Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki

Maya's Family in Tales from the Pizzaplex comprises the relatives of Maya from Under Construction, the third story of Tales from the Pizzaplex 1: Lally's Game.

Family Members[]


Main Article: Maya

Maya (full name unknown) is the main protagonist of Under Construction. She is described as having the beauty in the family. She is also the babysitter of Thompson's kids.


Main Article: Elena

Elena (full name unknown) is Maya's younger sister. While Maya has the beauty in the family, She has the smarts in the family. She has curly black hair and big brown eyes, similar to Maya's. She also has flannel-clad shoulders and a broad nose.


Violeta (full name unknown) is Maya's and Elina's mother. She is a grade-school teacher who always finds time to spend with her family. She is described as being dark, petite and pretty, with short black curls that were peppered with grey. She always smells like jasmine.

Maya's Father[]

Maya's Unnamed Father is a recurring character. He ran an office supply He is described as having thinning hair in a buzz cut, with smile lines creasing around his eyes and mouth on his plain face. He smells like ink and toner, due to his office supply and print shop.

Aunt Sofia[]

Aunt Sofia (full name unknown) is a recurring character in Under Construction. She is the wife of Uncle Peter. She is shown speaking Spanish due to wanting to learn more about her family's Puerto Rican heritage, although she can speak english. She is also the mother of six kids[1], with her youngest one being Axel. She is described as only having long braids that looped on top of her head in an intricate knot.

Uncle Peter[]

Not what you were looking for? See Peter (disambiguation).

Uncle Peter (full name unknown) is a recurring character in Under Construction. He is the husband of Aunt Sofia. Not much about his appearance is described.

Aunt Luciana[]

Not what you were looking for? See Lucy (disambiguation).

Aunt Luciana (full name unknown) is a minor character in Under Construction. She is the wife of Uncle Rafael, and has 4 kids.

Uncle Rafael[]

Uncle Rafael (full name unknown) is a minor character in Under Construction. He is the husband of Aunt Luciana and has 4 kids.


Axel (full name unknown) is a recurring character. He is the youngest son of Aunt Sofia and Uncle Peter. Maya mentions that she loves to babysit him as he loves playing paddy cake all the time until he was tired. He's described as being a pudgy-faced 4 year old with dark eyes and a grin that never disappeared.


Abril (full name unknown) is a minor character in Under Construction. She is Axel's sister, While she isnt shown much in the first half, she is shown sick and unable to move in the second/third half of the story, presumably due to cancer that has taken and infected Maya's entire family. She is described as having perky and shiny pigtails that was now limp and lusterless.


Gran (full/real name unknown) is a minor yet pivotal character in Under Construction. During Maya's 17th birthday, Gran gave her a gold necklace from her pouch. Then shortly afterwards, Gran contracts cancer and dies sometime later.


