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Please, please. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I didn't know this was going to happen to you. I just wanted you to be locked in overnight. I didn't want this to happen.
Reed, Fazbear Frights #7: The Cliffs

Reed is the main protagonist of The Breaking Wheel, the second story in Fazbear Frights 7: The Cliffs. He is a teenage outcast who is relentlessly bullied by Julius. In an uncharacteristic burst of nerve, Reed traps Julius is his exosuit and leaves him alone in the school, but quickly regrets it.

Physical Appearance[]

Reed is skinny with unusually long arms. He has a pronounced brow ridge and a jutting jaw that gives him more of an apelike appearance, something Julius made fun of when he was younger. Recently, Reed grows his curly brown hair long to disguise his primate features a little.


Reed is an outcast, having used his overwhelming grief to barricade himself from others after the death of his mother. While he didn't see a point to getting along with others and separated himself from his previous friends, he later befriended Pickle and Shelly. Reed has a vivid imagination, which makes his mind wander at times and lose focus. He's also into computers and has an aptitude for programming, and hopes to combine this with his love of fiction to become a game designer. Despite his interest in computers, Reed is uninterested and confused by robotics. He also shows a complete ineptitude when it comes to engineering and building. Reed lacks initiative and motivation, unwilling to act on his hatred of Julius or his crush on Shelly out of fear and low confidence. When he finally gains some impetus to act, however, he goes against his morals to punish Julius. Despite Reed’s attempts to justify his actions, he soon becomes panicked and filled with guilt.


Reed has been best friends with Pickle and Shelly for the past ten years. When they were five, Reed had attempted to build a log cabin, but it came out messy and wrong. Shelly had found it funny, and continues to remind Reed of this every time they're assigned science models and historical event dioramas. One day, Reed's mother dies and he shuts himself off from all of his friends except Pickle and Shelly. This caused him to become an outcast. Around six years ago, Reed began to get bullied by a kid named Julius.

As the years went by, Reed begins to wonder if he and Shelly could ever be more than friends. Reed notes that Shelly sometimes looks at him with some form of interest and admiration, such as when he spotted a cloud in the sky and jokingly told Shelly that it meant impossible dreams can happen. When freshman year of high school was starting up, Shelly and Pickle talked Reed into taking a robotics class. Reed is more into computers, as he wants to one day combine his love of fiction with his aptitude for programming to become a game designer. However, he still agrees to take the class. Julius also happens to be taking the class as well.

For the spring semester, the class is tasked with creating exoskeletons. Reed gets the idea to make an exoskeleton that would fit over his little sister Alexa's annoying baby doll in order to scare her. He choses an electric motor as his actuator because his dad knows how to build a motor and is excited to help him. He then connects the battery-powered motor to the exoskeleton's circuitry, but begins to struggle with the skeleton's structure. His tendency to ignore the lectures in class doesn't help. A couple of weeks before the project is due, Julius complains that Pickle's remote inadvertently connects to his suit, but Pickle argues many ways for Julius to fix the issue, embarrassing him. Reed takes joy in Julius' embarrassment and ignores the rest of the class until Shelly throws a note on his desk asking him to visit their house after school.

Today is a half day due to a teacher's conference, so when the bell rings everyone packs up and heads home. Reed watches as Pickle is tripped by Julius, which no one else notices. Reed stays behind to confront Julius but is frozen in fear. Julius begins insulting Reed, asking why he's even in the class to begin with. Julius then begins to brag about his exoskeleton suit and puts it on to show it off, threatening to lock Reed in the suit to control him. However a power surge sparks the exosuit and Julius is paralyzed temporarily. Eventually he tips over and catches himself on a desk, then sits down to rest. Reed takes the opportunity to get some revenge, manually clicking in the clamps around the arms and legs to lock Julius inside, intending to leave him there for the night to teach him a lesson. Julius wakes up and yells at Reed, threatening to rip him to shreds as Reed quickly runs to the bus.

On the bus ride back home, Shelly decides to read her history homework to Reed and Pickle. The book describes numerous torture devices, such as the Judas Cradle, where a seated victim was impaled for several days. Reed wonders if what he's doing to Julius was at least a mild form of torture, and tries to justify his uneasy feelings in his mind. Shelly then goes on to describe the Wheel, also known as the Breaking Wheel. The person subjected to it was tied to the whole wheel before having their limbs beaten with a club or cudgel. Reed reasons that Julius is just in discomfort and not in any actual pain. Still, he feels very guilty and decides to return the school after their study session to free Julius.

At the Girard's house, Reed indulges in snacks and joins the Girards as they homework. A rainstorm starts as Mrs. Girard heads out, which leaves Reed, Shelly, Pickle, and the youngest of the Girard siblings, Ory, to themselves. Reed is frustrated by his lack of progress on his own robot, so he looks over to Ory, who is playing with Pickle's tiny robot. Reed thinks back what Julius was talking about before about the robot and the exosuit being linked, and fears that Pickle's remote is still connected to Julius's exoskeleton. He innocently asks Pickle about the remote's range, wondering how far it could reach outside. Pickle says that it might reach a few feet outside but probably doesn't reach beyond the house. Still, the thought of Julius being thrown around the classroom plagues Reed's mind.

