Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki

Take care of things behind the scenes in the Staff Only section of the Pizzeria.
Steam Sypnosis, Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted 2

Staff Only is the third selectable game mode in Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted 2. It consists of 5 normal levels and 5 hard mode levels.


Each minigames involve the player doing tasks only available to Staff members.

Regular Levels[]

Cold Storage[]


Birthday time! Glam Freddy requires assistance delivering a very special ice cream cake.
Menu Synopsis, Help Wanted 2

The mini-game is set in a freezer like room with Glamrock Freddy and a desk full of tools. The bear has a misplaced cake stuck inside his stomach hatch, and it must be removed.

  1. Set the temperature gun to heating mode and melt the ice on Glamrock Freddy's arms.
  2. Grab the square stamp and insert it in the slot on Glamrock Freddy's right arm. Place the circular plug inside it.
  3. Grab the circle stamp and insert it in the slot on Glamrock Freddy's left arm. Melt the ice on the battery inside and replace it with a new one.
  4. Press the diagnostic machine's red button. As it loads, the battery will overheat. Set the temperature gun to cooling mode and frost the battery until the diagnostic machine states it's no longer overheating. Press the red button again when the diagnostic machine is finished loading.
  5. Remove both of Glamrock Freddy's eyes.
  6. Press the button on Glamrock Freddy's nose for his face to hinge and reveal his endoskeleton head.
  7. Glamrock Freddy will start to overheat as his endo mouth starts chomping. A red button will glow from his throat pipe. Use the temperature gun to defrost Glamrock Freddy's throat pipe and when the time is right, press the button.
  8. Remove Glamrock Freddy's outer chestplate and press the red button on his endoskeleton.
  9. The joints of the stomach hatch will start heating up. Use the temperature gun to defrost them.
  10. Once defrosted, the stomach hatch will open and the cake can be safely removed.
  11. Glamrock Freddy will receive a cake removal alert. There will be another cake to the player's right. Grab it and put inside his stomach hatch.

First Aid: Pig Patch[]


Learn common medical procedures from the safety of a simulated Pizza Place training booth.
Menu Synopsis, Help Wanted 2

The mini-game is set in the Office from Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator. Helpy will appear on the spinning table with a random injury/disease. The player needs to scan him with a scanner gun and do what the monitor above him says. The player also needs to be gentle as, if harmed in anyway, he will begin screaming. However, this will only endanger the player in the third round.

Pigpatch will be attracted by the noise and incite him to kill the player. He can come from the left or right vent, as well as the curtain in front of the spinning table. If this happens, the player needs to use a gas mask on Helpy and look at Pigpatch to get him to leave. After each round, the player can give Helpy some legally binding candy. The game ends after three rounds. The roster of medical supplies for various procedures are as follows:

  • Hammer - Used to perform tracheostomy and test Helpy's left reflexes.
  • Temperature Gun - Used to cool off bumps on Helpy's head.
  • Pen - Can be lodged into Helpy's neck and hammered in to perform tracheostomy.
  • Thermometer - Can be used if Helpy has a fever.
  • Medicine - Both Rockstar Freddy's Chill Cooling Chewables for Children (blue bottle) and Mostly Magical Malaria Morsels (yellow bottle) can be used on Helpy after putting in the thermometer.
  • Helpy's Discount Disinfectant (blue bottle) - Used to spray off grime on Helpy's legs and eyes.
  • Steel Wool - Used to wipe off grime on Helpy's hands.
  • Rockstar Heavy Duty Adhesive Bandages - Used to bandage leg grime.
  • Leg Cast - Used to patch a broken leg.

First Aid: Lefty[]


Continue your medical training without the pressure of human consequences.
Menu Synopsis, Help Wanted 2

This mini-game plays out identical to the first one. However, a new mechanic is introduced: ads. Every now and then, an ad will pop up on the monitor, blocking your instructions and playing loud music. This will attract Lefty to the player even if Helpy isn't screaming. To prevent this, you must use the remote to skip the ad.

All previous medical tasks are possible, along with new ones. New medical supplies include:

  • Metal Wristband - used so staples not cross into unwanted parts of Helpy when patching a wound.
  • Stapler - Used to staple said wound together.
  • Arm Cast - Used to patch a broken arm.
  • Syringe - Must be filled with Lefty's Rabid Animal Bite Solution to cure rabies.

Fizzy Faz Night 1[]


Lucky you! A position recently opened at the Fizzy Faz bottling warehouse.
Menu Synopsis, Help Wanted 2

The first night is the simplest and acts as a tutorial. When you start the level for the first time a S.T.A.F.F. Bot will come in and ask you to sign a wavier which truly begins the night.

