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Were you looking for Mad Endo's FNaF World: Halloween Edition counterpart, Mad Endo (HE)?
Or were you looking for Mad Endo's stronger counterparts, Overclock or Gold Endo?

Mad Endo is a boss encountered in FNaF World. They're encountered in Deep-Metal Mine and Choppy's Woods. They stand guard to various golden and red chests.

Physical Appearance

Mad Endo's appearance is almost identical to Endo-02's appearance, minus the skeleton-like head and the strange two-toed feet. Its body seems to be merged together, giving it a strange look. It is noticeable that if one looks closely, it has sharp claws. Overclock and Gold Endo have them as well, due to being just a powered-up version with nothing changing in appearance and a recolor, respectively.


Action Button Description Technical Description
Basic Attack Deals damage to a single party member. Damage = 200~209 (Normal Mode)/400~418 (Hard Mode)
Negates the effects of stat boosts, Gift Boxes and Neon Wall. Effect = Removes all stat boosts, Gift Boxes and Neon Wall


FNaF World



Game Title Role Description
FNaF World Boss First appearance; They can be fought in Deep-Metal Mine and Choppy's Woods.


  • Mad Endo is the only boss in the game to have an entire recolor counterpart.
  • Mad Endo is one of the bosses appearing in the "Merry Christmas" image; three others are Bubba, Browboy, and Porkpatch.
  • Mad Endo shares the same appearance as Overclock.
    • Though, Mad Endo shares the similar appearance with Gold Endo.
  • Mad Endo is the only boss in the game to have more than one counterpart.
  • Mad Endo simply guards chests in the mine, like Eyesore in Mysterious Mine and Auto Chipper in Fazbear Hills and Choppy's Woods.
    • However, one of them appears in Choppy's Woods, only to guard the chest that holds the Pizza: Fury chip.
  • Mad Endo is one of the five bosses that are considered optional bosses, since the player doesn't need to defeat it to complete the story. The other four being Auto Chipper, Eyesore, Seagoon and Gold Endo.
  • Mad Endo is the only boss that has the Gloom attack.
  • It is possible that Mad Endo is the endoskeleton for Porkpatch and Bubba, though this is unconfirmed.
FNaF World Enemies
Standalone Enemies
BallboyBeartrapBlacktrapBouncepotBoxbyteChillaxChop 'N RollColossalCrabappleDogfightFlanGearratGoldmineGraveweedJangleMechrabMeringueMetalmanNeonP. GoonPrototypeQuarryRedbearRotSeaweedTangleTombstackTotemoleWhite Rabbit%_^^&(_!2222>>>>>>
(Halloween Edition: AnchovyBall BoyBrow BoyBig JackCheeseheadHalf-BakeMad Endo (HE)MadjackMini-PMudpiePrototype (HE)Quad EndoRedbear (HE)Security (HE)Tangle (HE)Xangle)
Auto ChipperBouncerBrowboyBubbaChica's Magic RainbowChipper's RevengeEyesoreGold EndoMad EndoOverclockPorkpatchPurpleGeistScott CawthonScott's HeadSeagoonSecuritySnowconeSouldozerSupergoon
(Halloween Edition: Party Hat AParty Hat BPurplegeist)