Ory begins to slam the little robot into Shelly's miniature model of their house, upsetting her and causing her to chase him and the robot around the room. Pickle steps in and shows Shelly that the robot isn't harming the house, and as Shelly returns to her studying, Pickle decides to make the robot more fun for Ory by turning off the joint restrictions. The sight of the tiny robot doing sick turns and distorting its limbs makes Reed extremely worried for Julius's safety, with the sound of Julius' breaking bones filling his mind. He tries to convince himself that Julius is fine, but when Ory begins to slam the robot into Shelly’s house again Reed decides to act. He jumps up to run to the school and free Julius, remembering that a Senior said that there’s a key to the back door hidden in a rock, but Pickle stops him and Reed struggles to come up with an excuse as to where he's going.

Outside, Reed hears something slam into the house right as Ory slams the robot into the miniature house again. He quickly begins to note that the sounds outside the house correspond with Pickle's robot, and he begins to worry that Julius is now outside the house. Sherry and Pickle, however, believe it is just the wind or a branch beating against the house. Eventually, Ory makes the robot climb up the side of the miniature house, and Reed hears something crawl up against the real house, so he runs upstairs, claiming to be looking for a book in Pickle's room. He searches every room upstairs, but only sees the flood lights in the backyard turn on. In one window he sees a branch beating against the house and assumes his friends were right.

The Girards announce that they're heading out to get soda, leaving Reed alone. Reed looks for the little robot, finding it hiding behind a mini house within the miniature house, but when he goes to grab it the robot stands up. From behind the model house, Julius stands up. Reed screams in horror at the sight of Julius's fleshy, mutilated body attached to the exoskeleton and the bones sticking out of it. He runs to the front door, but Julius beats him there. Reed, however, doesn’t stop running as he turns and heads upstairs, hearing Julius jump to the stairs and continue its pursuit. Reed runs into Pickle's room, as his window leads to the roof of the porch and could possibly help him escape. He grabs a microscope and swings, but doesn't see Julius. Then, he looks up and Julius drops down on him. He attempts to fight back and breaks free, but Julius recovers and throws Reed onto Pickle's bed, pinning him.

Reed attempts to apologize to Julius, but stops, believing that Julius is dead and his body is only being dragged around by the exosuit. This is proven false, however, when Julius quickly covers Reed's mouth as the Girard siblings return home. Reed is rendered silent, but is given a small chance to escape when Julius's grip loosens for a bit. He breaks free but is quickly grabbed by Julius, who begins to wrap his limbs around Reed's tightly. Julius's head is pushed against Reed's throat, preventing him from calling out for help as he hears Ory ask to play with the remote some more. It is uncertain if Reed was killed when Ory began playing with the remote again or if he somehow managed to break free.

