Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki
Helpy-Troll-Game "You have a lot of work to do while patrons eat their pizza in the other room."

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Not what you were looking for? See Minor Characters (disambiguation)

This page lists descriptions of Minor Characters that appear in Out of Stock.

List of Minor Characters[]


Dwight is one of Oscar's classmates. Despite only having learned of Freddy Fazbear and his world the year prior, has his father "make a call" to get him a Plushtrap Chaser early, much to the annoyance of Oscar, Raj, and Isaac.

Mr. Tallis[]

Mr. Tallis is Oscar's history teacher. He makes the entire class recite the preamble of the United States Constitution repeatedly until they get it right.

Ms. Davni[]

Ms. Davni is Oscar's science teacher. She gives the class an unfair pop quiz on isotopes.

Coach Riggins[]

Coach Riggins is Oscar's gym teacher. They make the class run laps around the field despite the fact that it was still muddy from the last rain.

Mr. Enriquez[]

Mr. Enriquez is Oscar's geometry teacher. Despite him being Oscar's favorite teacher, he is unable to bail him out of leaving the classroom. He apologies, telling Oscar that sophomore year isn't easy and his mom wants him. Mr. Enriquez's class is also the only one Oscar, Raj, and Isaac have ever shared.

Ms. Bestly[]

Ms. Bestly is the school secretary. She paints her fingernails white. Oscar refers to her as Ms. Beastly in his mind because of her harsh personality. She hands Oscar the phone to talk to his mom, and after the call ends she quickly leaves to buy Plushtrap Chasers for her five nephews. Oscar later sees Ms. Bestly in front of him, Raj, and Isaac at the Emporium. The store only allowed her to buy one Plushtrap Chaser, much to her ire. Ms. Bestly buys the last Plushtrap Chaser.

Mr. Devereaux[]

Mr. Devereaux is an very old man and the Royal Oaks Nursing Home's longest-term resident. He has watery eyes and veiny arms. Whenever Mr. Devereaux is out of sorts, very few people are able to reason with him enough to get him to take his meds or eat, and Oscar is one of those few people. Mr. Devereaux will occasionally let some sage observation slip and give seeds of wisdom, which keeps Oscar interested in him.

On the day the Plushtrap Chaser releases, Mr. Devereaux comes to believe that Marilyn, an old calico cat that's been living with him for eighteen years, is stealing his soul and requests to see Oscar. When Oscar arrives, Mr. Devereaux has seemingly accepted his fate. Oscar questions why Marilyn would steal is soul only now, to which Mr. Devereaux replies that trust and good fortune cannot be predicted. Oscar is able to convince Mr. Devereaux that Marilyn was simply guarding his soul to protect him, and Mr. Devereaux has Oscar sit down. He can tell Oscar's heart is broken and at first believes it to be because of love, but when Oscar explains it's over a toy he wants. Mr. Devereaux compares the situation to trying to pick crops from soil, telling Oscar he needs to know when to go for it. A new orderly arrives to check on Mr. Devereaux and he orders her to get him water, calling her a ferret. Once he drinks the water, he falls asleep. Mr. Devereaux's words of wisdom stick with Oscar as he both takes and defeats the Plushtrap Chaser.

On Halloween, Oscar goes around delivering candy to the residents at the Royal Oaks Nursing Home and finds Marilyn curled at the foot of Mr. Deveraux's bed. Oscar comments on it and Mr. Deveraux explains that she's earned the right to steal his soul. Continuing to use farming terms, he then asks if Oscar got the toy, and Oscar replies that he didn't but is glad he tried. Mr. Deveraux is satisfied and falls asleep.


Not what you were looking for? See Connor (disambiguation).

Connie is an orderly that cares for Mr. Devereaux. She is on vacation to Puerto Vallarta, so Oscar must take over for her in caring for Mr. Deveraux.


Irvin is the receptionist at the Royal Oaks Nursing Home well-versed in the oddities that occur there. He is very friendly with Oscar. When Oscar arrives, he finds Irvin at the reception desk listening to music with his headphones on. He tells Oscar that Mr. Devereaux thinks Marilyn is trying to steal his soul. As Oscar's leaving, he informs him that Isaac left a message to meet at the mall.

Ms. Delia[]

Ms. Delia is one of the residents in the nursing home. A new orderly is told not to give her dairy after four p.m., as she'll fart to a point where the room needs quarantined.


Thad is one of Oscar's classmates. As Raj and Isaac are looking for a Plushtrap Chaser, they see him outside of Rockets holding a big Emporium bag. The two force Thad to show them what's inside, revealing he has a Plushtrap Chaser. Thad acts smug and reveals his sister is dating the assistant manager of the Emporium, which has a small stock that the manager refuses to put on the shelf.


Not what you were looking for? See Tony (disambiguation).

