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"Ge-Get ready for a surprise!"
Beware that this page may contain spoilers for related material. If you are new to anything, like if you have not played the games or read the books yet, please read at your own risk! |
“Frustrated by an unfair arcade game, Colton throws himself into re-engineering the device at any cost.” |
Jump for Tickets is the second story in Fazbear Frights 9: The Puppet Carver and chronologically the Fazbear Frights series' 26th story. It’s also the first story in the fifth graphic novel collection and chronologically the graphic novel series’ 13th story. It was written by Elley Cooper, with illustrations done by Diana Camero and colors done by Judy Lai.
- Freddy Fazbear's Pizza
- Swirly Cone
At Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, Colton is frustrated by an arcade game in which players jump up and down on a platform to win tickets. He sneaks in at night to fix the game, but Coils the Birthday Clown tries to stop him. Colton ignores the animatronic and goes underneath the platform of the machine to fix it, but gets trapped inside. The next day, he gets crushed to death when children jump on the platform. Coil's usually happy face turns into a frown.
Colton is a deeply unhappy high schooler. A year prior, his father was killed in an accident after driving on an icy road without a guardrail. Colton had kept all his sadness to himself, allowing it to turn into anger. He lashes out at others, especially young children. After his father’s death, Colton and his mother learned to settle for less. While they aren’t poor, they don’t make enough money to get luxury items. Every week, Colton will get ten dollars to spend at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, where he is saving up tickets to get a new handheld game console.

In the Ticket Pulverizer, kids jump up and down on its platform to earn tickets.
One day at Freddy’s, Colton comes across his little cousin Aidan attending a birthday party. After a quick hug, Aidan returns to the party just in time to jump in the Ticket Pulverizer. In the game, players must jump up and down in the Ticket Pulverizer to release tickets from its ceiling. The animatronic associated with the Ticket Pulverizer is Coils the Birthday Clown. Colton watches in jealousy and disgust, as he knows the game is rigged to favor little kids, but then begins to form an idea. He reasons that if the Ticket Pulverizer had been rigged to favor little kids, it could be rerigged to favor big ones. Once the game is over, Colton investigates and wonders if tightening the screws at the bottom of the booth would make it harder to push down. He realizes that he would be unable to dismantle the Ticket Pulverizer while Freddy’s is open and plans to break in at night.
After getting the right tools from his uncle Mike, as well as sketching and planning, Colton waits until Saturday night to break in since his mother is working an eight-to-eight shift. While playing a game, he hides in a cave to avoid potential enemies and it gives him the idea to hide while Freddy’s is closing instead of breaking in. Once his mom leaves, Colton makes his way to Freddy’s and finds a small storage room. Inside is a tall cabinet a few inches away from the wall and he manages to slip behind it. Colton realizes he is claustrophobic, but manages to wait it out as the employees finish cleaning up. Once the building goes quiet, he exits the storage room and makes his way to the Ticket Pulverizer. Once inside, Colton tightens the screws on the platform. He then finds a small window in the bathroom and leaves through it, excited to win more tickets.
Colton runs straight for the Ticket Pulverizer just in time to see three little kids go in. He’s confused when he sees tickets pouring from the ceiling and believes he simply made the game fair for everyone, but once he enters he only gets a trickle of tickets. His anger turns into dejection as he walks home, and his mom notices his bad mood. She suggests that he get a part-time job to help pay for the console instead, but the suggestion makes Colton furious. He spends the next week obsessed with the Ticket Pulverizer, looking up similar machines and furiously sketching and making notes during class. His teachers and mother begin to express concern, but Colton simply ignores them. At Freddy’s, he constantly watches the Ticker Pulverizer, and kids begin to take notice.

Coils attempting to stop Colton from entering the pizzeria.
By Friday night, Colton completes his new plan. He decides to sneak into Freddy’s before it opens so he has daylight and can see what he’s doing. Using a lidded garbage can on wheels, Colton slips back in through the window and leaves the bathroom, finding Coils standing in the hallway. As he makes his way to the Ticket Pulverizer, he hears Coils following him. By the time he reaches the Ticket Pulverizer, Coils is standing in front of it. Colton slips past and finds a small hatch on the machine, but Coils puts its hand on Colton’s shoulder. He pushes Coils into an arcade cabinet and quickly crawls into the machine.
As Colton begins working on the Ticket Pulverizer, Coils grabs his ankles and tries to pull Colton out. Once his legs are out of the machine, he kicks Coils away and closes the hatch to prevent it from trying again. His work on the Ticket Pulverizer goes smoothly, finding switches that tie the ticket release to the bounce sizes and loosening screws to give the platform even more bounce. Once finished, Colton discovers that the hatch won’t move and he can see Coils is waiting outside through a small hole. He suffers a bigger panic attack stuck in the small confines of the machine, worrying about the lack of oxygen inside and whether he would be rescued in time. Colton thinks about calling his mom but remembers that he left his phone outside the machine, and Coils picks it up as it starts to ring. Colton becomes helpless as he loses his sense of time and reality while stranded inside.

