Accessed through the main menu screen, each power-up grants the player a unique yet minor asset during gaming, as they serve the purpose of giving the player an extra boost when playing the night. Each one can be gained after receiving a game over, or by beating a night, presented by Rockstar Freddy. With a total of 4 power-up types, the player can possess 9 of each power-up at once.
Boosts the power by 102% when starting the game, essential for maintaining enough power to survive the night.
Prevents Dee Dee from appearing on any night, lowering the number of distractions that Dee Dee may spawn during the night. However, this power-up does not work on XOR in 50/20 mode.
The temperature begins at a cool 50°F when starting the game. It keeps the temperature stable a bit longer to fend off animatronics (such as Jack-O-Chica and Freddy Fazbear) who are prone to heat.