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I want... to be beautiful.
Sarah, Fazbear Frights #1: Into the Pit

Sarah is the protagonist of To Be Beautiful, the second story from Fazbear Frights 1: Into the Pit. She's a heavily self-conscious teenage girl who wants to be what she believes is beautiful, and one day comes across someone who seemingly makes this wish a reality.

Physical Appearance[]

Sarah describes herself as fat and flat, comparing her shape to a potato. She has dull, mousy brown hair that becomes frizzy and gets cut a few inches shorter after she fails to properly dye it. Sarah also has a bulbous nose, prominent ears, stubby limbs, blue eyes, and Caucasian skin that’s usually sallow and dry. Her elbows are usually chapped and her nails are short and nubby. Sarah applies some mascara and pink-tinted lip balm to her face. She usually wears jeans to school to draw less attention to her short legs.

After getting the necklace and silver heart pendant from Eleanor, Sarah wakes up everyday and discovers a new part of her body has changed. First, her arms become slimmer, more toned, and soft and smooth. Sarah's fingers become long, elegant, and tapered, and her nails are longer than her fingertips and shaped in perfect ovals. They’re also painted a gorgeous, soft pink. The next day, Sarah's legs become long and shapely, with toned calves and dainty ankles. They’re also smooth and sleek, and her toenails are the same rosy pink as her fingernails. The next day, Sarah's body becomes slender and curvy. Finally, her nose becomes tiny and straight, her cheekbones become defined, and her lips become a plump pink Cupid's bow. Sarah's eyes become wide and a deeper blue with long, sooty lashes. Her eyebrows become delicate arches and her hair becomes fuller and shinier, falling into soft waves. Sarah also gets straight, white teeth. She begins to wear more elegant and trendy clothes as well.

Sarah at the end of the book

Sarah appearance at the graphic novel

When the necklace falls off, Sarah's body slowly reveals itself to be nothing but scraps from a junkyard, which eventually falls off and turns into a pile of junk.


Sarah is obsessed with her appearance, having low self esteem and wanting to be seen as beautiful. She is also rather infatuated with things she sees as beautiful, putting posters of models on her walls and constantly looking at beauty supplies. Sarah gets incredibly agitated when others don't feed into her obsession, especially her friend Abby who she believes shouldn't judge her since they're friends. Sarah can be rather clumsy and at times isn't aware of her surroundings, resulting in numerous accidents. As Sarah is turned "beautiful," she slowly becomes rather vain and untruthful, lying to others in order to become popular. Deep down she still has some sympathy for others due to her own poor income and background, but she never acts on these feelings when around the Beautifuls.



When Sarah was young, her father left her, her mother, and her brother, only ever calling Sarah on Christmas and her birthday. Sarah's mother is a social worker who lives from paycheck to paycheck, and the two live in a plain little two-bedroom bungalow. In kindergarten, Sarah became best friends with a girl named Abby. The two had pink carrying cases filled with Barbies and their various clothes and accessories and would take turns carrying their cases to each other's houses, playing for hours and only stopping for juice box and graham cracker breaks. Abby tended to experiment on her Barbies, shaving one bald and coloring the hair of another's green with a Magic Marker to make her look like a crazy supervillain. The two also played with finger paint and Play-Doh.

When Sarah was six, she was given a stuffed Freddy Fazbear teddy bear that she kept on her bed. She also owned a Mrs. Mix-and-Match doll, where she could stick different eyes, ears, noses, mouths, and other body parts onto the doll's body to make her look as hilarious as she wanted. In elementary school, Sarah gained a love for swimming. Around this time, a teacher read Sarah and the rest of the class the story of King Arthur pulling a sword from a stone. When Sarah was eleven, she and her mother went on a trip to New York. There they saw a Broadway show, ridden a ferry to the Statue of Liberty, and gone up in the Empire State Building. Sarah didn't go to any fancy stores and only bought an "I Love New York" T-shirt. After a few washings it had become worn thin, but Sarah still slept in it at times. Sometime later, Sarah's brother left for college to major in computer science.

By the time Sarah got into middle school, she had begun to feel incredibly self-conscious about her appearance. She compares herself to her old Mrs. Mix-and-Match doll and becomes too embarrassed to wear a swimsuit, leaving her love of swimming behind. Sarah's free time was instead spent worrying about her appearance as she became more obsessed with beauty, cutting out women from magazines to place on her walls and watching YouTube makeup tutorials. She also becomes particularity interested by a group of cheerleaders she called the Beautifuls. Sarah began eating significantly less, with her breakfast only being a yogurt and water and her only eating from the salad bar at school. Sarah's mother takes slight notices of this and tries supporting her daughter by buying vitamins for her skin and a lavender dress. She also gets Sarah a red dress by Saks Fifth Avenue that she finds at a local thrift store. For her fourteenth birthday, her mother gave her permission to wear a little light makeup and her grandmother gave her twenty dollars.

