- Not what you were looking for? See Minor Characters (disambiguation)
This page lists descriptions of Minor Characters that appear in the Stitchwraith Stingers.
List of Minor Characters[]
Angela is Larson's ex-wife. She accused Larson of being a bad father because he spent most of his time on his job than with his son. The family divorced before the events of the epilogues begin, leaving Larson all alone at the start of the story. She returns later on in the epilogues, having heard of Larson being injured. She seemingly still cares for Larson despite being divorced, and even lets Ryan come visit him.
Ryan is Larson's son. He is seven years old. He shares his father's blue eyes, blond hair, and freckles. He sometimes expresses his anger at his father not being there for him. They do reconcile to some degree later on. Angela allows Ryan to visit Larson as he recovers, and they finally spend more time together. They have dinner together, play board games and watch movies as Larson heals from his wounds. He also likes to play baseball, and Larson visits one of his games to cheer him on.
Chief Monahan[]
Chief Monahan is the chief of Larson's detective department. He is a compact, prematurely gray-haired man with a square jaw. Despite his physical appearance, Chief Monahan can be very intimidating. He assigns Larson the case of the Stitchwraith. He shows care for Larson, even letting take time off to recover from being injured.
Detective Powell[]
Detective Powell is one of Larson's coworkers. He appears consistently in the police department. He enjoys sandwiches and even eats them at work, much to Roberts' dismay. His desk is noted to have a disgusting smell, presumably from all the sandwiches he eats.
Detective Roberts[]
Detective Roberts is Larson's partner. He has close-set gray eyes and a perfectly groomed goatee. Roberts like to wear tweed jackets with leather elbow patches. He appears consistently in the police department. While he and Larson are partners, Roberts is kept in the dark about Larson's investigation with the Stitchwraith and Fazbear Entertainment.
Don & Frank[]
- Not what you were looking for? See Don (disambiguation) or Frank (disambiguation).
Don and Frank are construction workers and friends of Phineas Taggart. Both have darkly tanned faces and forearms, as well as broad thick shoulders. They enjoy listening to Phineas explain his science while they have lunch breaks together.
Ruben owns a food truck. He has a black ponytail. Phineas loves Ruben's food, and for two years, he has ordered from his truck. When he mentions his shy daughter to Phineas, he suggests giving her a flower essence to make her more brave. Ruben dismisses his theory. When Phineas missed breakfast and lunch at his truck, he is worried. He finds Phineas's dead body in his laboratory and calls the police.
Flynn is a truck driver who delivers the "haunted" items to Phineas. He's a burly bald man with warm brown eyes and pink skin. Flynn wears a black T-shirt which his muscles ripple under. After the Stitchwraith is created, it hides in Flynn's truck. It is implied that he is the man the Stitchwraith ends up electrocuting to death on accident in the next epilogue.
Anita Starling[]
Anita Starling is a nurse that takes care of Larson after his surgery from his mysterious infection. She is petite and cute with a rosy-face, dark hair, and green eyes. She wears a pink nurse's uniform.
Unnamed Homeless Girl[]
Sometime after Jake's encounter with Eleanor and William Afton, he comes across a tall, skinny teenage girl. She has long, reddish-brown hair that is thick and wavy and deep blue eyes with dark circles under them. Despite her nice features the girl is incredibly pale and thin, her hair is dirty and tangled, and her lips are dry and cracked. The girl wears a thin, gray T-shirt and ripped jeans.
This girl ended up in serious trouble with the drug dealers. She consistently paid them money in exchange for drugs. When she ran out of money, the drug dealers went after her. The girl ended up being attacked by the evil animatronic Eleanor, who locked her up in a box and stole her appearance. Jake is eventually able to find her and take her to the hospital.
Unnamed Drug Dealers[]
Jake is confronted by two drug dealers. While both men were tall with broad shoulders and dark eyes, one of the men was shorter while the other had a face covered in old scars. Jake nicknames the injured one Scar-face. Both men are very violent, kicking both the girl and Jake. When Jake fights back, the two are immediately scared. One man is thrown out the window, while Scar-face's forehead is burnt. When the two are registered into the hospital, the doctors notice that Scar-face has the words "just say no" burned into his forehead.
Unnamed Doctor[]
An unnamed doctor takes care of the two drug dealers after they are sent to the hospital. She notices the words "Just say no" burned into one of their foreheads.
Chancey is a new detective hired to fill in for Larson when he was in the hospital. He is an angular man with a jutting jaw and bony shoulders, dirty-blond hair that hangs over his eyes, and a cowboy aesthetic. For some reason, Chancey remains a part of the team. He helps Larson with his investigation of the ball pit and Jeff's Pizza.
- Not what you were looking for? See Tabitha (disambiguation).
Tabitha, aka Tabby, is one of the workers at the police department's laboratory, who analyzes the blood samples Larson finds in the ball pit. She restates to Larson that the thirty blood samples were from the same person but from different time periods.
Mrs. Talbert[]
Mrs. Talbert was the wife of Dr. Talbert and mother of Renelle Talbert. She passed away two years prior to the events of the epilogues.