Fazbear Frights Characters
Oswald's Family
OswaldOswald's FatherOswald's MotherOswald's Grandmother
Mike's Family
MikeMike's SisterMike's Grandmother
Sarah's Family
SarahSarah's MotherSarah's BrotherSarah's FatherSarah's Grandmother
Abby's Family
AbbyAbby's ParentsAbby's Brother
Blair Family
Mason BlairMr. BlairMrs. Blair
Fitzsimmons Family
Millie FitzsimmonsMillie's GrandfatherJeff FitzsimmonsAudrey FitzsimmonsMillie's GrandmotherRob FitzsimmonsSheri FitzsimmonsHayden FitzsimmonsCameron FitzsimmonsMillicent Fitzsimmons
Greg's Family
Cyril's Family
CyrilCyril's Mother
Bergstrom Family
Kimberly BergstromMrs. BergstromMr. BergstromKimberly's Cousin
Alec's Family
Avila Family
Oscar AvilaMs. AvilaOscar's Father
Raj's Family
RajAvniRaj's Mother
Isaac's Family
IsaacJordanIsaac's Mother
Delilah's Family
DelilahDelilah's Parents
Stanley's Family
StanleyMelissaMaxToddStanley's MotherStanley's FatherStanley's Granny
Marks Family
Devon Blaine MarksMrs. MarksMr. MarksDevon's Cousin
Callahan Family
Mick CallahanDebby CallahanMrs. CallahanMr. Callahan
Kelsey's Family
KelseyKelsey's MotherKelsey's FatherKelsey's Sister
Anders Family
Heather AndersHalley AndersHope Anders
Dinglewood Family
Pete DinglewoodChuck DinglewoodBill DinglewoodAudrey DinglewoodLucyLucy's Husband
Kasey's Family
KaseyKasey's Mother
Susie's Family
SusieSamanthaPatriciaHaydenSusie's Grandmother
Mackenzie Family
Bob MackenzieWanda MackenzieTyler MackenzieAaron MackenzieCindy Mackenzie
Matt's Family
MattMatt's Mother
Gene's Family
GeneGene's Mother
Fremont Family
Mia FremontLucasMr. Fremont
Ackerman Family
Nurse AckermanElijah Ackerman
Thomas Family
Beatrice ThomasBeatrice's Niece
Markham Family
Nole MarkhamMr. MarkhamMrs. MarkhamNole's NephewNole's Grandpa
O'Neil Family
Sam O'NeilPaul O'NeilMolly O'Neil
Wilber Family
Christine WilberEarl WilberMrs. Wilber
Jake's Family
Margie's Family
MargieMargie's FatherMargie's Mother
Billings Family
Toby BillingsConnor BillingsMr. BillingsMrs. Billings
Stanton Family
Robert StantonTyler StantonAnna StantonMrs. Stanton
Reed's Family
ReedAlexaReed's FatherReed's Mother
Girard Family
Shelly GirardPickle GirardOry GirardMrs. GirardMr. Girard
Watson Family
Chris WatsonEmma WatsonDave WatsonMrs. Watson
Angel's Family
AngelOpheliaBiancaMyronAngel's Biological Father
Altieri Family
Sergio AltieriTony AltieriMrs. Altieri
Hudson's Family
HudsonStevenHudson's MotherLewisGranny FosterGrandpa Foster
Jack's Family
Colton's Family
ColtonColton's MotherColton's FatherAidanKatieMikeColton's Grandmother
Thompson Family
Payton ThompsonMrs. ThompsonMr. Thompson
Marley's Family
MarleyGinaMarley's FatherMarley's Brother
Colter Family
Edward ColterMs. ColterEdward's Father
Weston Family
Jack WestonMrs. WestonMr. Weston
Mott's Family
MottRoryMott's MotherMott's Father
Tabor Family
Ron TaborNate TaborMrs. Tabor
Jessica's Family
JessicaJessica's Mother
Brittany's Family
BrittanyBrittany's MotherBrittany's Father
Mindy's Family
MindyMindy's Mother
Cindy's Family
CindyCindy's Mother
Jeremiah's Family
JeremiahJeremiah's MotherJeremiah's FatherJeremiah's Grandmother
D'Agostino Family
Joel D'AgostinoSteve D'AgostinoMrs. D'Agostino
Bell Family
Caleb BellJenna BellSally
Aimee's Family
AimeeAimee's FatherAimee's Mother
Mary Jo's Family
Mary JoMary Jo's Mother
Tucker Family
Emmett TuckerJillyEmmett's Ex-Wife
Larson's Family
Everett LarsonAngelaRyan
Talbert Family
Renelle TalbertDr. TalbertMrs. Talbert
Dirk's Family
DirkDirk's MotherDirk's FatherDirk's Aunt
Jenny's Family
JennyGordonJenny's Mother
Sanders Family
Aaron SandersMrs. SandersLonnie SandersLouisa Jewel Sanders
Minor Families
Richard's FamilyAvery FamilyPhillip's FamilyHenderson FamilyBella's FamilyTheresa's FamilyFairchild FamilyMatt's FamilyZach's Family
Other Characters
Abigail SullivanAJAmberAndrewAngieArthur BlytheBarryMs. BryantChipNurse ColtonMrs. CrutchfieldDaleDan HarborDominicDuaneDylanEdwinGabrielleGrettaGrimHadiHarperMr. HarrisonHopeJackJasonJeffJessJuliusDr. LittleLydiaChief MontgomeryNateParkerPhineas TaggartPorterSage BrantleySophia ManchesterTabitha BingMr. ThorntonWilliam AftonPets
Minor Characters
Into the Pit Minor CharactersTo Be Beautiful Minor CharactersCount the Ways Minor CharactersFetch Minor CharactersLonely Freddy Minor CharactersOut of Stock Minor Characters1:35 A.M. Minor CharactersRoom for One More Minor CharactersThe New Kid Minor CharactersStep Closer Minor CharactersDance with Me Minor CharactersComing Home Minor CharactersBunny Call Minor CharactersIn the Flesh Minor CharactersThe Man in Room 1280 Minor CharactersBlackbird Minor CharactersThe Real Jake Minor CharactersHide-and-Seek Minor CharactersThe Cliffs Minor CharactersThe Breaking Wheel Minor CharactersHe Told Me Everything Minor CharactersGumdrop Angel Minor CharactersSergio's Lucky Day Minor CharactersWhat We Found Minor CharactersThe Puppet Carver Minor CharactersJump for Tickets Minor CharactersPizza Kit Minor CharactersFriendly Face Minor CharactersSea Bonnies Minor CharactersTogether Forever Minor CharactersPrankster Minor CharactersKids at Play Minor CharactersFind Player Two! Minor CharactersStitchwraith Stingers Minor Characters