To Be Beautiful[]

One Friday morning in the midst of winter, Sarah manages to avoid eating a bagel despite her mother's persistence and meets up with Abby at school right as the Beautifuls walk down the hall. Abby proposes that her interest in them stems from her childhood Barbies, which Sarah dismisses as Abby just thinking childishly. During lunch, Sarah and Abby sit with other nerds at a table known as "the loser table" by the Beautifuls. Sarah asks Abby what she would do with a million dollars, clarifying it's just for personal use and not to be given to the Humane Society or the homeless. Abby answers that she'd take her family to Paris and Sarah responds with a list of surgeries she'd get done on herself, such as whitening her teeth, getting her hair dyed blonde, skin treatments, and a nose job. Abby tries telling Sarah that she looks fine, but Sarah becomes annoyed that her best friend isn't siding with her personal beliefs and storms out of the cafeteria.

One day, on her way home from school, she comes across mechanical doll in a scrapyard. Finding her absolutely gorgeous, Sarah takes her home and cleans her up. When the doll awakens, she introduces herself as Eleanor and shows gratitude for what Sarah had done and says that to show her appreciation, she would grant any of Sarah's wishes. Sarah wishes to be beautiful, and Eleanor agrees to grant this wish. She gives a heart-shaped necklace to Sarah, telling her to never take it off under any circumstance, to which Sarah agrees.

From then on, every night, Eleanor would sing Sarah to sleep before changing an aspect of her body to make her appear more beautiful. At first, her arms are changed to be more slender, longer, and with polished nails. The next day, her legs follow a similar change as her arms. After this, she starts to get a little more attention at school. And finally, her torso is changed to have a flatter stomach and larger breasts, giving her a more womanly figure.

With each change, Sarah became more entranced with her new appearance. This prompted her to start pushing away her best friend Abby as she worked her way in with the popular girls, whom she referred to as the Beautifuls. She also started to catch the eye of her long-time crush, Mason Blair, even starting a relationship and going on dates with him. However, in all of this, Sarah started to lie about her home life, pretending she was wealthier than she was and that her father was still around all in the name of trying to fit in.

One day at school, Sarah's new shoes cause her to slip and fall hard, causing her necklace to come off. Slowly, her body begins turning into scrap metal, to the shock of everyone in the cafeteria. As her body continues to turn into metal, Sarah runs home. In her house, she finds garbage bags full of body parts and organs. She realizes that Eleanor has been replacing her body parts with metal every night.

Still steadily turning into a pile of scrap metal, she sees Eleanor, now sporting a heart-shaped necklace of her own. Pressing a button on the necklace, Eleanor takes the appearance of Sarah, particularly the one she had before Eleanor began to make her "beautiful". She then walks away, leaving Sarah to die alone.

In one of the Stitchwraith Stingers epilogues, she is later referenced by detective Everett Larson's boss in a briefing on the Stitchwraith case.


