Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki

This is a list of unlockable extras in Five Nights at Freddy's 4.

Extra Menu[]

The menu can only be unlocked if the player has completed Night 5. However, unlike in the third game, the player can view everything except the minigames without having to do certain tasks.


The first six nightmare animatronics are unlocked for a full view. Nightmare's full body view is unlocked by completing Nightmare mode.

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Making Foxy[]

Upon beating Night 5, a progressive gallery of the making of Nightmare Foxy is unlocked for viewing.

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Making Foxy

Making Fredbear[]

Upon beating Night 6, a progressive gallery of the making of Nightmare Fredbear is unlocked for viewing.

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Making Fredbear


The jumpscares menu functions the same way as in Five Nights at Freddy's 3. Upon beating Night 6, the jumpscares for all the animatronics are unlocked for viewing, save for Nightmare, Nightmarionne (from the Halloween Edition only), Nightmare Bonnie's and Jack-O Bonnie's bedroom jumpscares, and Nightmare Freddy's bedroom jumpscare.

The following information contains spoilers. To view them, click the [show] tag.


Only two minigames are available to play. The end-of-night minigames are not included.

  • Fun with Plushtrap - Upon beating Night 6, the minigame Fun with Plushtrap is unlocked to be played freely.
  • Fun with Balloon Boy - This minigame is unlocked after beating Night 8.


Nightmare mode can be unlocked by completing Night 6.

For more information, see the Nightmare mode page.


Night 8 Load Up Screen

The loading screen for Night 8 (20/20/20/20).

The infamous 20/20/20/20 mode returns, also known as Night 8. To access this end-all difficulty, the player must first have beaten Nightmare mode. Then, in the Extra menu, they must type "20202020" (without quotation marks). The option for Nightmare will change to say 20/20/20/20.

This mode functions the exact same as Nightmare mode, just with a more aggressive AI. Thus, similar strategies may be applied. Completion of this mode rewards the player with a fourth star on the main menu screen and unlocks the Challenges and Fun with Balloon Boy menus in the Extras. In 1.1, once the mode is completed, the player can no longer play this night again. Previous versions nullify this statement.



The House Map layout.

Fnaf4 cheats

After completing Nightmare, the Cheats menu is unlocked. It was added in the Halloween update. There are three different cheats that can be activated:

  • House Map - Grants a map of the house in the top-right corner of the screen with indicators for each animatronic. (Although, Nightmare Freddy is not seen anywhere in the map. This is most likely because Nightmare Freddy only appears when performing either of his jumpscares.)
    • Teal - Nightmare Bonnie / Jack-O-Bonnie
    • Yellow - Nightmare Chica / Jack-O-Chica
    • Red - Nightmare Foxy / Nightmare Mangle
    • Orange - Nightmare Fredbear / Nightmare / Nightmarionne
  • Fast Nights - Speeds up each night for faster completion (it will take 30 seconds for an hour to pass, so each night with this cheat enabled will take 3 minutes to complete).
  • Danger Indicator - Flashes a warning icon if an animatronic is at a door when standing at it.


Fnaf4 challenges

All Stars unlocked and displayed on the Main Menu

This feature has arrived with the Halloween update and is unlocked upon beating Night 8.

  • Blind Mode - The screen is completely black and there is no time indicator to show what the time is at until the player is either jumpscared or completes the night. While active, this will also hide the House Map cheat, even if it is active, but the Fast Nights and Danger Indicator (at least, on mobile) cheats will still work.
  • Mad Freddy - Freddy's 4-second interval for adding AI is replaced with a 2-second interval adding 5 AI to his attack counter, effectively 10 AI.
  • Insta-Foxy - Nightmare Foxy/Nightmare Mangle is already in the closet at the start of the night.
  • All Nightmare - Every night will have Nightmare/Nightmarionne appear for the whole night.

Four stars can be obtained if Nightmare is completed with any of the four challenges active. A fifth star can be obtained if Nightmare is beaten with the challenges "Mad Freddy", "Insta-Foxy" and "Blind Mode" active. A sixth star can be obtained if Nightmare is beaten with the challenges "All Nightmare" and "Blind Mode" are active.

Five Nights at Freddy's 4 Media
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Five Nights at Freddy's 4 (Halloween Edition UpdateMobileDemo)AchievementsEaster EggsUnlockable ExtrasCinematicsJumpscaresSoundtrackUnused and Removed Content
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