Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki
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Night 5 is the fifth and final playable night of the main storyline of Five Nights at Freddy's.


Upon beginning Night 5, the player will be greeted with a phone call of deep, distorted voices, rather than Ralph, with the call ending in static and an animatronic screeching. Curiously, it seems to cut off 1/4 of the way through the screech, three times.

This night can be extremely difficult, even if the player has a considerable level of skill, as all of the animatronics are very active, and Foxy will often drain the power by banging on the left door. This can eventually lead to a power outage, resulting in an inevitable death, courtesy of Freddy Fazbear, if the player is not careful to monitor Foxy's movement.


Lights, Freddy and Cove[]

The most common strategy for Nights 3 to 6 is for the player to simply do this in the correct order:

  1. Close the right door (so Freddy can't enter the Office).
  2. Check Pirate Cove for Foxy.
  3. Pull down monitor and open right door (Freddy cannot enter when the camera is down).
  4. Check both Hall Lights. If Bonnie or Chica is in the doorway, close the door of the animatronic in question.
  5. Repeat.

Since checking on Bonnie and Chica with the cameras can use up power, the player should simply check for them using the Hall Lights. Bonnie or Chica may kill the player if they don't check the door lights often. If the player isn't able to use the doors or Hall Lights, then that means either Bonnie or Chica are inside the Office, and the player will almost certainly be attacked. The player can avoid this if they don't check the cameras at all, but that puts the player at risk of Foxy attacking if the left door jams.

Bonnie/Chica, Freddy, Foxy[]

Another good way to complete Night 5 with ease is:

  1. Check the right and left hall lights twice.
  2. As fast as possible, check the cameras on the Show Stage and Pirate's Cove. Constantly checking the Show Stage will freeze Freddy in place, thus Freddy won't be a deterrent to the player.
  3. Repeat, except check Pirate Cove first and then switch to the Show Stage.

Freddy navigates the rooms in this order: Show StageDining AreaRestroomsKitchenEast Hall → East Hall Corner. If Bonnie and Chica are gone, then the player should check only Pirate Cove and Freddy's current location. If Freddy is in the E. Hall Corner, then it is recommended that the player closes the right door when viewing another camera. If Freddy's laugh is heard after he has been spotted in the E. Hall Corner and the right door is open, Freddy has snuck into the Office and will attack at a random time.


  • The player should check Pirate Cove and Show Stage frequently. Foxy and Freddy are much more active than they are on previous nights.
  • Checking the East Hall Corner frequently is recommended; if Freddy is there, it is advised that the player does not look away from this camera, or else, he will sneak into the Office.
  • If the player keeps a constant eye on Freddy on the Show Stage and on Foxy in Pirate Cove, Freddy will not leave the stage, and Foxy will take a longer time leaving his position. As long as the player can check the doors and cameras quickly, this is one of the easiest known ways to pass Night 5 (Note that the above tactic might not work so often on the mobile versions of the game, as the A.I. is much more aggressive than usual).
  • Another strategy for the player to use is as follows:
    1. Check only the Show Stage camera for Freddy.
    2. Lower the camera and check both lights.
    3. Repeat 1 and 2.
    4. Repeat 1 and check Pirate Cove's camera for Foxy. This way the player doesn't watch him too much or too little.
    5. Repeat all. Now only Bonnie and Chica are threats.
  • There is another strategy to stay alive against Freddy without having to look for him too much, which is to close the right door when his laugh has been heard 5 times (1. Dining Area, 2. Restrooms, 3. Kitchen, 4. East Hall, 5. E. Hall Corner). If Freddy laughs again after the fifth time, it means that he has changed rooms. Check the E. Hall Corner; if neither he nor Chica are there, the door is safe to open. If he laughs once more after that, he may be back in the corner - close the door and check again. This strategy requires a lot of attentive listening, but it can save on power.
  • Being that Freddy, Bonnie and Chica are all very active during this night, it tends to be very easy to overlook Foxy, so it's advised to keep an eye on Pirate's Cove.

Completing Night 5[]


The menu after beating Night 5.

Mike Schmidt cheque

The paycheck earned for beating Night 5.

Upon completion of Night 5, Mike Schmidt will receive his paycheck worth $120 for working the five nights.

When the player returns to the main menu, they will find a star added to it for beating Night 5, and the bonus Night 6 is unlocked and selectable, separate from the main game.

Phone Call[]

Note: The phone call from Night Five is not actually spoken by Phone Guy. It's more likely one of the animatronics in a deep, garbled, demonic-sounding voice. When the audio clip is played backwards and some post-processing applied, it is rendered into a difficult to understand, and hard to translate, garble.