On your left there are five drink dispensers, in order from left to right they are Protein (Orange Chicken Leg), Acid (Yellow Lemon Wedge), Caffeine (Red Coffee Cup), Sugar (Pink Candy), and Salt (White Salt Shaker). Salt and Protein aren't available this night and all orders have a max of 3 components. To the right is a tube where the Fizzy Faz will be sent, with the order for it being on a screen above. There are two buttons below the screen, the left one has a smiley face and the right one has a trash can. The left button sends the order while the right button discards it, there are also three small lights above it that go out if you fail to make an order in time or make it incorrectly.

On your desk are the buttons for the Camera system as well as the corresponding monitor, however you won't need to use these for this night. To complete it simply make the orders enough times to finish the night, failing three times to produce an order correctly or in time will result in a Worker S.T.A.F.F. Bot jumpscare.

Fizzy Faz Night 2[]


Fizzy Faz Fun! Meet production quotas and protect the bottom line.
Menu Synopsis, Help Wanted 2

The second night makes several changes to gameplay when compared to the first. First is the orders now require four ingredients instead of three and the Protein ingredient becomes available.

More importantly you now need to look at the Camera system, there are eight buttons on a 2x4 grid which have several different icons on them. Five of the buttons have the icons of the ingredients on them, one has a Trash Can which you won't need this night, and the remaining two have a fast forward and a pause button. Over time the S.T.A.F.F. Bots will turn into their Nightmarionne counterparts which, if ignored, will arrive at your window and try to move into your office. The Camera buttons will begin to glow yellow if a S.T.A.F.F Bot has transformed, and you will have to press the pause button to stop production of their associated ingredients in order to reset them.

If the Nightmarionne S.T.A.F.F. Bots do arrive at your window, then you will have to hit the red lockdown button in front of the monitor. This will stop production of all ingredients and reset all S.T.A.F.F. Bots, however it only has three uses which means that you can't solely rely on it.

Hard Mode Levels[]

First Aid: Scrap Baby[]


Who needs a medical degree when you can fix a skinned knee?
Menu Synopsis, Help Wanted 2

This mini-game is the final First Aid level and, as a result, the hardest. Scrap Baby crawls the fastest and ads show up more frequently. Aesthetically, there is now more red lighting. Alongside all the previous tasks, new tasks involve performing surgeries on Helpy, which causes him to scream more often. Surgeries include:

  • Using a hacksaw to sever Helpy's leg stub and replacing it with a peg leg.
  • Pulling out and replacing one of Helpy's eyes.
  • Using a defibrillator to get his heart working.
  • Sawing open his head and replacing the broken CPU inside his brain.
  • Hammering open his stomach to replace one of his lungs.

Fizzy Faz Night 3[]


Your work is fulfilling and you are happy every day.
Menu Synopsis, Help Wanted 2

The third night is similar to the second, except you can now use the Double Time button (which looks like "»"). This button has a fast forward icon on it and makes the bots increase production, however these bots will be needing breaks faster than the other bots. There will also be a S.T.A.F.F. Bot that will occasionally run by and have an additional order for you to complete, with failing resulting in losing one of your tries.

Fizzy Faz Night 4[]


Happy workiversary! Retirement is just around the corner.
Menu Synopsis, Help Wanted 2

The fourth night build off of third except with three new mechanics, Salt being added to your ingredients, Expired Ingredients, and Glamrock Chica. If one of your ingredients maxes out and gets filled past its bar, the entire batch will spoil and you will have to discard it by pressing the small Trash Can button next to the ingredient icon.

Glamrock Chica will start out on in the Trash area, which you can view via the Trash Can button on your desk, but will eventually wake up and begin to wonder around the facility. When you discard an entire batch of ingredients then she might make her way toward your office and try to end your night. She will also stop production of ingredients if she walks onto one of the associated cameras, however the Camera buttons will begin to glow yellow if she is on them.

To prevent either of these from happening, simply put any random ingredients into your cup, put it in the tube, and then hit the discard button which will lead her back to the Trash area. If Glamrock Chica does make it to your window then you will have to hit the red lockdown button to make her leave.

Fizzy Faz Night 5[]


Clock in. Clock out. Clock in. Clock out.
Menu Synopsis, Help Wanted 2

The fifth night is the hardest, as the bots will need breaks more often and Glamrock Chica will be more active. The occasional order from the S.T.A.F.F. Bots in front of your window will now make their orders mandatory, as they are now in their Nightmarrionne forms. Failure to complete their order will result in a jumpscare.