Fazbear Frights Characters
Oswald's Family
OswaldOswald's FatherOswald's MotherOswald's Grandmother
Mike's Family
MikeMike's SisterMike's Grandmother
Sarah's Family
SarahSarah's MotherSarah's BrotherSarah's FatherSarah's Grandmother
Abby's Family
AbbyAbby's ParentsAbby's Brother
Blair Family
Mason BlairMr. BlairMrs. Blair
Fitzsimmons Family
Millie FitzsimmonsMillie's GrandfatherJeff FitzsimmonsAudrey FitzsimmonsMillie's GrandmotherRob FitzsimmonsSheri FitzsimmonsHayden FitzsimmonsCameron FitzsimmonsMillicent Fitzsimmons
Greg's Family
Cyril's Family
CyrilCyril's Mother
Bergstrom Family
Kimberly BergstromMrs. BergstromMr. BergstromKimberly's Cousin
Alec's Family
Avila Family
Oscar AvilaMs. AvilaOscar's Father
Raj's Family
RajAvniRaj's Mother
Isaac's Family
IsaacJordanIsaac's Mother
Delilah's Family
DelilahDelilah's Parents
Stanley's Family
StanleyMelissaMaxToddStanley's MotherStanley's FatherStanley's Granny
Marks Family
Devon Blaine MarksMrs. MarksMr. MarksDevon's Cousin
Callahan Family
Mick CallahanDebby CallahanMrs. CallahanMr. Callahan
Kelsey's Family
KelseyKelsey's MotherKelsey's FatherKelsey's Sister
Anders Family
Heather AndersHalley AndersHope Anders
Dinglewood Family
Pete DinglewoodChuck DinglewoodBill DinglewoodAudrey DinglewoodLucyLucy's Husband
Kasey's Family
KaseyKasey's Mother
Susie's Family
SusieSamanthaPatriciaHaydenSusie's Grandmother
Mackenzie Family
Bob MackenzieWanda MackenzieTyler MackenzieAaron MackenzieCindy Mackenzie
Matt's Family
MattMatt's Mother
Gene's Family
GeneGene's Mother
Fremont Family
Mia FremontLucasMr. Fremont
Ackerman Family
Nurse AckermanElijah Ackerman
Thomas Family
Beatrice ThomasBeatrice's Niece
Markham Family
Nole MarkhamMr. MarkhamMrs. MarkhamNole's NephewNole's Grandpa
O'Neil Family
Sam O'NeilPaul O'NeilMolly O'Neil
Wilber Family
Christine WilberEarl WilberMrs. Wilber
Jake's Family
Margie's Family
MargieMargie's FatherMargie's Mother
Billings Family
Toby BillingsConnor BillingsMr. BillingsMrs. Billings
Stanton Family
Robert StantonTyler StantonAnna StantonMrs. Stanton
Reed's Family
ReedAlexaReed's FatherReed's Mother
Girard Family
Shelly GirardPickle GirardOry GirardMrs. GirardMr. Girard
Watson Family
Chris WatsonEmma WatsonDave WatsonMrs. Watson
Angel's Family
AngelOpheliaBiancaMyronAngel's Biological Father
Altieri Family
Sergio AltieriTony AltieriMrs. Altieri
Hudson's Family
HudsonStevenHudson's MotherLewisGranny FosterGrandpa Foster
Jack's Family
Colton's Family
ColtonColton's MotherColton's FatherAidanKatieMikeColton's Grandmother
Thompson Family
Payton ThompsonMrs. ThompsonMr. Thompson
Marley's Family
MarleyGinaMarley's FatherMarley's Brother
Colter Family
Edward ColterMs. ColterEdward's Father
Weston Family
Jack WestonMrs. WestonMr. Weston
Mott's Family
MottRoryMott's MotherMott's Father
Tabor Family
Ron TaborNate TaborMrs. Tabor
Jessica's Family
JessicaJessica's Mother
Brittany's Family
BrittanyBrittany's MotherBrittany's Father
Mindy's Family
MindyMindy's Mother
Cindy's Family
CindyCindy's Mother
Jeremiah's Family
JeremiahJeremiah's MotherJeremiah's FatherJeremiah's Grandmother
D'Agostino Family
Joel D'AgostinoSteve D'AgostinoMrs. D'Agostino
Bell Family
Caleb BellJenna BellSally
Aimee's Family
AimeeAimee's FatherAimee's Mother
Mary Jo's Family
Mary JoMary Jo's Mother
Tucker Family
Emmett TuckerJillyEmmett's Ex-Wife
Larson's Family
Everett LarsonAngelaRyan
Talbert Family
Renelle TalbertDr. TalbertMrs. Talbert
Dirk's Family
DirkDirk's MotherDirk's FatherDirk's Aunt
Jenny's Family
JennyGordonJenny's Mother
Sanders Family
Aaron SandersMrs. SandersLonnie SandersLouisa Jewel Sanders
Minor Families
Richard's FamilyAvery FamilyPhillip's FamilyHenderson FamilyBella's FamilyTheresa's FamilyFairchild FamilyMatt's FamilyZach's Family
Other Characters
Abigail SullivanAJAmberAndrewAngieArthur BlytheBarryMs. BryantChipNurse ColtonMrs. CrutchfieldDaleDan HarborDominicDuaneDylanEdwinGabrielleGrettaGrimHadiHarperMr. HarrisonHopeJackJasonJeffJessJuliusDr. LittleLydiaChief MontgomeryNateParkerPhineas TaggartPorterSage BrantleySophia ManchesterTabitha BingMr. ThorntonWilliam AftonPets
Minor Characters
Into the Pit Minor CharactersTo Be Beautiful Minor CharactersCount the Ways Minor CharactersFetch Minor CharactersLonely Freddy Minor CharactersOut of Stock Minor Characters1:35 A.M. Minor CharactersRoom for One More Minor CharactersThe New Kid Minor CharactersStep Closer Minor CharactersDance with Me Minor CharactersComing Home Minor CharactersBunny Call Minor CharactersIn the Flesh Minor CharactersThe Man in Room 1280 Minor CharactersBlackbird Minor CharactersThe Real Jake Minor CharactersHide-and-Seek Minor CharactersThe Cliffs Minor CharactersThe Breaking Wheel Minor CharactersHe Told Me Everything Minor CharactersGumdrop Angel Minor CharactersSergio's Lucky Day Minor CharactersWhat We Found Minor CharactersThe Puppet Carver Minor CharactersJump for Tickets Minor CharactersPizza Kit Minor CharactersFriendly Face Minor CharactersSea Bonnies Minor CharactersTogether Forever Minor CharactersPrankster Minor CharactersKids at Play Minor CharactersFind Player Two! Minor CharactersStitchwraith Stingers Minor Characters