While numerous possible fan translations exist, a more recent speculation is that the call is in fact an excerpt from the book Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda. It has not been confirmed, however, and is simply speculated because of the frequent matches in hand-translated phrases that most translators of the call have found. The complete passage speculated to be in the call is as follows:

(Omitted: Sir,) it is lamentable that mass agricultural development is (omitted: not) speeded by fuller use of your marvelous mechanisms. Would it not be easily possible to employ some of them in quick laboratory experiments to indicate the influence of various types of fertilizers on plant growth?

You are right. Countless uses (omitted: of Bose instruments) will be made by future gener- (omitted: ations. The scientist) seldom knows contemporaneous (omitted: reward; it is enough to possess) the joy of creative (omitted: service.)
Excerpt from Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda.,

Listen here.

A more cleaned up version of the Night 5 call with the above interpretation.

A PDF of chapter 8 from the text Autobiography of a Yogi with some notes.

It seems that when decoded, the garbled noise that some of the animatronics make are also based off of the same excerpt but moved up a few lines. It prepends "application of electric currents or heavy pressure. I looked around the room at the numerous inventions, eloquent testimony of a tireless ingenuity" and then cuts off at " indicate."

AI Data[]

Animatronic 12 AM 1 AM 2 AM 3 AM 4 AM 5 AM
527 3 3 3 3 3 3
528 5 5 6 7 8 8
Chica 7 7 7 8 9 9
536 5 5 5 6 7 7


  • Mike only works for $4 per hour during his employment at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, which is lower than any American state's definition of the minimum wage.
    • This can potentially be refuted since, in the U.S., federal income tax from 1988 to 2001 was 15% for whatever tax bracket Mike would be in with his $120 paycheck. Assuming 15% and that they took out income tax already before paying him, as most businesses do, Mike actually gets ~$141.18 (rounded to nearest cent), which results in a ~$4.71 hourly wage (again, rounded to nearest cent). That's just on federal income tax alone, not to mention state tax, which varies from state to state. The minimum wage was $4.25 from 1991-1995, $4.75 in 1996, and $5.15 from 1997-2006. If other taxes were taken out of his paycheck, it's easy enough to push the year this takes place in as far forward as 1996 and potentially to 2006. Assuming his payday was a Friday, this makes 1993 a viable year based simply on federal income tax and minimum wage at the time. If further taxes were taken out, 1999 and 2004 might become viable as well, as further taxation only means he receives a higher base pay. Any Friday the 12th in November after 2004 is unlikely, as the next is in 2010, where his income tax bracket would have dropped to 10%, making the minimum wage $7.25, too high for what he would be making.
    • It's possible that Freddy Fazbear's Pizza could legally be paying Mike at a rate that is clearly lower than the federal and state minimum wages today. The U.S. Department of Labor allows some categories of workers to be paid less than the minimum wage, to try and avoid hindering their employability. Examples include young workers under 20, full-time students working in certain sectors, and those with physical or mental disabilities. In either case, certificates are required in order to carry it out- an unlikely scenario, given that Mike would only have had the job for a week, compared to the time or money it would have taken for the restaurant to obtain such a certificate. However, it shows that the sub-minimum pay rate can be legally given in certain circumstances. The rationale behind the possibility that Mike could have belonged to one of these exceptional cases is that it opens up the year of the game's setting, so the tablet camera feed can make sense, without restricting the game's year to one where $4.00 hourly was actually the federal minimum wage- arguably 1993. However, this theory is unlikely, since if Mike was mentally disabled, he would probably not be able to avoid the animatronics, a task which requires strategy, reflexes, and multitasking ability.
  • The demonic voices that play on this night's phone call are the same voices that occur when Bonnie and Chica's heads twitch in the East and West Hall Corners and during Golden Freddy's special Visual Hallucinations, just heavily distorted even further, in addition to their respective screams when attacking.
  • The AI levels for this night are 3-5-7-5.
  • It was believed that Freddy would play a shorter jingle and attack faster when the power runs out on night 5, however this not true, as explained in this video by Tech Rules, and demonstrated in a Markiplier video


Core Five Nights at Freddy's Series Levels
Five Nights at Freddy's
Night 1Night 2Night 3Night 4Night 5Night 6Custom Night
Five Nights at Freddy's 2
Night 1Night 2Night 3Night 4Night 5Night 6Custom Night
Five Nights at Freddy's 3
Night 1Night 2Night 3Night 4Night 5Nightmare
Five Nights at Freddy's 4
Night 1Night 2Night 3Night 4Night 5Night 6Nightmare20/20/20/20
Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location
Night 1Night 2Night 3Night 4Night 5Custom Night
Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator
Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted
FNAF 1FNAF 2FNAF 3Dark RoomsParts and ServiceVent RepairNight Terrors

(Curse of Dreadbear: Afraid of the DarkSpooky MansionDanger! Keep Out!

Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach

(Ruin: Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9)

Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted 2
BackstageFazcadeStaff OnlyFood PrepTicket BoothSister Location