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Dr. Ron Tabor, aka Dr. T, is a major character from Sea Bonnies, the second story from Fazbear Frights 10: Friendly Face.
Physical Appearance[]
Ron has big ears and an equally large nose, as well as a goatee that comes to a point under his chin. He’s also short and completely bald, having shaved what remained of his light brown hair three years ago. Mott says Ron is kind of funny-looking and compares him to the seven dwarves, or a gnome.
Ron is one of the nicest people Mott knows, more so than his mother, as he never loses his temper, unlike his mother on some occasions.
Ron has been Mott's doctor since he was a baby, and his office was where Mott met Nate Tabor, having been brought to work with his father. Ron thought the kids' friendship was meant to be and suggested to Mott's mother they have a playdate, while the parents have dinner together. Mott does not remember so far back, only knowing his mother's recounting. All he knows is that their parents are good friends, and that they are good friends. Mott remembers attempting to steal some freshly baked cookies with Nate, but they both ended up in Ron's office with contusions and mild burns from the heat of the sheets. Over the years, Ron became akin to a father to Mott.
Ron believes work life and home life need to be balanced properly, so he opened his clinic near the neighborhood, close to the end of the greenbelt behind the Mott's house. He begins work early, but never works late or on weekends. He is always ready and willing to help out with school or simply just play.
Ron helps Nate, Mott, and Lyle with their science project studying the effects of antibiotics on microorganisms. As a doctor, Ron acquired a small amount of penicillin, streptomycin, Aureomycin, and Terramycin for the experiment, in addition to a syringe, petri disk, flasks, beakers, and some pipettes, also some agar and dextrose too when the boys had no idea what those were. 99% of the work on the assignment was attributed to Ron and Nate. When Mott was confused by what they were doing, Ron helped him to eventually understand what they were doing.
After swallowing the Sea Bonnie, his mother instructs him to call Ron if he doesn't start feeling better, and he eventually decides to do so. Claudia picks up the phone and puts Ron on the line with Mott. Mott's voice and hesitations do not give Ron much confidence, so instead of letting him bike to his clinic, he has Claudia drive over to pick Mott up after her lunch break in 15 minutes. When Mott protests, Ron tells him to not argue with his doctor.
After some basic examinations, Ron sends Louise to conduct some other tests on Mott and puts on a video of a stand-up comic routine for Mott to watch, "prescribing" him laughter. Once finished with everything, Ron sees nothing wrong with Mott as all the tests and examinations are entirely normal. Ron guesses Mott to have food poisoning, but will let him know for sure when he gets Mott's bloodwork. Ron has Mott hang out in his office and gives him a ride on the way home in his new SUV, upon finishing up with a last couple of patients. Ron apparently tells Mott's mother that sleep is currently the best thing for him.
When Mott's condition worsens, he eventually elects to call Ron's cell phone directly to bypass Claudia. After asking about what Mott is feeling, he reveals he is on his way to the hospital to visit a few patients before heading home. He needs to work on inventory with Claudia later that night, so he is leaving the clinic early. He suggests stopping by for Mott to squeeze in a CAT scan. According to what Mott is saying, Ron can get insurance approval for it. Mott agrees, but does not want to worry his mother and they will talk to her later afterward.
Once finished with the CAT scan, Ron talks over the phone to Dr. Jenkins, who had analyzed the result. The scan showed variegated abnormalities that are inconsistent with normal tissue in Mott's stomach, intestines, lungs, and heart. Discussing potential causes, they dismiss the possibilities of tumors and systemic infection, stumping the two doctors. Ron finishes his talk and hangs up, believing the cause to be interference with the machine and they should try tomorrow morning for another CAT scan. Mott says they don't have to and explains the Sea Bonnies to Ron, but he does not believe him and calls Mott's mother to take him home.