Tonya is the assistant manager of the Emporium. She has dark eyes and wears her hair in a low ponytail. Because of Tonya's relationship with Thad's sister, he was able to get a Plushtrap Chaser. After the last Plushtrap Chaser is sold, Oscar overhears her, a teenaged staffer, and the manager discussing a returned and oddly realistic Plushtrap Chaser. Tonya asks if anyone had looked at it before it was sold, and suggests calling the police. When the store's clerk panics and runs away from the crowd, Tonya steps up and attempts to control the crowd of angry people. Oscar informs the crowd of the Plushtrap Chaser in the back, but she tells him it is not for sale. Tonya calls security when the crowd gets particularly wild, complaining she doesn't get paid enough to deal with it and turning her back to the crowd.

Mr. Stanley[]

Not what you were looking for? See Stanley (disambiguation).

Mr. Stanley is one of the security officers at the mall. He is called by Tonya to control the crowd, and is presumably one of the security guards that chase Oscar, Raj, and Isaac out of the mall.

The Emporium Manager[]

The Emporium's manager is a man with a gruff voice. Despite having a small stock of Plushtrap Chasers, he doesn't put them on shelf. Isaac assumes he planned to sell them online himself. Once word gets out and a crowd forms, he tells the clerk to only sell one per costumer. Oscar finds him, a teenaged staff, and Tonya in the back inspecting a damaged and oddly realistic Plushtrap Chaser. He questions who processed the return and comments that it isn't from the manufacturer. As Tonya and the teenager argue, he tells them to keep their voices down. Oscar shoves him aside and takes the Plushtrap Chaser.

Unnamed Orderly[]

An unnamed orderly is seen by Oscar a few times while he's visiting the nursing home. He first see her walking down the hall with his mother, being told about Ms. Delia. She later checks up on Mr. Deveraux and is ordered to get him a glass of water. Mr. Deveraux calls her a ferret, saying her face is rather small. When she returns with the water, Mr. Deveraux takes it and falls asleep. The new orderly thanks Oscar for having tuckered him out. Oscar's mom later comments on her small face.

Unnamed Clerk[]

An unnamed teenage clerk that works at the Emporium. The crowd and costumers waiting for a Plushtrap Chaser nearly causes him to have a meltdown. When the last Plushtrap Chaser is sold, he desperately attempts to calm the crowd down but fails. Terrified, he runs to the back to inform the rest of how bad the crowd is getting. When Oscar takes the Plushtrap Chaser, he yells at Oscar and helps security find the three boys as they run away.

In the graphic novel adaptation, the unnamed clerk is a woman with red hair tied into pigtails, large round glasses, blue eyes, and braces.

Unnamed Teenaged Staffer[]

An unnamed teenaged staffer working at the Emporium. Oscar overhears him talking to the manager and Tonya about how real the returned Plushtrap Chaser looks. When Tonya suggests calling the police, he mocks the idea and asks what they're supposed to tell them. Oscar shoves him aside and clips him in the chin as he's taking the Plushtrap Chaser.

Unnamed Cashier[]

An unnamed cashier working at Hal's Halloween Hallway. She wears a pair of yellow antennae on long springs. She seems bored and uninterested in talking to Oscar, paying more attention to her phone. She explains that she doesn't know where the Emporium went, having just filled out an application and started working. When she discovers Oscar has a Plushtrap Chaser, she gets slightly more interested and suggests selling it, telling him it's his now.

