Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki
Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki

This is a trivia sub-page related to Rockstar Freddy.

General Trivia[]

  • While bearing a similar design to Toy Freddy, Rockstar Freddy's hat and bowtie colored purple might reference Fredbear, the original template of Freddy Fazbear.
  • Rockstar Freddy's voice is inspired by automated carnival circus attractions, such as fortune tellers and prize cranes.[1]
  • Rockstar Freddy is one of two animatronics who have a direct quote from the games listed under his profile in the Five Nights at Freddy's Official Character Encyclopedia, the other is Montgomery Gator. In his case, Rockstar Freddy's quote is "Please deposit five coins!", which he commonly speaks when demanding five Faz-Coins.

Ultimate Custom Night[]


  • Rockstar Freddy was the third-to-last animatronic programmed in the character roster at 96%, along with Trash and the Gang.
  • Due to Rockstar Freddy's coin mechanic, a coin slot was temporarily added to his stomach.


  • Rockstar Freddy's jaw hinges disconnect on his menu portrait.
  • When on the power-up screen shown for winning/losing, he's missing his coin slot.


  1. "This is a character for the upcoming expansion of Five Nights at Freddy's 6. The voice should be modeled after automated carnival and circus attractions, such as Fortune Tellers or Prize Cranes, things that are designed to sound friendly but come across as unnatural, robotic, and unnerving." - (Dead Link)