“First-generation technology is always bogus anyway. We'll save up for Gen Two. It'll give them a chance to work out all the bugs.” |
Raj is a major character in Out of Stock, the third story in Fazbear Frights 2: Fetch. He's one of Oscar's loyal friends who sticks by his side even after he takes the Plushtrap Chaser.
Physical Appearance[]
Although Raj isn't described in the story, it can be inferred that he is at least of average height. In the graphic novel, Raj is depicted with dark skin, a square jaw, brown spiky hair, brown eyes, and glasses.
Raj is a very loyal friend, sticking by Oscar’s side even when he gets them into trouble or has to cancel plans. He's very understanding of Oscar’s financial situation and is willing to share with him. While Raj will tease Oscar and joke around with him like Isaac, he tends to be kinder and is typically the more rational member of their friend group. He can also be rather moody, especially when things don't go his way.
Raj grew up with a very strict mother who came up with harsh punishments. Once, his sister Avni talked back to her and she was forced to not speak for a week. In third grade, Raj met Oscar and Isaac on the playground and the three became best friends. He spends his free time spending his allowance at the mall with Isaac and hanging out with Oscar. Both Raj and Isaac are very understanding of Oscar's different financial situation, and always change their plans and try to include Oscar whenever they can. Raj also leaves his gaming console at Oscar's house, keeping it away from his siblings and getting to share it with him.
All three of the boys are very excited for the release of the Plushtrap Chaser toy, but are disappointed to learn it is going on sale Friday morning. Raj doesn't complain about it until he learns that a classmate, who didn't even know about Freddy Fazbear until the year prior, had gotten his dad to make a call and get it early. Oscar proposes that they could ditch, but Raj cuts him off and tells him that he's already on two strikes with his mother and one more will have him sent to boot camp. The three decide to simply hope they're still in stock by the time class ends. At 2:33, just two minutes before the last bell, Oscar is called to the front office. He tells his friends to wait for him until three thirty, and if he isn't back by then they should go without him.
While Oscar is away, Raj and Isaac attempt to find a store with the Plushtrap Chaser in stock. They look at the Toy Box, Marbles, a place on Twenty-Third and San Juan, and even a weird organic place on Fifth Street that only sells wooden toys, but all do not have the toy in stock. Outside of Rockets, the two come across a classmate named Thad holding a big Emporium bag. They confront him and he reveals that his sister is dating the assistant manager of the Emporium, and the store has a small stock of them in the back that the manager isn't putting on shelves. Raj and Isaac make it there as fast as possible, calling the Royal Oaks Nursing Home and leaving a message for Oscar to meet them at the mall. Word about the Chaser gets out quickly, however, and a large crowd forms.
When Oscar finally arrives at the Emporium, Raj and Isaac fill him in on their progress. The boys wait in line but when they reach the front they receive the disappointing announcement that they're sold out. The crowd gets more angry and Isaac and Raj try to leave, with Raj recalling the time when he and his mother went to a sale on bedsheets and how the crowd became vicious once they sold out. However, Oscar instead runs in the back and takes a damaged box with a Plushtrap Chaser inside. Raj and Isaac quickly join his side in confusion as they run away from mall security and escape into a private eucalyptus grove. The two try to keep up with Oscar, who runs all the way back to his house.
Once at Oscar's house, the boys unbox the Plushtrap Chaser and notice that it has human-like, slightly yellow teeth and squishy, realistic eyes. Oscar reveals to his friends that he overheard a group of employees standing around the box talking about how it had been returned, and that they should have called the cops because the Plushtrap Chaser looked human. The three just assume that's just how they're supposed to look and try activating it. They try opening its mouth, breaking a butter knife in the process, and eventually replace the 9-volt battery, flip a switch under its feet, and make the room as dark as possible, but the Plushtrap doesn't turn on. Neither Isaac nor Raj want to take it home, leaving Oscar to keep it.
The next day, Oscar avoids Raj's calls. A few days later, Raj and Isaac confront Oscar at their school's cafeteria. Oscar is happy that his friends are understanding of his situation and why he's talking the defective Plushtrap hard, and reveals his plans to take it back. When they arrive at the mall, however, the Emporium has been replaced by Hal's Halloween Hallway, leaving Oscar no choice but to keep the toy. After purchasing a few costumes, the boys return to Oscar's house to discuss their plan for trick-or-treating since they always run out of time to make it to the other side of the train tracks where the good candy is rumored to be. With their plan set, Raj and Isaac play a fighting game while Oscar fiddles with the Plushtrap Chaser more. A storm outside keeps knocking the power out, and while taking a break Raj tells Oscar to simply let the toy go.
Oscar later borrows Raj's cell phone charger to plug into the Plushtrap Chaser. Isaac is just about to defeat Raj in the game when lightning strikes, blowing the room's power out and launching Oscar. Raj and Isaac rush to his aid and suggests calling his mother, but Oscar insists he's okay. The boys go to discuss their trick-or-treat route in the living room, with Oscar closing the door to his room. Oscar reveals to his friends that he can't join them, and as they try to cheer him up a lightning strike blows the rest of the power out in the neighborhood. Oscar and Isaac retrieve flashlights while Raj uses his phone, and they hear something banging against Oscar's door. They watch in horror as the Plushtrap Chaser begins chewing through the wood of the door, sharpening its teeth which gleamed and bleed in the darkness. It kicks open the door and chases them into Oscar's mom's room. It's about to attack Isaac when they remember the toy deactivates in light, so Oscar holds his flashlight on the toy, and in the process they discover it can mimic voices. The power runs out quickly and they are chased into the bathroom as Isaac retrieves his lost flashlight.
Raj tries to call the police, but the phone lines are down. Oscar holds the flashlight steady so Raj and Isaac can try the landline in the kitchen, but the phone isn't working there either. Back at the bathroom, the three try moving the Plushtrap Chaser but it's stuck to the ground. Oscar manages to sneak past it right as the flashlight dies. They try using Raj's phone's flashlight, but it slips out of his hands and is destroyed by the Plushtrap. The kids are chased to the garage and as they try to open the garage door, Oscar makes a plan to run to the train tracks hoping for a train. They barely manage to escape the garage and reach a hill before the tracks. They see light and are excited, but the Plushtrap has already caught up. Oscar yells at Raj and Isaac to jump across the tracks and after some hesitation they do, leaving Oscar to face it alone. He steps onto the tracks and waits for the right moment. Oscar jumps and just barely dodges the train. Once the train is gone, the boys look at the tracks and find the scattered remains of the Plushtrap Chaser, along with bloody teeth and a single intact eyeball.