Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki
Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki
Helpy-Troll-Game "You have a lot of work to do while patrons eat their pizza in the other room."

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The Puppet is a animatronic seen in the prize corner. He is the original canon version's alternate counterpart from the universe of Five Nights at Candy's and POPGOES.

Physical Appearance[]

The Puppet looks like the original canon version of the character.


The Puppet is a prize vendor of the new and improved Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. One day, Mary Schmidt was in the pizzeria. Upon seeing The Puppet, bad memories started to come back due to her trauma. She saw him turn into Vinnie, who she kept seeing while working at Candy's Burgers & Fries.


Five Nights at Candy's[]

The Puppet can be briefly seen in the Atari minigames of Five Nights at Candy's 3 Unlocked by completing Candy's Adventure.



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Five Nights at Candy's Bots
Candy's Animatronics
Candy the Cat (Old CandyNew Candy)Cindy the Cat (New Cindy)Chester the ChimpanzeeThe PenguinBlank
Wirelock Hybrids
Forgotten Animatronics
Forgotten CandyMini Candies
Monster Animatronics
Monster RatMonster CatMonster VinnieOrigami CatShadow RatShadow Cat
Unclassified Animatronics
VinnieShadow CandyLollipopScrapped Animatronics
Popgoes Animatronics
Popgoes the WeaselBlake the BadgerSara the SquirrelSaffron the SquirrelStone the Crow
Toy Animatronics
Toy FreddyToy BonnieToy ChicaMangleBalloon Boy
Withered Animatronics
Withered FreddyWithered BonnieWithered Chica
False Animatronics
False Balloon BoyFalse BonnieFalse ChicaFalse FreddyFalse Mangle
Unclassified Bots