This is a gallery sub-page related to Pigpatch.
Pigpatch on the "Mediocre Melodies" achievement.
Pigpatch performing on stage.
Pigpatch's icon from the Catalog.
Pigpatch's mugshot icon for the main menu.
Pigpatch's warning icon on the Duct Monitor.
Pigpatch as he appears in one of the Toy Chica: The High School Years cutscenes.
Pigpatch as he's introduced for Ultimate Custom Night's selection menu teaser.
Pigpatch in the Ultimate Custom Night demo troll game.
Pigpatch on the Funtime Fantasy arcade cabinet.
Pigpatch as he appears in the Gallery.
Glow-in-the-dark action figure.
Glow-in-the-dark Mystery Mini.
Glow-in-the-Dark Pigpatch's action figure.
The FNaF Show Season 2 - Episode 5 ft. Chris McCullough (Foxy & Pigpatch)
Dawko's interview with Chris McCullough, the voice provider of
Foxy and Pigpatch.