Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki
Helpy-Troll-Game "You have a lot of work to do while patrons eat their pizza in the other room."

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Michael Brooks is one of the missing children from the Five Nights at Freddy's novel series, and Charlie's childhood friend. He's the son of Joan and Donald Brooks. In the novels, after death, he possesses Golden Freddy.

Physical Appearance[]

In the graphic novels, Michael Brooks is a child who sports a blue t-shirt, and has a round face with short blond hair.



In 1985, at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, he was lured away by William Afton in a yellow bear suit into a room, along with four other children, and was never seen again.

The Silver Eyes[]

Michael is not seen directly, but he does try to communicate with Jason to tell him that Freddy Fazbear's Pizza is dangerous, and later in the book, is the presumed spirit of Golden Freddy.


Michael as Golden Freddy, GN1: TSE.

Michael, as Golden Freddy, communicates to Carlton Burke while he is trapped inside the springlock suit. Golden Freddy is in the corner of the room staring at him. Carlton begins to feel a strange sensation, his fear replaced with relief despite the obvious danger he is in. His heartbeat slows, his breathing calms, and he begins to hear voices that put him at ease. Charlie is skeptical at first, as she asks him why he called Golden Freddy "Michael." Carlton believes that Michael was in the suit, even though he knew he sounded crazy.

Golden Freddy later reappears to stop the four other animatronics when the group of teenagers are surrounded by them. The teenagers (Charlie, John, Jessica, Marla, and Lamar) were already aware that the missing children that went missing ten years prior were possessing the animatronics, as revealed by Dave Miller (William's fake identity), their killer.

When Freddy and his band drag William's corpse away, Golden Freddy’s suit is not seen backstage nor helping the other animatronics.

The Twisted Ones[]

Though not outright stated, it is implied that Michael took the form of the shadowy version of Freddy that led John, Jessica, and Clay Burke to the underground pizzeria that Twisted Freddy took Charlie into.

The Fourth Closet[]

Michael again appears in the book in the form of the Amalgamation. He tries to help Carlton and his friends escape Circus Baby's Pizza World. After Carlton was injected with remnant, Michael psychically appears, along with the four other missing children, to put together a set of drawings. After the drawings were put together, he gives him one of his drawings, then disappears.


WitheredChica-Icon "I was the first! I have seen everything!"

This section archives a lot of theories and speculation, which usually occurs from pre-release media, or just things that are still unknown, so please keep that in mind while reading. The page will continue to be updated with the most accurate information as more solid evidence is supplied.

  • It's possible that he somehow used his spiritual powers to control Theodore in The Fourth Closet, to make him say "Silver Reef", making John and Jessica find the real Charlie.


  • He shares his first name with Michael Afton and Mike Schmidt.
  • In The Fourth Closet, it's unknown why he and the other four kids had forgotten that William was their killer, and thought he was friendly.
    • However, this could be because the five of their endoskeletons were melted down into an amalgamation, thus distorting their memories pertaining to their deaths and William.
  • In The Twisted Ones, when Afton's hideout collapses, it's still completely unknown why Michael and the other four kids - when they were still possessing the animatronics - strangely disappeared.
    • However, this can be due to the fact that he and other four were trying to find Afton and kill him once and for all. This goes wrong, leading the five of them to be captured and turned into amalgamation in Fourth Closet.
  • Strangely enough, he does not appear in the graphic novel of the Twisted Ones, although he is mentioned.
Novel Trilogy Characters
Emily Family
Charlotte EmilyHenry EmilyJenny EmilySammy Emily
Burke Family
Carlton BurkeClay BurkeBetty Burke
Brooks Family
Michael BrooksDonald BrooksJoan Brooks
Marla's Family
Afton Family
William AftonElizabeth Afton
Missing/Kidnapped Children
Other People
JohnJessicaArtyDr. TreadwellLamarTracy HortonOfficer DunnMinor Characters