“I can't believe how fast you're growing up.” |
Sarah's unnamed mother is a major character in To Be Beautiful, the second story from Fazbear Frights 1: Into the Pit. She is a social worker who is somewhat clueless to Sarah's obsessions and feelings.
Physical Appearance[]
Sarah’s mother is naturally pretty with salt-and-pepper hair worn long and loose. She does not wear makeup, she doesn’t stylize her hair, and she has a tendency to put on weight around her hips. At the start of the story, she's dressed for work in a long floral print dress.[1]
While Sarah's mom cares and loves Sarah, she can be rather clueless to her daughter's low self esteem and obsession with beauty. Still, she tries to be supportive and buys Sarah clothes and other products to help with her appearance. Sarah's mom also enjoys thrifting.
Sarah's mother raised Sarah mostly by herself, as Sarah's father was rarely around and left when she was young. Sarah, her mother, and her brother lived in a two-bedroom bungalow until her brother moved away for college. When Sarah was eleven, she and her mom visited New York. There, they saw a Broadway show, ridden a ferry to the Statue of Liberty, and gone up in the Empire State Building. Instead of shopping in fancy stores, they visit and souvenir shop, where Sarah bought a "I LOVE NEW YORK" T-shirt. For Sarah's fourteenth birthday, her mom gives her permission to wear a little light makeup. She also buys her a lovely lavender dress the previous spring.
At the start of the story, Sarah finds her mother in the kitchen. She offers to cook Sarah a bagel, having bought Everything bagels, but Sarah has a yogurt instead, commenting on the carbs. Her mom rolls her eyes and tells Sarah the yogurts only have ninety calories in them, remarking that it's a miracle that she doesn't pass out in school. Her mom then takes a bite from her own bagel and says that Sarah is too young to worry about carbs, but Sarah insists on having a yogurt and a bottle of water until lunchtime. When Sarah's mom arrives home that night, she finds Sarah sleeping with green hair. She sits on the edge of her bed until Sarah gets up, and Sarah explains her failed attempt to dye her hair. Sarah's mom takes her to the hair salon at the mall. On the drive home, her mom comments on how much went out of her paycheck to pay for it and remarks that she should have just let her go to school with green hair, which would have served her right.
A few days later, Sarah finds Eleanor and is given a necklace to make her more beautiful the following day. When Sarah gets new arms, she hurries to the kitchen and finds her mother sitting at the table with a cup of coffee and half a grapefruit. Sarah's mom explains that she wanted to wake her up the previous night for dinner, but she was already out. She's surprised to see Sarah up without having called for her, and is even more shocked to see her eating cornflakes. Sarah's mom offers her the other half of the grapefruit and she notices Sarah's nails and healthy hand, asking if Sarah has been taking the vitamins she bought for her. Sarah lies and says yes, and her mother tells her they're paying off.
The next day, Sarah's legs grow and she puts on the lavender dress. She finds her mother at the stove stirring eggs in a pan and her mom compliments her appearance, asking if it's picture day. She teases Sarah, asking if she's trying to impress someone with, and offers her some eggs. After dishing up scrambled eggs and toast for each of them, Sarah's mom comments on Sarah being more mature and east to talk over the past few days, thinking she was just going through an awkward stage the past year or so. The next day, Sarah's body becomes slender and curvy. During breakfast she asks her mom if they can go shopping over the weekend, and her mom explains she gets paid on Friday so it wouldn't hurt. She then asks why and Sarah looks down at her chest. Her mom is startled and comments on how fast she's growing up, saying it feels like it happens overnight.
When Saturday and Sarah's date with Mason Blair arrives, Sarah is incredibly nervous and unable to eat the French toast her mother made her. While her mom is reading a newspaper, Sarah asks if she'll drop her off. Her mom agrees to, and when Sarah asks if she will only drop her off her mom jokes that she won't ruin the date by letting him see her horrifying face. Sarah laughs at the joke and explains that it just feels kiddish, which her mom reminds her she was fourteen once too. Sarah and her mom joke about her mom having rode dinosaurs and lived as cavemen, and then she asks what she plans to wear. Sarah overthinks and her mom tells her to just wear jeans and a nice shirt, as she's a beautiful girl and will look great in whatever. When she drops Sarah off later in the afternoon, she tells Sarah to text her when done and squeezes her hand.
The next day, Sarah finds her mother in the laundry room unloading the dryer. Tells her mom about her plans to meet new friends she made, and her mom folds clothes as she asks when to drop her off. Sarah just says the afternoon, not knowing any specific times, and her mom jokingly asks if they expect Sarah to be psychic. Her mom comments on how her new friends are only now inviting her to hang out, calling it strange. Sarah tells her mom that they just finally decided she's likeable, but her mom questions why it took them so long. She then tells Sarah that she likes Abby since she's smart, kind, and straightforward. Sarah tells her mom to drop her off at two o'clock, and she then helps her fold laundry. A few days later, Sarah arrives home after her necklace falls off and she starts turning to junk, but her mother is at work.