- Not what you were looking for? See Kim (disambiguation).
“I just mean that quantum stuff is hard. I like it, too, and I've tried to read about it, but I don't get it. Not really.” |
Kimberly Bergstrom is a major character in Fetch, the first story from Fazbear Frights 2: Fetch. She's a rather intelligent teenage girl that shares similar interests with Greg, such as researching random event generators.
Physical Appearance[]
Kimberly is pretty with long inky black hair and "amazing" green eyes.
Kimberly is shown to be incredibly smart and possibly nerdy, since she’s in Advanced Scientific Theory and has the same interests as Greg. She is also graceful and friendly, and she is said to love dogs.
Kimberly's mother was fifty-one years old when she was born and her father was older, making Kimberly a miracle baby. When Kimberly was in first grade, a new kid named Greg moved in about a mile down the street, although the two didn't meet until second grade. As Kimberly grew older, she became interested in topics related to random event generators, or REGs, such as how they get spikes before big sporting events. She tried talking about the machines to her parents, but both dismiss them.
About two years prior, Kimberly won a science fair prize. Now a freshman, she takes Advanced Scientific Theory along with eleven other students. One day, the teacher discusses the Zero Point Field in class, a subject her fellow classmate Greg is rather enthusiastic about. As the lecture continues, Kimberly raises her hand and questions if the Zero Point Field is just a theory. The teacher explains that it's not entirely a theory, bringing up the scientific trend and the scientific revolution.
Two days after Christmas, classes resume and Advanced Scientific Theory begins to discuss random event generators, or REGs. Kimberly matches Greg's enthusiasm as the teacher explains to the rest of the class what they are and how they relate to the Zero Point Field. The class is able to get a small REG for intention experiments, and Kimberly is partnered up with Greg. She gracefully turns to look at him and smiles at him, although her smile falters a little when Greg grins back and waves exuberantly. The teacher then instructs the students to move seats and exchange phone numbers.
A few weeks later, Kimberly and Greg have their first meet-up at the science lab. They are instructed to control the 0s and 1s generated by the REG machine with their minds, with Kimberly taking 1s while Greg takes 0s. Kimberly does better than Greg, and after ten minutes have passed the two are then instructed to write a paper about some aspect of REG research and how it impacts society. Kimberly suggests writing about how REGs influence big world disasters, although Greg doesn't initially hear her as he's distracted by her nails and tight sweater. She's surprised and excited to learn that Greg is aware of the topic and has been studying it for the past couple years. The two bond over their shared interest and knowledge over REGs, and Greg explains his research into Cleve Backster. Kimberly is ecstatic to learn about Backster's experiments, but upon learning Greg's desire to manipulate the Zero Point Field she warns him that he could crash and burn. Kimberly notices that Greg is hurt by her warning and tries to cheer him up, but are kicked out by the next group of students.
The next day, Greg doesn't show up to school. Kimberly asks his friends Hadi and Cyril about him, telling them he has a good paper idea and she's ready to work on it. After school, Kimberly and her mother stop to run errands on the way home, buying oregano and basil. They return home at four thirty, and Kimberly's father returns home right after. Her father spots Greg hiding in the bushes and Greg warns Kimberly that she is in danger, explaining his previous adventures into the abandoned pizzeria and him discovering a dog animatronic. He goes on to explain the horrific things the animatronic had done, such as killing his neighbor's dog and tearing off his Uncle Dare's finger, but is cut off by Kimberly's father, who calls the cops and claims Greg is stalking her. Kimberly mouths sorry as Greg looks on defeated.
It is heavily implied that, while Greg was in custody, Fetch snuck up on Kimberly, killed her, and dragged her body all the way to Greg's room wrapped in a beige sheet. When Greg returns home, he takes a shower and finds the beige sheet, now soaking in blood.
- Kimberly's phone is said to be tucked into a bright purple case.
- Kimberly uses the slang term "Gucci" when talking to Greg.