Endo Warehouse[]


Teaching time! Prepare Endos for life in the Pizza Plex.
Menu Synopsis, Help Wanted 2

Dread Unit greets the player and explains the rules. Behavior cards will be color coded, and the player must match cards with the same color together for the correct data to be processed. If three wrong matches are made in a given round, the learning endo will jumpscare the player and end the game. The game has five rounds, starting at a normal level with 4 cards then a 4th grade level with 8 cards. Junior high, high school and community college levels will all have 12 cards.

While this is happening, multiple other endos will slowly move towards the player, and must be flashed away with the Faz Camera to avoid a jumpscare. Two hints are also available by pressing the hint button on the top left corner of the screen, which briefly reveal the cards and their placement. The player will have two hints at the start of every round, even if they used both of them in the previous one.



Two Faz-Tokens can be found throughout the minigames.

  • A coin can be found under the Cake in Cold Storage.
  • A single Faz-Token can be found in the drawer with the saw in any First Aid level.

Puzzle Pieces[]

Three puzzle pieces can be found throughout the minigames.

  • A puzzle piece can be found by the spray bottles in First Aid: Lefty.
  • A puzzle piece can be found under the Sodaroni can in Fizzy Faz Night 4.
  • A puzzle piece can be found to the player's left strapped to the table in Endo Warehouse.


Golden Freddy's memory plushy can be found in Fizzy Faz Night 3 by making a Graveyard drink (all four available ingredients as well as Sodaroni from the nearby can) and sending it out while on lockdown.


The following prizes are given whenever the level is beaten for the first time.

  • Cold Storage - Glamrock Freddy gallery model
  • First Aid: Pigpatch - Pigpatch gallery model
  • First Aid: Lefty - Lefty gallery model
  • First Aid: Scrap Baby - Scrap Baby gallery model
  • Fizzy Faz Night 1 - Discount Ball Pit
  • Fizzy Faz Night 2 - Gumball Swivelhands
  • Fizzy Faz Night 3 - Lemonade Clown
  • Fizzy Faz Night 4 - Fruit Punch Clown
  • Fizzy Faz Night 5 - S.T.A.F.F Bot Head
  • Endo Warehouse - Glamrock Endo gallery model


Cold Storage[]

First Aid[]

Fizzy Faz[]

Instruction Cards[]

Endo Warehouse[]


  • Pigpatch has a slight pig squealing sound in his jumpscare.
  • Various characters are shown to have their own products in the First Aid levels.
    • Rockstar Freddy's Chill Cooling Chewables for Children
    • Helpy's Discount Disinfectant
    • Bucket Bob's Itty Bitty Butter Bites
    • Happy Frog's Pest-Detterent Pellets
    • Orville's Underwhelming Scented Oil
    • Mr. Hippo's Writing Ink
    • Pigpatch's Liquid Peppermint
    • Lefty's Rabid Animal Bite Solution
    • Marty's Tank Cleaner
  • A Toy Chica plushie appears in all of the First Aid levels. In Pigpatch's level, she is sitting right side up on a medical tray in the bottom left corner of the room. In Lefty's level, she is laying down on the tray. In Scrap Baby's level, she has been decapitated, with her head nearby Helpy.
  • In Lefty's First Aid level, Carnival Nurse mentions that the liability risk has increased alongside entertainment value, calling back to how Lefty has both Liability Risk and Entertainment Value of 9 when he's purchased.
  • The Endos are stated to be take in data to copy personalities or develop new ones for "TBD Pizzaplex stars", similar to the program used for The Mimic.
Core Five Nights at Freddy's Series Levels
Five Nights at Freddy's
Night 1Night 2Night 3Night 4Night 5Night 6Custom Night
Five Nights at Freddy's 2
Night 1Night 2Night 3Night 4Night 5Night 6Custom Night
Five Nights at Freddy's 3
Night 1Night 2Night 3Night 4Night 5Nightmare
Five Nights at Freddy's 4
Night 1Night 2Night 3Night 4Night 5Night 6Nightmare20/20/20/20
Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location
Night 1Night 2Night 3Night 4Night 5Custom Night
Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator
Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted
FNAF 1FNAF 2FNAF 3Dark RoomsParts and ServiceVent RepairNight Terrors

(Curse of Dreadbear: Afraid of the DarkSpooky MansionDanger! Keep Out!

Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach

(Ruin: Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9)

Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted 2
BackstageFazcadeStaff OnlyFood PrepTicket BoothSister Location