Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki

This is a soundtrack list for Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location. They are composed by Leon Riskin.

Main Tracks[]

Gradual Liquidation[]

The main theme for the title menu and also used for the closing credits.

Crumbling Dreams[]

Ballora's main theme. This plays when Ballora becomes active on Night 2 at her gallery.

Watch Your 6[]

The music is used when taking the night-shift at the Private Room on Night 5 while confronting Ennard.


A deep yet quiet drone-like music that was used as the Custom Night menu's theme.

Venta Black[]

A music variant for the Custom Night mode.

The Forbidden Nocturne[]

A music variant for the Custom Night mode.

Drag Me to the Crusher[]

A music variant for the Custom Night mode.


The main music for Michael Afton's end-of-night minigame cutscenes.

Demolition Inevitable[]

Used for the final ending, which was accessed after completing all of the Custom Night modes on Very Hard difficulty.

Dramatic Soap Opera[]

The main theme for "The Immortal and the Restless" soap opera show. It also plays during the real ending.

Shift Complete![]

A 1980s-styled pop synth jingle heard when completing the night shift.

Turtle Crusher[]

The main music for Circus Baby's Minigame. The slower version plays when Elizabeth Afton steadily approaches the ice cream before her death.

Normal Version
Slow Version

Ambient Tracks[]

Ambience sounds[]

Various ambient sounds played over the regular ambience.

Dark Ambience[]

The ambient heard while in the Primary Control Module location.

Control Module[]

The ambient heard in the Circus Control.

Strange Voice[]

Some creepy, inaudible voices heard during the Real Ending.

Unnamed Elevator Music[]

The Elevator's theme and was heard during the start of each night.

Stock Tracks[]

Casual Bongos[]

The sounds of bongos when HandUnit auto-chooses "Casual Bongos".

Sister Location: MA[]


The "Paleo" track by Radoslaw Kochman is used as a title theme for Sister Location: MA.

Little Fish In A Big Pond[]

The track that plays during Sister Location: MA gameplay, composed by Jonathan Geer.

Other Tracks[]

The Raid[]

A completely original music was used for throughout the entire Sister Location trailer.


  • The "Crumbling Dreams" track was later reused in Ultimate Custom Night and Five Nights at Freddy's AR: Special Delivery for Ballora's mechanic.
    • The track was also reused in the second trailer for Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach in one scene, but has a slight remix.
    • "Turtle Crusher" meanwhile was later used as ambient music in Five Nights at Freddy's AR: Special Delivery when encountering 8-Bit Baby. It tends to glitch and stutter however, which coincides with 8-Bit Baby's corrupted behaviour in the game.
  • Some "Toreador March" bits were heard for the "Demolition Inevitable" track.
  • The untitled stock elevator music is later used for Five Nights at Freddy's VR: Help Wanted.
  • The "Watch Your 6" track is most likely referring to the player's recurring night goal to survive until the Clock hits 6AM.
    • "Watch your six" is also a term used in the military, meaning "watch your back", in reference to the fact that the player must defend themselves against Ennard.
  • Leon Riskin confirmed the name of the once-unnamed trailer track to be "The Raid."[1]
Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location Media
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