“Well, look at that! My rising sixth grader has risen!” |
Oswald's unnamed mother is a character who appears in Into the Pit, the first story from the first Fazbear Frights book.
Physical Appearance[]
Oswald's mother has blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail.[2] When making breakfast, she wears a fuzzy pink bathrobe.
Oswald's mother cares deeply for her son, missing him during work and feeling bad for having long hours at work. As a licensed practical nurse, she tends to point out places she finds too germy to play in and can be somewhat over-protective. Oswald's mom also tends to diffuse arguments between her son and husband, usually by comping up with silly punishments.
Oswald's mother and father have known each other since high school, having gone on dates at a roller rink and becoming great skaters. Oswald's mom has a steady job at a hospital, which has her working from 12 p.m. until 12 a.m. most days. She had once told Oswald that adult life is a difficult balance between time and money, so he doesn't care for her long hours as much as she does. At some point they started a one-night-a-week event known as Family Fun Night, which varied depending on Oswald's mother work schedule. First they'd get dinner at either a pizza, Chinese, or Mexican restaurant, then they'd do a fun activity together. This could either be seeing a kid friendly movie, going to the bowling alley, or to the roller rink where they'd help Oswald skate by holding his hands and keeping him up. The evening usually ended with a waffle cone at the ice-cream place downtown, where Oswald's dad would get made fun of for always choosing vanilla.
Despite other families moving away after the closure of the mill, Oswald's family stays in town partially because of his mother's job. With Oswald's dad making less money than before, Family Fun Night turns into an at-home affair. Oswald's mother makes something for dinner that's easy but festive, like tacos from a mix or hot dogs. After eating, they either play board games (which Oswald's mom usually wins) or watch a movie rented from Red Box. If the weather is nice, they pack a picnic of cold cuts and salads from the Snack Space and head to the state park, eating dinner at a wooden table and watching squirrels, birds, and racoons. Afterwards, they go for a walk on one of the hiking trails.
On the first day of summer break, Oswald wakes up to the smell of coffee and bacon. When Oswald enters the kitchen, he finds his mother standing over the stove. She comments on him now being a sixth grader and demands a morning hug, which Oswald acts annoyed by but doesn't turn down. Once he sits down at the kitchen table, his mom pours him a glass of orange juice and serves him a pancake with two strips of bacon. She then comforts him over his friend Ben having moved away, making his summer break less exciting. To cheer him up, Oswald's mom suggests that a new friend could move in or someone cool already lives in town that Oswald doesn't know, but Oswald doubts both of those. He then compliments her pancakes and she ruffles his hair before offering more bacon.
On one Sunday Family Fun Night, Oswald's mother makes spaghetti and garlic bread. They then play a game of Clue, which she wins, and sit on the couch in their pajamas with a huge bowl of popcorn to watch a remake of an old science-fiction move. Once the movie is over, Oswald and his dad get into an argument over it while his mom gets bowls of ice cream from the kitchen. When she returns from the kitchen, she shuts the argument down by threatening to pick the next movie and make it a romantic comedy. Later, Oswald texts Ben and learns about his summer vacation at Myrtle Beach. Oswald wakes up the next day annoyed, with his mom's pancakes failing to cheer him up. The next day, Oswald's mother cooks sausage links and waffles. She notices Oswald's in a better mood, which he explains is because the library is getting his book today. He chooses not to tell her that it's actually because the ball pit in Jeff's Pizza seems to let him time travel to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.
On the last day of summer break, Oswald's dad is replaced by the yellow rabbit. Oswald locks himself in his room and texts his mother, telling her that there's something wrong with his dad and she needs to get home immediately, even if he knows she's busy with medical emergencies and won't check her phone for a long time. An hour later, she calls Oswald terrified and asks if she needs to call nine one one. His mom arrives home fifteen minutes later, but instead of seeing the rabbit she finds her husband laying in their bed watching TV and a chicken potpie on the stove. She knocks on Oswald's door and once let it she explains what she saw. Oswald's mom puts her hand on his forehead checking for a fever, then comments that it's good school is starting back. Oswald decides to go to bed, but before he does his mom puts her hands on his cheeks, looks him in the eyes, and reminds him to only call if it's a real emergency since his call scared her.
The next day, Oswald wakes up to the smell of frying ham and baking biscuits. In the kitchen, his mother is happy to hear he's feeling better and gives him a plate with two ham biscuits on it and a glass of orange juice. When the yellow thing sits down at the breakfast table, Oswald asks where his dad is. Oswald's mom turns around is gets annoyed, saying his dad is sitting across from him as she pours the yellow thing a cup of coffee. Oswald apologies and excuses himself so he can get ready for school. When he returns to the kitchen, he sees the yellow thing standing by the door with the car keys in its paw. Oswald asks if his father is taking him to school, which his mom simply respond that he always does and tells Oswald to have a good day.
- In the graphic novel adaptation of the story, Oswald's Mother's hair is mistakenly colored brown for a few panels before returning to normal.
Interactive Novel Characters | ||||||||