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Nora is apart of the Fazbear Funtime Service's Research and Development team and appeared in emails from Five Nights at Freddy's AR: Special Delivery.

Physical Description[]

Nora does not appear physically ingame.


Nora is quite sarcastic, complaining about the demands from higher ups. She appears somewhat lazy and rushed, moving on from a bug when it cannot be replicated in order to meet a deadline. Although, she does seem to somewhat care, not wanting any new animatronics to be released prior to being completely ready. TBA.


Nora first sends an email, "Might need more time", to tell the Compliance Team that R&D got the new animatronic up and running, like they wanted. She does note though that the facial recognition upgrades are not exactly taking the expected effect. They currently have their best looking at it. Nora suggests, if possible, to get an extension, she would hate for them to go out before they are ready. The postscript has her wondering if anyone ever saw her request, since she is still waiting to hear back about the other ones.

Nora garners a response from Tristan, who denies an extension. Nora had mentioned in the other day’s sync meeting that her guys had found a work-around, so R&D should just go with that and meet the original dates. He also adds at the end that he saw the earlier request, but there is nothing Tristan can say about them yet, adding that she knows how it is.

Charles D. sends Nora an email entitled “Still can’t reproduce the issue” in response to the new Toy Bonnie model’s eyes apparently changing color before the behavioral matrix went haywire. Quality Assurance have tried everything they could think of, but are unable to recreate it, so Charles asks if Nora is sure about it.

Nora admits that it was only reported once and she caught the guy that did, sleeping on the job twice in the past week. She figures he was probably just imagining things and wonders what is the worst that could happen. So, she directs Charles to just note it as “Cannot Reproduce” in the log and move on to the rest, or they will never make the new deadline.

Later, Nora gets the email “Not cool” from Tristan. Nora had attempted to go over Tristan’s head to his boss about the Toy Freddy issue, which Tristan heard about. Although he appreciates Nora trying to do what she feels is her job, defining compliance and safety standards is Tristan’s department, not Nora’s. The product analysts determined the problem to be negligible, so they will just attach a note at the bottom of the outgoing customer outreach emails. Tristan says that it is not as if any users actually read them, and it will legally cover them. Tristan also has a P.S. telling Nora that the next time she feels like going over his head, she should come talk to him, otherwise he will be forced to bring it up with Human Resources. Tristan is sorry to be the bad guy about it, but Nora is not really leaving him any other choice.

Nora concedes, but wants what R&D reported noted in writing. She reiterates that Toy Freddy is not safe to be released to the public, all of the safety functions on the users’ handsets risk being rendered useless by the interference from the upgraded facial recognition suite.

Nora eventually gets another email from Tristan about the “New Multarticulus Model Delays”. Tristan has been looking over the reports for the motility tests on the new model, and he has got to say that he is a little disturbed by the lack of progress. The original “Mangle” was reportedly able to move along the ceiling, but the rebuilds are having issues even properly moving on the ground. He asks what type of shop R&D are running down there, as the marketing guys are lighting fires under him to promise they will make the launch dates, but what he sees is not filling him with confidence.

Nora replies to Tristan, first she wants him to tell the marketing people to go jump off a bridge, since they just have to write up some fancy copy. Meanwhile, R&D is downstairs trying to make their crazy promises work in reality on unrealistic budgets and insane timelines. She restates that R&D is doing the best they can. Second, Nora explains there is a big difference between a new model based on the same bipedal chassis and one based on whatever Tristan wants to call it, briefly questioning whether it is quadruped, spider, or tripod. The locomotion is completely different, so that means different power needs. The hydraulic calibrations need to be redone entirely, and the CPU needs to be switched for a newer one with a faster baud rate. She calls the marketing department crazy that they want a “Controlled Disassembly” feature on top of everything else. Third, she really wants Tristan off her back. Management went ahead and put replicating the more exotic endoskeletons on the schedule, despite her warning that it would be a problem. She finishes by stating they are just going to have to live with the limitations of basic physics.

Nora sends a miscellaneous email to Charles in advance, with the title "Are we doing this again?" to head him off at the pass, before he gets any ideas. She informs Charles in no uncertain terms that R&D has not touched the animatronics. Nora redirects any questions he may have to Tristan, she sarcastically says that she is sure he would love to hear from Charles. This is a partial continuation to a previous email Charles sent to Tristan about whether or not R&D had touched the animatronics, in regards to the upcoming Shamrock Freddy. So, Nora is anticipating a similar question from Charles again about the new Chocolate Bonnie, hence the advance notice.

Charles thanks Nora for letting QA know. The testers have complaints about the aggressiveness, but he will let them know to not worry about it.


  • For unknown reasons, but most likely an error, “Nora (R&D)” was the title for the email that was a troubleshooting guide for Toy Freddy.
  • Not counting the above, Nora appears in a total of ten emails.


Might need more time[]

Might need more time

Okay, we got the new one up and running, like you guys wanted. Gotta say, though...the facial recognition upgrades aren't taking the exact effect we expected. We've got our best looking at it, now.

I would suggest getting an extension, if possible. Would hate for these to go out before they're ready.

