Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki
Not what you were looking for? Try FNaF World: Enemies or Mangle (disambiguation).
Were you looking for the main series character from Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach, Tangle?
Or were you looking for Tangle's FNaF World: Halloween Edition counterpart, Tangle (HE)?
Or were you looking for the character they're a recolor of, Mangle (FW)?
Or were you looking for the enemy Jangle or Xangle?

Tangle is one of the several enemies encountered in FNaF World. It is encountered in Pinwheel Funhouse. They're also a recolor of Mangle.

Physical Appearance

Tangle appearance is almost identical to Mangle's, except it sports a brilliant green where Mangle is pink, and its lips, cheeks, and bow are purple like Lolbit’s. The endoskeleton head has an orange eye, and Tangle's eyes are black with phantom-styled irises. It also has one foot with the cover on it and one hand with the cover on it similar to Mangle's one foot and one hand covering.


Action Button Description Technical Description
Basic Attack Deals damage to a single party member. Damage = 108~112 (Normal Mode)/216~220 (Hard Mode)
Has the chance to instantly kill more than one party member.. Success Chance = 50% chance to inflicting 5000 damage on party members, for party member


FNaF World

Ultimate Custom Night


Game Title Role Description
FNaF World Common Enemy First appearance; They attack you in Pinwheel Funhouse.
Ultimate Custom Night Cameo Easter egg.


  • Tangle's name is an alteration of Mangle's name replacing the "M" with a "T".
    • Both words also have very similar meanings.
      • The word "tangle" means to twist together into a confused mess, which is what Mangle looks like.
  • Tangle is one of the three enemies that share recolored playable characters' appearances, the others being Redbear and White Rabbit.
  • Tangle is the only Pinwheel Funhouse enemy to not have Jumpscare. However, this enemy has Esc Key.
  • Tangle is one of three characters that have a rare chance to appear on the desk of The Office in Ultimate Custom Night; other two characters are White Rabbit and Bouncepot.
    • Tangle's idle animation is reused from FNaF World.
FNaF World Enemies
Standalone Enemies
BallboyBeartrapBlacktrapBouncepotBoxbyteChillaxChop 'N RollColossalCrabappleDogfightFlanGearratGoldmineGraveweedJangleMechrabMeringueMetalmanNeonP. GoonPrototypeQuarryRedbearRotSeaweedTangleTombstackTotemoleWhite Rabbit%_^^&(_!2222>>>>>>
(Halloween Edition: AnchovyBall BoyBrow BoyBig JackCheeseheadHalf-BakeMad Endo (HE)MadjackMini-PMudpiePrototype (HE)Quad EndoRedbear (HE)Security (HE)Tangle (HE)Xangle)
Auto ChipperBouncerBrowboyBubbaChica's Magic RainbowChipper's RevengeEyesoreGold EndoMad EndoOverclockPorkpatchPurpleGeistScott CawthonScott's HeadSeagoonSecuritySnowconeSouldozerSupergoon
(Halloween Edition: Party Hat AParty Hat BPurplegeist)
