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Night 6 is a sixth and bonus night for Five Nights at Freddy's 2. It is unlocked after the completion of Night 5.


Compared to previous nights, this night is extremely difficult, as every animatronic is incredibly active and each of them will most likely visit The Office several times. Golden Freddy also activates on this night and can pose a serious threat if the player is not careful. The Music Box winds down extremely fast on this night, compared to the previous nights.


The player should follow a pattern similar to the strategy provided for Night 5, but must exercise extreme caution for Golden Freddy, as his head can occasionally appear at the back of the hallway, much bigger in scale. If he is seen at the end of the hallway for a moment with the Flashlight, do not shine it again. Instead, wind up the Music Box (around 4-8 ticks) and this will make Golden Freddy disappear - otherwise, his jumpscare will be triggered. Golden Freddy's full body can also appear in front of the player at random after pulling down the Monitor. In this case, they must wear the Freddy Fazbear Mask immediately, as this will make Golden Freddy disappear without attacking.

If the player does not put the mask on, Golden Freddy will not disappear until the player shines the flashlight, in which Golden Freddy will fade away and then his head will fly towards the player, similarly to Withered Foxy, Mangle, The Puppet, Toy Chica, and Toy Bonnie. Unlike the original Five Nights at Freddy's, the game will not crash when Golden Freddy kills the player. Instead, they will receive the Game Over screen, as normal. Once 2 AM hits, Golden Freddy’s AI is decreased while all other animatronics (excluding the Puppet) become extremely active. At this point, the player should also try to listen for footsteps, as they can provide clues as to where some animatronics are located without the use of the Monitor. The sound of loud, heavy footsteps, as if someone is walking over metal, is a sign that an animatronic has ducked into the air vents. Also, one should note that Mangle has a different movement noise when moving from one area to another.

There is an alternative method for beating Night 6. For this alternative method, the player should only shine the Flashlight down the hall 2-4 times and wind up the Music Box around 4-6 ticks until after the phone call; after this, the player needs to put on the Freddy Head every time they lower the Monitor, then repeating the routine performed during the phone call. Every 3 times the player puts on the head and repeats said routine, they should check the Left Air Vent light. This will eliminate the need of checking the Right Air Vent light and give the player more time for Withered Foxy and the Music Box while making sure BB isn't there.

It is also up to luck whether the player gets through Night 6, as Balloon Boy and to a lesser extent, will sometimes appear in the vent and will not leave for an extended period of time. Since the Music Box will unwind faster, the player will have to rewind it, choosing whether to let BB in the room to attack have Withered Foxy attack, or let The Puppet do so. The only way to avoid Withered Foxy or The Puppet's attack(s) is if the player succeeds at holding out to 6 AM. This case scenario can also happen with Toy Bonnie and Toy Chica though it is less likely compared to Balloon Boy.

In the mobile version, the player should keep one thumb close to the Freddy Fazbear Head button and the other ready on the Monitor. Compared to the PC version, this night is equally as difficult, with the exception of Golden Freddy being slightly less active. Also, in the mobile version, the player should try to make sure none of the animatronics get in the vents as early as 12 AM. If they do, they will most likely interfere with winding the Music Box by forcing the player to keep the Freddy Head on for an extended period of time.

Completion of Night 6[]


The caption after beating Night 6.

Upon completion of Night 6, the player is rewarded with a second star on the main menu and the option of playing the Custom Night, along with an overtime paycheck of $20.10. In the background is a newspaper article stating that the pizzeria would be closing after its few weeks of service and the new animatronics would be scrapped, though the older ones would be saved in hopes of someday being restored.

Phone Call[]

Uh hello hello! Uh, what on earth are you doing there? Uh didn’t you get the memo? Uh, the place is closed down, a-at least for a while. Someone used one of the suits. We had a spare in the back, a yellow one. Someone used it. Now none of them are acting right. Listen, j-just finish your shift, i-it’s safer than trying to leave in the middle of the night. Uh, we have one more event scheduled for tomorrow, a-a birthday. You’ll be on day shift. Wear your uniform, stay close to the animatronics and make sure they don’t hurt anyone, okay? Uh, for now just make it through the night. Uh, when the place eventually opens again I’ll probably take the night shift myself. Okay, good night, and good luck.

AI Data[]

Animatronic 12 AM 1 AM 2 AM 3 AM 4 AM 5 AM
Freddy Icon 5 5 10 10 10 10
Bonnie Icon 5 5 10 10 10 10
Chica Icon 5 5 10 10 10 10
Foxy Icon 10 10 15 15 15 15
BB Icon 5 5 9 9 9 9
TF Icon 0 0 5 5 5 5
TB Icon 0 0 5 5 5 5
TC Icon 0 0 5 5 5 5
Mangle Icon 3 3 10 10 10 10
GF Icon ran(10)/10 ran(10)/10 3 3 3 3
Puppet UCN 15 15 15 15 15 15


  • The date on the check for this night is the 13th of November 1987, which was a Friday. This means Night 6 is Friday the 13th, which is considered an unlucky day in Western superstition. It is unknown whether this was intentional or not.
  • When Withered Chica enters The Office, Mangle will almost always enter the blind spot at the same time. This is convenient since they can both be warded off at the same time.
  • Golden Freddy and the Toy Animatronics (excluding BB) do not appear in the mobile version as often as they do in the PC version.
  • If the player quickly scrolls over each option and clicks on Night 6, it will launch the night, but it will show the screen as if having hit New Game. When the game loads into the night, however, it will be noticeably harder than the actual Night 6. Twitch streamer BATTLEATHLETE discovered this while playing.
  • On the newspaper at the end of the night, there is a minor grammatical mistake. It says "Freddy Fazbear's Pizza is closing it's doors" rather than "Freddy Fazbear's Pizza is closing its doors".



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Core Five Nights at Freddy's Series Levels
Five Nights at Freddy's
Night 1Night 2Night 3Night 4Night 5Night 6Custom Night
Five Nights at Freddy's 2
Night 1Night 2Night 3Night 4Night 5Night 6Custom Night
Five Nights at Freddy's 3
Night 1Night 2Night 3Night 4Night 5Nightmare
Five Nights at Freddy's 4
Night 1Night 2Night 3Night 4Night 5Night 6Nightmare20/20/20/20
Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location
Night 1Night 2Night 3Night 4Night 5Custom Night
Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator
Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted
FNAF 1FNAF 2FNAF 3Dark RoomsParts and ServiceVent RepairNight Terrors

(Curse of Dreadbear: Afraid of the DarkSpooky MansionDanger! Keep Out!

Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach

(Ruin: Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9)

Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted 2
BackstageFazcadeStaff OnlyFood PrepTicket BoothSister Location