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POPGOES and The Machinist is an expansion for POPGOES Arcade. Serving as a sequel to POPGOES Arcade, it was first announced on October 26, 2021, and released on July 1, 2022.


What's in POPGOES and The Machinist?

  • An entire sequel campaign available after fully completing The Dead Forest!
  • Completely new areas, enemies and abilities like Overkill and Scrap Coins!
  • Deep, dark secrets connected to the wider POPGOES universe...


POPGOES and The Machinist is very similar to its predecessor, POPGOES: The Dead Forest. However, several new mechanics and enemies have been added.

For starters, Popgoes the Weasel no longer fights corrupted versions of animals. He instead fights robot versions of himself and his friends created by the Machinist. These robots get stronger and more dangerous depending on what area Popgoes is in. They are "Rusty" in the West Forest, normal in the South Forest, and "Pristine" in the East Forest and Garden. While underground, these robots become "Charged" and gain several new abilities. They periodically summon a shield, which makes them immune to most damage for three turns, and can use a stun attack, which disables Popgoes' battle abilities for three turns.

If Popgoes successfully defeats a hidden boss, he can also permanently upgrade his Hook ability to automatically pierce an enemy's shield.


On October 26, 2021, Kane revealed POPGOES Arcades expansion POPGOES and The Machinist, along with promo art by StupidButterfly.[1]

On February 11, 2022, Kane shared a sneak peek of a new area in POPGOES and The Machinist.[2]

On June 16, 2022, Kane revealed that POPGOES Arcade has 37 achievements: 20 in The Dead Forest and 17 in The Machinist.[3]

On June 24, 2022, Kane posted a "WHO IS THE MACHINIST?" promo for POPGOES and The Machinist.[4]


The expansion has been received positively, with overwhelming reviews based on 1,300+ reviews on Steam.


  • This was the first Fanverse game to have exclusively paid content. Several official Fanverse games were released before this, but they were released for free.
    • This is also the first title to release on Steam, with all the others releasing on Game Jolt.
  • Blake the Badger and Popgoes the Weasel are the only animatronics to physically appear in this game.




Steam Community[]




Fazbear Fanverse Games
Five Nights at Candy's
Five Nights at Candy's234FNAC FUR
POPGOES Arcade ("The Machinist" Expansion"Fighting Chance" Update)myPOPGOES ("New and Improved!" Update)POPGOES Evergreen
The Joy of Creation
One Night at Flumpty's
One Night at Flumpty's23
Canceled Games
Five Nights at Freddy's PlusThe Joy of Creation: Ignited Collection (ClassicRebornStory Mode)
Five Nights at Candy's 3 DemoPOPGOES Arcade Dawko DemoFive Nights at Freddy's Plus: Exclusive DemoFNAC FUR Legacy DemoTHE JOY OF CREATION: Office Demo
Collections and Bundles
One Night at Flumpty's: The Egg CollectionPOPGOES Archives