Party Hat A is a secret boss in FNaF World: Halloween Edition. They can be encountered in a section of Area 5 after getting the four-leaf clover. After defeating them your shields will be upgraded if you own them both.
They have the appearance of a little being wearing a big party hat with pink and white stripes and a red pom-pom, pink pants, brown shoes, yellow skin and yellow eyes.
Action Button
Technical Description
Basic Attack
Deals damage to the player.
Damage = (Enemy Type * 2) + Random(0-1 ) + ((Enemy Type / 10) * 5) - Player Level - Defense Buff
FNaF World: Halloween Edition[]
Explosion animation that plays after defeating Party Hat A, animated.
Game Files[]
Party Hat A spawn area.
Bunny, the boss that Party Hat A replaces, animated.
They, Party Hat B, and by extension Party Hat are actually references to the fan-game called "Five Nights at F***boys", this was confirmed by Scott Cawthon in a steam post.