Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki
Springtrap Corpse Head DEMO "I repeat, the classic suits are not to be touched, activated or worn."

This article refers an idea or a list of content that has been scrapped out for various reasons.
They can be presented in the decompiled files, concept designs, or other non-interactive media.

This is a list of unused and removed content related to Five Nights at Freddy's.

Decompiled Content[]

Stare Stage Screen[]


The infamous unused image of Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica staring directly at the Show Stage security camera. First seen in the game's trailer video, it was entirely impossible to see this image in-game, as it was only located in the files. The image was also not found in Clickteam Fusions' MFA engine; not even shown in any previous updates for the game.

Despite no solid evidence, some people claim to have actually seen it on very rare occasions, but this may be due to the Mandela effect.[1]



The screenshot of the lives mechanic as displayed ingame.

In the beta version, there was a life meter that would presumably limit the player's times of playing before they received the game over screen. However, this mechanic was not used in the final version of the game. Video footage of this feature can be found here. There was also the "Lives" text image, but strangely enough, it was not seen in the early gameplay footage. Both textures can be also located within the game files. From the MFA files, the stick figure was referred as tiny man.

Beta Monitor Map[]

The Monitor's early design shows different buttons for the camera. The camera icons were small circles with cones pointing in the direction they were facing. These cones may have indicated the camera's field of vision. They would turn green and become slightly larger when selected. Also some cameras were placed in slightly different locations.

The Backstage's camera was originally beside/behind the door, as indicated by the monitor pictures. The camera from the Kitchen was originally on the same wall as the door, pointing out directly into the center of the room.

Pre-Updated Newspapers[]

From the first release of the game's demo, the early version of the newspaper has a different phone number, a slightly different tilt, and a typo where "pizzeria" was misspelled as "pizzaria". First, the typo was fixed in the demo's update patch, and the phone number was changed for the full game's latest update patch to avoid future phone call issues.

Freddy's Mobile Screen[]


From the first release of the old mobile port, upon starting the game, the pre-menu screen will show the image of Freddy's game cover render. It was completely removed when Clickteam LLC released a remastered update patch for the game.

Mobile Hall Light Sound[]

There was a unique clicking sound for the older version of the mobile edition, used when activating the Hall Lights. When the remastered update patch was launched, however, the audio was changed just like what it was in the original PC version.

Demo Leftovers[]

Some leftovers from the demo exist in the full version's files.

Pre-Release Content[]

Early Endoskeleton[]


In the game's Steam Greenlight and the trailer, Freddy Fazbear and Bonnie's endoskeleton looks very different to the final build. Freddy's endoskeleton head from the game's Steam Greenlight icon, while appearing almost the same, has triangular, metal-looking teeth while both "glossy-black eyes" has metallic textures with the iris tinted in red rather than white. The endoskeleton also included rectangular nostrils, but these are entirely absent in the game's final cut.

Bonnie's endoskeleton head seen in the trailer looks almost the same.

Scrapped Animatronics[]

During production, when brainstorming for the fourth character, Scott first came up with a wolf animatronic. After rejecting this idea, he thought up about a beaver animatronic, but due to bearing too much reminiscent to Mr. Chipper from Chipper and Son's Lumber Co., the beaver animatronic ended up being replaced by Foxy.[2]

East Hall as Backstage[]

Screen Shot 2014-10-24 at 1.29.31 PM

Seen in the game's early gameplay footage, the East Hall area was originally called "Backstage", named after another location of the same name. This early name for the East Hall was apparently an error in Scott's part.

Missing Night Texts[]

From the game's Steam page, the night texts from the top right side of screenshots for Night 1-4 are not displayed.


  1. GBAura's post on this finding. This was later verified by Phisnom.
  2. An Interview with Scott Cawthon - The Creator of Five Nights at Freddy's (3:10)
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