the Fazerblaster. Springtrap will then teleport in front of the player and scream at them, they must shoot his eyes repeatedly until he falls over.
- ↑ Game Exploiters (October 9, 2023). How Springtrap AI & Other FNaF 3 Mechanics Work: Full Breakdown (Youtube).
- ↑ ItzTaken (July 10, 2023). How Pizzeria Simulator Works: Full Game Breakdown (Youtube).