“Nothing looks deader than a dead possum.” |
Oswald's unnamed father is a major character in Fazbear Frights 1: Into the Pit, appearing in the first story of the same name. He's a somewhat older man who wants to give his son the best, even with his poor income.
Physical Appearance[]
Oswald’s dad has stubble. He isn’t a big man, but he still weighs twice as much as Oswald. Oswald's dad wears a red vest to work. He also wears white undershirts and steel-toed brown work boots with thick boot socks.
The story's illustration depicts Oswald's dad as slightly pot-bellied with slicked back gray hair, a mustache, and a beard. He also has bushy black eyebrows. He wears a pair of blue jeans and white shirt. Oswald's dad bears a similar appearance in the game adaptation except with brown hair, a blue t-shirt, blue jeans, and black shoes. When replaced by the Yellow Rabbit, it takes his form except with glowing bright blue eyes.
Oswald's dad tries to stay optimistic and encourages his son to go out and have more fun. He is also somewhat out-of-date and old fashioned, using terms like "surf the net" and preferring older sci-fi movies to more modern versions since they rely on CGI and special effects. He also enjoys country music, listening to a song about a tractor one day. Oswald's dad is quite opinionated, always having some criticism to give and enjoying a good argument. Despite their arguments, Oswald and his dad care deeply for each other.
Oswald's father worked at a local mill while his wife worked long shifts at a hospital. With their income they would go out on Family Fun Nights with Oswald, which meant going to a pizza, Chinese, or Mexican restaurant before going to the movies, the bowling alley, or the roller rink where Oswald's parents would go on dates in high school. The evening usually ended with a waffle cone at an ice-cream place downtown. Three years ago, however, the mill closed and Oswald's dad lost his job. Oswald's family stayed in town due to his mother's steady job and Oswald's grandma living there. His dad ended up with a part-time job as a cashier at the Snack Space's deli counter, which paid five dollars less than he made at the mill. With his wife working from 12 p.m. to 12 a.m., Oswald's dad makes dinner, which is usually frozen meals, like lasagna or chicken potpie, or cold cuts and potato salad from the Snack Space deli which is good enough to eat but not enough to sell. Family Fun Nights become an at-home affair, with Oswald's mom making easy but festive food then playing a board game or watching a film rented from Red Box. When the weather was nice, the three would go out on picnics at the state park before walking down a hiking trail.
Despite his lower income, Oswald's father tries to be optimistic and encourage his son, who is much more pessimistic about their situation. When Oswald complains that the last day of fifth grade and summer vacation will be boring, Oswald's father tells him that he spent his summers riding his bike, playing baseball, and getting into all kinds of trouble until he was called in for supper, and tells Oswald to have fun.[2] After school, his dad makes blue-box mac and cheese with some canned corn, and as he's putting ketchup on his macaroni and cheese he offers to take Oswald to the library everyday since he doesn't like the idea of him staying home the whole day. He also adds that he'll give Oswald three-fifty so he can go to Jeff's Pizza for a slice and a soda, and he can pick Oswald up at three once his shift is over.
During a Family Fun Night, Oswald's family watch a remake of an old science-fiction movie. Oswald's father comments that the film was pretty good but not as good as "the real version," saying it was kind of a cheap knockoff of the original despite taking place in the same universe.[3] He and Oswald argue over it, with his dad telling Oswald that not everything he watched as a kid is better but he enjoys puppets and models over CGI any day, calling it slick and fake with no warmth and texture. The next day, Oswald's dad turn the radio up loud and plays a country song about a tractor. Oswald tries turning it off and argues with his dad, revealing he got a text from his friend Ben about his vacation at Myrtle Beach. His dad apologizes for not being able to take a vacation, explaining that he's hoping to get moved to a full time position at the store in the fall and maybe later to deli manager, which pays another dollar-fifty an hour. Oswald snaps back that Ben's father has a better paying job, but his dad reminds Oswald that Ben's dad had to move five hundred miles away for the job and why they stayed in town. Oswald makes a dramatic remark before getting dropped off and his dad speed away.
Oswald decides to hide in the ball pit of Jeff's Pizza to give his father a little scare and make him come in to find him, but when he does he's transported to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. When Oswald returns to the present, he gets a text from his dad telling him he'll be outside soon, revealing no time has passed. Going to Freddy's via the ball pit becomes a regular occurrence for Oswald. On the last day of summer break, Oswald asks his dad how old he was in 1985. He tells Oswald he was just a couple years older than him, and when Oswald tells him he did research on Jeff's Pizza and learned it used to be some kind of arcade his dad gets nervous.
This time, time doesn't stop when Oswald uses the ball pit, so Oswald's father arrives to find him missing. He goes to ask Jeff for help when Oswald emerges from the ball pit, and his dad becomes furious. He grabs Oswald by the arm and pulls him out of the pit, questioning what he was doing and why he didn't hear him calling. Oswald's dad then leans over the pit, commenting on how dirty it is before being pulled under by a pair of yellow arms. He struggles in a cartoonish way, with his feet kicking up to the surface only to disappear below, but the yellow rabbit emerges victorious and takes his place, with only Oswald and his cat Jinx knowing the truth.
The next day, Oswald makes it back to Jeff's Pizza, where he finds his father pale and unconscious in the ball pit. Oswald and the thing fight in the ball pit, and when it starts lurching towards Oswald's dad, Oswald defends him the best he can. The yellow thing ends up hanging itself, and when it finally dies and becomes an empty rabbit suit Oswald's dad wakes up with puffy eyes and dark half-moons under them. He asks what happened and Oswald lies, telling his dad that he hit his head and lost consciousness. Oswald apologies for things getting out of hand and his father accepts his apology, commenting that Jeff should get rid of the ball pit before he gets a lawsuit. Oswald's dad notices the hanging yellow costume and asks about it, and Oswald answers truthfully saying he doesn't know. He then notices that Oswald's arm is bleeding, which Oswald says came from scrapping his arm trying to pull him out. As the two exit the building, Oswald tells his father that he loves him and his father says the same, and they joke about their differing tastes in media.
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"I was the first! I have seen everything!"
This section archives a lot of theories and speculation, which usually occurs from pre-release media, or just things that are still unknown, so please keep that in mind while reading. The page will continue to be updated with the most accurate information as more solid evidence is supplied. |
- Due to the Freddy mask found in the Attic in Oswald's House, it is heavily speculated that Oswald's dad might be the bully in the Freddy mask from Five Nights at Freddy's 4.
Interactive Novel Characters | ||||||||