"You have a lot of work to do while patrons eat their pizza in the other room."
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- Not what you were looking for? See Minor Characters (disambiguation)
This page lists descriptions of Minor Characters that appear in The Real Jake.
List of Minor Characters[]
Dr. Bederman[]
Dr. Bederman is the doctor who is treating Jake's tumor. He helps explain to Jake what exactly is happening to him, such as why he sees double. While Dr. Bederman is hopeful, he tells Margie that Jake can only have two more round of chemo since they've already gone beyond the usual number of treatments for this protocol. Later, Jake has an appointment with Dr. Bederman and nearly tells "Simon" about what happened. Later, Dr. Bederman announces to Margie that the oncology team is stopping their treatment. He tells Margie that they don't have anything else, and if it gets to much for her they can move him to hospice. While Margie at first denies it, Dr. Bederman fills out the paperwork, making the process easier when she finally decides it's time.
Ellie and Evie[]
- Not what you were looking for? See Eve (disambiguation).
Ellie and Evie are twins that live across the street from Jake's home. Jake tells Simon he played with them in the sprinklers when asked what the real Jake did.[1]
Kyle Clay[]
Kyle Clay is one of Jake's friends. Jake tells Simon that he played with him in the sprinklers.[1] Then, Jake says they played softball and when Jake tried for home on the next fly ball it doesn't go far enough and Clay catches it.
Garrett is a kid that lives on the street behind Jake's house. Jake tells Simon that he played with him in the sprinklers.[1]
Brandon is Jake's best friend from school. He has a long face with blond hair that sticks straight up. They used to hang out all the time together before Jake got sick. One day, Brandon shows up at Jake's window and convinces Jake to sneak out of the house so they can go to the arcade. He tells Jake that if he's too tired to stand they can just play the racing games, and he even brought his brother's wagon to help Jake get around. Brandon jokingly tells Jake that his body is melting to encourage him to hurry up, and while waiting he uses a stick as a sword to fight against an imaginary enemy. He helps Jake get fully out of the window, and upon seeing his face he realizes just how bad of a condition Jake is in. Brandon tries helping Jake get over to the skinny tree in their front yard, but Jake gets too weak and vomits. Brandon steps back as a furious Marge and Gillian Henderson run out of the house, and while Margie snaps at Brandon at first she calmly tells him Jake isn't well and he needs to go. Brandon apologies and quickly returns home with the wagon.
- Not what you were looking for? See Nancy (disambiguation).
Nancy is the hospice nurse responsible for moving Jake to hospice care. She is short and middle-aged with a kind, round face and dark hair. When the ambulance arrives, Nancy approaches Margie and Gillian with a clipboard and a medicine bag. Margie can tell by her smile that he's experienced in her profession, being friendly yet reserved enough for the situation at hand. Nancy has Margie sign the paper on the clipboard for admission and to acknowledge that they'll be providing palliative care only. Once done, she and the EMTs head for Jake's room, but Margie freezes in the doorway. When she's moved out of the way, Nancy checks Jake's pulse and confirms he's passed on.
Unnamed EMTs[]
Two unnamed EMTs arrive at Jake's house to take him into hospice care. They are young and blond. They lift a stretcher out of the ambulance while Nancy approaches Gillian and Margie. When Nancy confirms Jake has passed, the two stop wheeling the stretcher and look to the floor.