Thanks, Nora

P.S. Still waiting to hear back about the other ones. Did anyone even see the request?
To: Compliance Team, From: Nora (R&D)

Re: Might need more time[]

Re: Might need more time

That's a no-go on an extension. You mentioned the other day in the sync meeting that your guys found a work-around, right?

Just go with that and hit the original dates.


Oh and I saw the earlier request, nothing I can say about them yet. (You know how it is...)
To: Nora (R&D), From: Tristan (Compliance Team)

Still can't reproduce the issue[]

Still can't reproduce the issue

We've tried everything we can think of here to reproduce the issue you were seeing with the new Toy model, but can't seem to get it to happen here.

Are you sure about the eyes changing color before the behavioral matrix went haywire?

From: Charles (QA), To: Nora (R&D)

Re: Still can't reproduce the issue[]

Re: Still can't reproduce the issue

It was only the once, and only one of the guys reported it. I've caught him sleeping on the job twice this week, too, so he's probably just imagining things.

Honestly, what's the worst that could happen?

Just note it in the log as "Cannot Reproduce" and move on to the rest, or we're never going to meet the new deadline.

From: Nora (R&D), To: Charles (QA)

Not cool[]

Not cool


I heard about you trying to go over my head to my boss about the Toy Freddy issue. While I appreciate you are trying to do what you feel is your job, defining compliance and safety standards is my department, not yours.

Our product analysts have determined that the Toy Freddy issue is negligible. We'll just slap a note at the bottom of the outgoing customer outreach mails - it's not like any of the users even read those, and we'll be covered legally.


P.S. Next time you feel like going over my head, come talk to me, or you'll force me to bring this up with Human Resources. Sorry to be the bad guy about this, but you're really not leaving me with any other choice.
From: Tristan (Compliance Team), To: Nora (R&D)

Re: Not cool[]

Re: Not cool

Fine. But I want it noted it in writing what my department reported.

Toy Freddy is not safe to go out to the public. The interference happening with the upgraded facial recognition suite risks rendering all the safety functions on the users' handsets useless.

From: Nora (R&D), To: Tristan (Compliance Team)

New Multarticulus Model Delays[]

New Multarticulus Model Delays


I've been looking over those reports on the motility tests for the new model and I gotta say I'm a little disturbed by the lack of progress. The original was purportedly able to move along the ceiling, and from what I'm seeing here, we're having issues getting our rebuilds to even move on level ground properly.

What kind of shop are you guys running down there? The marketing guys are lighting fires under me to promise we'll hit the launch date for this, and what I'm seeing is not filling me with confidence.

From: Tristan (Compliance Team), To: Nora (R&D)

Re: New Multarticulus Model Delays[]

Re: New Multarticulus Model Delays

First, tell the marketing people to go jump off a bridge. They just have to write some fancy copy while we're down here trying to make their crazy promises work in reality on unrealistic budgets and completely insane timelines. We're doing the best we can.

Second, there's a huge difference between a new model based on the same bipedal chassis and one based on a...whatever you want to call this thing. A quadreped? A spider? A tripod? The locomotion is completely different, which means the power needs are different, the hydraulic calibrations have to be completely redone, and the CPU has to be switched out for a newer one with a faster baud rate. And then on top of all that, we have to put together this "Controlled Disassembly" feature? The marketing people are crazy.

Third, GET OFF MY BACK!!! I warned management that reproducing the more exotic endoskeletons would be a problem, and they decided to go ahead and put them on the schedule anyways. They're just going to have to live with the limitations of, you know, basic physics.

From: Nora (R&D), To: Tristan (Compliance Team)

Are we doing this again?[]

Are we doing this again?

I'm heading this off at the pass before you get any ideas.


You have any other questions, go send them to Tristan. I'm sure he'd love to hear from you.

From: Nora (R&D), To: Charles (QA)

Re: Are we doing this again?[]

Re: Are we doing this again?

Hey Nora,

Thank you for letting us know.

The testers are complaining about the aggressiveness, but I'll let them know to not worry about it.

From: Charles (QA), To: Nora (R&D)

Core Five Nights at Freddy's Series Characters
Afton Family
William AftonMichael AftonElizabeth Afton
Emily Family
Henry EmilyCharlotte Emily
Fazbear Funtime Workers
Anna KwemtoCharlesDaniel RochaIsoldeJames CampbellKayla StringerLuis CabreraMark ChoNoraRaha SalibSteven WilsonTristan
Other Characters
Mike SchmidtRalphJeremy FitzgeraldFritz SmithSecurity Guard (FNaF3)Phone DudeProtagonist (FNaF4)Crying ChildTechniciansTape GirlVanessaThe PrincessProtagonist (FNaF: SD)GregoryTherapistsCassieProtagonist (FNaF: HW2)
Minor Characters
FNaF1 Minor CharactersFNaF2 Minor CharactersFNaF3 Minor CharactersFNaF4 Minor CharactersFNaF: SL CharactersFFPS Minor CharactersUCN Minor CharactersFNaF: HW Minor CharactersFNaF: SD Minor CharactersFNaF: SB Minor CharactersFNaF: HW2 Minor Characters