Fazbear Frights Characters
Oswald's Family
OswaldOswald's FatherOswald's MotherOswald's Grandmother
Mike's Family
MikeMike's SisterMike's Grandmother
Sarah's Family
SarahSarah's MotherSarah's BrotherSarah's FatherSarah's Grandmother
Abby's Family
AbbyAbby's ParentsAbby's Brother
Blair Family
Mason BlairMr. BlairMrs. Blair
Fitzsimmons Family
Millie FitzsimmonsMillie's GrandfatherJeff FitzsimmonsAudrey FitzsimmonsMillie's GrandmotherRob FitzsimmonsSheri FitzsimmonsHayden FitzsimmonsCameron FitzsimmonsMillicent Fitzsimmons
Greg's Family
Cyril's Family
CyrilCyril's Mother
Bergstrom Family
Kimberly BergstromMrs. BergstromMr. BergstromKimberly's Cousin
Alec's Family
Avila Family
Oscar AvilaMs. AvilaOscar's Father
Raj's Family
RajAvniRaj's Mother
Isaac's Family
IsaacJordanIsaac's Mother
Delilah's Family
DelilahDelilah's Parents
Stanley's Family
StanleyMelissaMaxToddStanley's MotherStanley's FatherStanley's Granny
Marks Family
Devon Blaine MarksMrs. MarksMr. MarksDevon's Cousin
Callahan Family
Mick CallahanDebby CallahanMrs. CallahanMr. Callahan
Kelsey's Family
KelseyKelsey's MotherKelsey's FatherKelsey's Sister
Anders Family
Heather AndersHalley AndersHope Anders
Dinglewood Family
Pete DinglewoodChuck DinglewoodBill DinglewoodAudrey DinglewoodLucyLucy's Husband
Kasey's Family
KaseyKasey's Mother
Susie's Family
SusieSamanthaPatriciaHaydenSusie's Grandmother
Mackenzie Family
Bob MackenzieWanda MackenzieTyler MackenzieAaron MackenzieCindy Mackenzie
Matt's Family
MattMatt's Mother
Gene's Family
GeneGene's Mother
Fremont Family
Mia FremontLucasMr. Fremont
Ackerman Family
Nurse AckermanElijah Ackerman
Thomas Family
Beatrice ThomasBeatrice's Niece
Markham Family
Nole MarkhamMr. MarkhamMrs. MarkhamNole's NephewNole's Grandpa
O'Neil Family
Sam O'NeilPaul O'NeilMolly O'Neil
Wilber Family
Christine WilberEarl WilberMrs. Wilber
Jake's Family
Margie's Family
MargieMargie's FatherMargie's Mother
Billings Family
Toby BillingsConnor BillingsMr. BillingsMrs. Billings
Stanton Family
Robert StantonTyler StantonAnna StantonMrs. Stanton
Reed's Family
ReedAlexaReed's FatherReed's Mother
Girard Family
Shelly GirardPickle GirardOry GirardMrs. GirardMr. Girard
Watson Family
Chris WatsonEmma WatsonDave WatsonMrs. Watson
Angel's Family
AngelOpheliaBiancaMyronAngel's Biological Father
Altieri Family
Sergio AltieriTony AltieriMrs. Altieri
Hudson's Family
HudsonStevenHudson's MotherLewisGranny FosterGrandpa Foster
Jack's Family
Colton's Family
ColtonColton's MotherColton's FatherAidanKatieMikeColton's Grandmother
Thompson Family
Payton ThompsonMrs. ThompsonMr. Thompson
Marley's Family
MarleyGinaMarley's FatherMarley's Brother
Colter Family
Edward ColterMs. ColterEdward's Father
Weston Family
Jack WestonMrs. WestonMr. Weston
Mott's Family
MottRoryMott's MotherMott's Father
Tabor Family
Ron TaborNate TaborMrs. Tabor
Jessica's Family
JessicaJessica's Mother
Brittany's Family
BrittanyBrittany's MotherBrittany's Father
Mindy's Family
MindyMindy's Mother
Cindy's Family
CindyCindy's Mother
Jeremiah's Family
JeremiahJeremiah's MotherJeremiah's FatherJeremiah's Grandmother
D'Agostino Family
Joel D'AgostinoSteve D'AgostinoMrs. D'Agostino
Bell Family
Caleb BellJenna BellSally
Aimee's Family
AimeeAimee's FatherAimee's Mother
Mary Jo's Family
Mary JoMary Jo's Mother
Tucker Family
Emmett TuckerJillyEmmett's Ex-Wife
Larson's Family
Everett LarsonAngelaRyan
Talbert Family
Renelle TalbertDr. TalbertMrs. Talbert
Dirk's Family
DirkDirk's MotherDirk's FatherDirk's Aunt
Jenny's Family
JennyGordonJenny's Mother
Sanders Family
Aaron SandersMrs. SandersLonnie SandersLouisa Jewel Sanders
Minor Families
Richard's FamilyAvery FamilyPhillip's FamilyHenderson FamilyBella's FamilyTheresa's FamilyFairchild FamilyMatt's FamilyZach's Family
Other Characters
Abigail SullivanAJAmberAndrewAngieArthur BlytheBarryMs. BryantChipNurse ColtonMrs. CrutchfieldDaleDan HarborDominicDuaneDylanEdwinGabrielleGrettaGrimHadiHarperMr. HarrisonHopeJackJasonJeffJessJuliusDr. LittleLydiaChief MontgomeryNateParkerPhineas TaggartPorterSage BrantleySophia ManchesterTabitha BingMr. ThorntonWilliam AftonPets
Minor Characters
Into the Pit Minor CharactersTo Be Beautiful Minor CharactersCount the Ways Minor CharactersFetch Minor CharactersLonely Freddy Minor CharactersOut of Stock Minor Characters1:35 A.M. Minor CharactersRoom for One More Minor CharactersThe New Kid Minor CharactersStep Closer Minor CharactersDance with Me Minor CharactersComing Home Minor CharactersBunny Call Minor CharactersIn the Flesh Minor CharactersThe Man in Room 1280 Minor CharactersBlackbird Minor CharactersThe Real Jake Minor CharactersHide-and-Seek Minor CharactersThe Cliffs Minor CharactersThe Breaking Wheel Minor CharactersHe Told Me Everything Minor CharactersGumdrop Angel Minor CharactersSergio's Lucky Day Minor CharactersWhat We Found Minor CharactersThe Puppet Carver Minor CharactersJump for Tickets Minor CharactersPizza Kit Minor CharactersFriendly Face Minor CharactersSea Bonnies Minor CharactersTogether Forever Minor CharactersPrankster Minor CharactersKids at Play Minor CharactersFind Player Two! Minor CharactersStitchwraith Stingers Minor Characters