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Or were you looking for Overclock's counterparts, Mad Endo or Gold Endo?

Each guardian protects a button.
Fredbear talking about the guardians, FNaF World

Overclock is a boss and one of the guardians encountered in FNaF World. They're encountered in Deep-Metal Mine. They stand guard to one of the bottons that block the path to Security.

Physical Appearance

Overclock's appearance is almost identical to Endo-02's appearance, minus the skeleton-like head and the strange two-toed feet. Its body seems to be merged together, giving it a strange look. It is noticeable that if one looks closely, it has sharp claws. Mad Endo and Gold Endo have them as well, due to being just a weaker version with nothing changing in appearance and a recolor, respectively.


Action Button Description Technical Description
Basic Attack Deals damage to a single party member. Damage = 200~299 (Normal Mode)/400~598 (Hard Mode)
Insta-kills a single party member. Effect = Sets the target's HP to 0


FNaF World



Game Title Role Description
FNaF World Boss First appearance; They can be fought in Deep-Metal Mine.


  • Overclock is one of the guardians that protects a button, the other ones being Supergoon and Snowcone.
    • In fact, all of them have weaker counterparts which look identical.
  • Overclock is the fastest character in the game.
    • This is most likely because the term "overclocking" is the process of configuring a computer processor or other electronic circuit to run faster than originally intended, allowing it to be faster and more responsive.
  • People used to think that the texture was different to Mad Endo.
    • People used to think that Overclock was angrier looking and had a faster animation than Mad Endo, however this is a myth and is not actually true as they both share the same texture in the files.
FNaF World Enemies
Standalone Enemies
BallboyBeartrapBlacktrapBouncepotBoxbyteChillaxChop 'N RollColossalCrabappleDogfightFlanGearratGoldmineGraveweedJangleMechrabMeringueMetalmanNeonP. GoonPrototypeQuarryRedbearRotSeaweedTangleTombstackTotemoleWhite Rabbit%_^^&(_!2222>>>>>>
(Halloween Edition: AnchovyBall BoyBrow BoyBig JackCheeseheadHalf-BakeMad Endo (HE)MadjackMini-PMudpiePrototype (HE)Quad EndoRedbear (HE)Security (HE)Tangle (HE)Xangle)
Auto ChipperBouncerBrowboyBubbaChica's Magic RainbowChipper's RevengeEyesoreGold EndoMad EndoOverclockPorkpatchPurpleGeistScott CawthonScott's HeadSeagoonSecuritySnowconeSouldozerSupergoon
(Halloween Edition: Party Hat AParty Hat BPurplegeist)