Colton getting crushed to death under the platform.
Colton eventually hears the sounds of Freddy’s opening and people in the restaurant. He also hears Coils’ prerecorded voice preparing kids to jump on the Ticket Pulverizer, and he plans to start yelling for help so the little kids can hear him and tell their parents. As kids begin to step on the platform, however, Colton realizes he is dangerously close to being crushed. He starts screaming for help, but he is not heard over the kid’s excitement. Bella the birthday girl and her six friends begin to jump on the platform and tickets fall like rain. Bella notices the platform isn’t dropping as low as usual and the tickets are slowing down. Aidan tells her to jump harder, but it doesn’t work. The seven kids decide to hold hands and jump together, but eventually the platform stops lowering.

A sad Coils trying to explain where Colton is.
Bella’s parents notice this, and her father goes to get a manager. He returns with an employee named Ted, who tells the kids that the cashier will give them twenty free tickets. Coils points at the base of the machine and grabs at Ted’s arm, as if not wanting him to enter the Ticket Pulverizer. He ignores the clown and jumps on the platform, noting that it hardly moves and he hears a "liquidy squishing" sound, but ignores it. When Ted exits the machine, he finds Coils standing in front of the door and notices its face now has a downturned mouth and sad-looking eyes, and he thinks he sees a tear sliding down its cheek. Aidan notices its face and hugs Coils, telling it to not be sad like Colton and that he was saving his tickets to buy a gift for him. Coils hugs Aidan back. Ted goes to his office and returns with an "OUT OF ORDER" sign, hanging it on the machine’s door.
Graphic Novel Differences[]
- Despite not liking Freddy's, Colton has Freddy's merchandise in his room.
- One of the ticket items seems to be the FazerBlaster from Security Breach.
- Dee-Dee's Fishing Hole is incorrectly named "Dee-Dee's Fishing Game".
- The scene where Coils picks up Coltons phone is missing and is instead replaced with a scene where Coils locks the hatch to the Ticket Pulverizer.
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"I was the first! I have seen everything!"
This section archives a lot of theories and speculation, which usually occurs from pre-release media, or just things that are still unknown, so please keep that in mind while reading. The page will continue to be updated with the most accurate information as more solid evidence is supplied. |
- It is strongly implied at the end that Colton dies inside the base of the Ticket Pulverizer machine, and that his spirit ends up inhabiting Coils the Birthday Clown.
- Dawko also stated in his discussion video that Coils may have already been possessed before by a different spirit and when Coils was preventing Colton from going into the machine, Dawko stated that Coils was most likely programmed to prevent people from going into the machine when the pizzeria is closed since the machine is way too dangerous to use, most likely due to the fact that the machine is deactivated at this time.[1]
- If Coils was in fact possessed by a different spirit, he is most likely possessed by a previous victim who got killed and is preventing other people from making the same mistake in order to not inadvertently kill themselves.
- Dawko also stated in his discussion video that Coils may have already been possessed before by a different spirit and when Coils was preventing Colton from going into the machine, Dawko stated that Coils was most likely programmed to prevent people from going into the machine when the pizzeria is closed since the machine is way too dangerous to use, most likely due to the fact that the machine is deactivated at this time.[1]
- Given the physical description of Coils, many fans believe that the mask of Ennard originated from him.
- "BB's Ball Drop" and "Dee-Dee's Fishing Hole" are arcade games found in the restaurant.
- These are references to the BB's Air Adventure and DeeDee's Fishing Hole minigames from Five Nights at Freddy's 3 and FNaF World, respectively.
- The plot of this story is similar to the plot of Hide-and-Seek, with the protagonist being frustrated with the difficulty of an arcade game and tampering with it.
- It is also similar to the plot of Lonely Freddy, with the protagonist wanting to get a prize and getting mad at someone because they were getting it, while that person was actually going to give the prize to them. They also both involve someone trying to increase their own odds of winning and decrease other's, although it is more direct in Lonely Freddy.
- This story debuts Coils, making this the fourth story to introduce a new animatronic; the others being Fetch, Bunny Call, and The Real Jake.