Gramps is a minor character in Under Construction


Nana is a minor character in Under Construction


Pappy is a minor character in Under Construction


  1. Under Construction | Page 156 | "Between them, Maya's mother and aunts had given Maya's maternal grandparents twelve grandchildren. Sofia and Peter were responsible for six of those."
Tales from the Pizzaplex Characters
Robert's Family
RobertRobert's FatherRobert's Mother
Selena's Family
SelenaDavidSelena's MotherSelena's Father
Cade's Family
CadeJaniceCade's Father
Maya's Family
MayaElenaVioletaMaya's FatherAunt SofiaAunt LucianaUncle RafaelUncle PeterAxelAbrilGramGrampsNanaPappy
Noelle's Family
NoelleNoelle's Uncle
Snodgrass Family
Steve SnodgrassVictoria SnodgrassAvery SnodgrassAbigail Snodgrass
Aiden's Family
AidenAiden's FatherAiden's Mother
Jace's Family
JaceJace's FatherJace's Mother
Billy's Family
BillyDanBilly's GrandmotherVera
Barker Family
Sam BarkerMr. BarkerMrs. Barker
Dawson Family
Raad DawsonMr. DawsonMrs. DawsonRaad's SiblingsRaad's Cousin
Luca's Family
LucaLuca's Father
Asher's family
AsherAsher's Father
Kenny's Family
KennyKenny's Parents
Grady's Family
GradyGrady's MotherGrady's FatherGrady's Grandmother
Ronan's Family
RonanRhondaRonan's Mother
Tate's Family
TateTate's Father
Wykowski Family
Caden WykowskiStella Barns (Grams)Cynthia WykowskiMr. Wykowski
Mendoza Family
Yasmine MendozaMarie Mendoza
Butterfield Family
Jason ButterfieldJason's Parents
Wilson Family
Robbie WilsonBrad WilsonMrs. Wilson
Miller Family
Johnny MillerMrs. MillerJohnny's sibling
Jason's Family
JasonJason's Dad
Dyson's Family
DysonDyson's Parents
Thayer Family
Abe ThayerAbe's MotherAbe's FatherVic Thayer
Evan's Family
EvanEvan's child
Eriksen Family
Astrid EriksenMr. EriksenAstrid's MotherAstrid's Farfar
Geena's Family
GeenaGeena's Mother
Remy’s Family
RemyRemy’s FatherRemy’s Mother
Price Family
Warren PriceMr. Price
Fran's Family
FranFrenUnnamed Mother
Becker Family
Tony BeckerMr. BeckerMrs. BeckerTony's GrandmotherMelva
Ellis' Family
EllisEllis' Mother
Crystal's Family
CrystalCrystal's Brother
Finbarr's Family
FinbarrFinbarr's MotherFinbarr's Father
Browning Family
Mr. BrowningMrs. Browning
Mrs. Hawkins' Family
Mrs. HawkinsShellyPetey
Murray Family
Edwin MurrayDavid Sean MurrayFiona Murray
Walsh Family
Kara WalshMartin WalshMrs. WalshPeggyPeggy's Parents
Lola's Family
LolaLola's BrotherLola's Parents
Francine's Family
FrancineFrancine's MotherFrancine's Father
Zachary's Family
ZacharyZachary's Mother
Dominic's Family
DominicDominic's Grandmother
Harry's Family
HarryHarry's Mother
Joan's Family
Unnamed Fazbear engineerJoanJoan's nieces
Kai's Family
KaiMaliaKai's MomKai's Dad
Todd's Family
ToddTodd's motherTodd's dad
Asher's Family
AsherAlexAsher's motherAsher's father
Gruber's Family
Old Man GruberGruber's daughter
Nelson Family
Mrs. NelsonMr. Nelson
Kane's Family
KaneArcherKane's motherKane's father
Sienna's Family
SiennaSienna's sister
Miles' Family
MilesMiles' fatherMiles' sister
Shullenberg Family
Danny ShullenbergBobby ShullenbergJohnny ShullenbergMrs. ShullenbergMr. Shullenberg
Zayland Family
Daisy ZaylandMrs. ZaylandMr. Zayland
Glasgow Family
Aaron GlasgowMrs. GlasgowMr. Glasgow
Hutchins Family
Travis HutchinsMr. HutchinsMrs. HutchinsTravis' Grandmother
Rory's Family
RoryRory's FatherRory's MotherRory's UncleRory's GrandmotherRory's Sister
Wade's Family
WadeWade's Father
Other Characters
JessicaNurse MacyNurse ColinFather JeremiahOfficer ManorAprilBillyJaxonMrs. CarpenterPastor BenCeciliaAmandaBrock EdwardsMattGilbert HurlbuttDJ DanSaylor ThriftDr. LingstromMaliahGregTherapists
Minor Characters
Frailty/Minor CharactersLally's Game/Minor CharactersUnder Construction/Minor CharactersUnder Construction/Minor CharactersHelp Wanted (Story)/Minor CharactersHAAPS (Story)/Minor CharactersB-7/Minor CharactersSomniphobia/Minor CharactersPressure/Minor CharactersCleithrophobia/Minor CharactersSubmechanophobia/Minor CharactersAnimatronic Apocalypse/Minor CharactersBobbiedots, Part 1/Minor CharactersGGY/Minor CharactersThe Storyteller (Story)/Minor CharactersBobbiedots, Part 2/Minor CharactersNexie/Minor CharactersDrowning/Minor CharactersThe Mimic (Story)/Minor CharactersTiger Rock/Minor CharactersThe Monty Within/Minor CharactersBleeding Heart/Minor CharactersB7-2/Minor CharactersAlone Together/Minor CharactersDittophobia/Minor Characters