Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki
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Were you looking for Totemole's stronger counterpart, Tombstack?
Or were you looking for Totem Panic, a boss from Freddy in Space 2?

Totemole is an enemy encountered in FNaF World. It is encountered in Choppy's Woods.

Physical Appearance

Totemole is a rat-like mole resembling a totem, split into three slices, with what appears to be carved features. It has a rat-like tail, rounded ears, and a snout with two buck teeth. Its eyes are black and displayed in a bored expression.


Action Button Description Technical Description
Basic Attack Deals damage to a single party member. Damage = 16~20 (Normal Mode)/32~36 (Hard Mode)



Game Title Role Description
FNaF World Common Enemy First appearance; They attack you in Choppy's Woods.


  • Totemole has a stronger variant called Tombstack.
  • The name Totemole is a portmanteau of the words "totem pole" and "mole".
FNaF World Enemies
Standalone Enemies
BallboyBeartrapBlacktrapBouncepotBoxbyteChillaxChop 'N RollColossalCrabappleDogfightFlanGearratGoldmineGraveweedJangleMechrabMeringueMetalmanNeonP. GoonPrototypeQuarryRedbearRotSeaweedTangleTombstackTotemoleWhite Rabbit%_^^&(_!2222>>>>>>
(Halloween Edition: AnchovyBall BoyBrow BoyBig JackCheeseheadHalf-BakeMad Endo (HE)MadjackMini-PMudpiePrototype (HE)Quad EndoRedbear (HE)Security (HE)Tangle (HE)Xangle)
Auto ChipperBouncerBrowboyBubbaChica's Magic RainbowChipper's RevengeEyesoreGold EndoMad EndoOverclockPorkpatchPurpleGeistScott CawthonScott's HeadSeagoonSecuritySnowconeSouldozerSupergoon
(Halloween Edition: Party Hat AParty Hat BPurplegeist)