- Not to be confused with the real-world voice actor with the same first name, Heather Masters.
“Accidents happen.” |
Heather Anders is a major character in The New Kid, the third story in Fazbear Frights 3: 1:35AM. She's a popular teenage girl that Devon becomes obsessed with.
Physical Appearance[]
Heather is pretty with shiny straight auburn hair. She paints her nails red.
Despite her popularity, Heather is pretty shallow. She believes justice is payback and shrugs any possible negative outcomes from payback off as accidents. Heather has a strong dislike for Devon, being sarcastic around him and giving him scornful looks. She tells Kelsey that she loves DIY and is a really good designer, although Kelsey later claims she wasn’t much help.
Heather is one of the most popular girls in Devon's ninth-grade class. A week prior to the story, Heather complained to her friends about her four-year-old twin sisters, Halley and Hope. Unknown to the group, Devon was listening in. That same day, their English class handed out an assignment to write an original short story, and Devon decided to write about a killer bouncy house eating the twins in order to get Heather's attention.
The story is read to the class on Tuesday, and Devon gets in trouble. He gives Heather a thumbs-up as he leaves to the principal's office. Heather rolls her eyes and tells him the story was sick, however Devon views it as a compliment. The next day, she approaches Kelsey at lunch to tell him that she found the book he recommended. She also sarcastically greets Devon before walking away. After school, Heather reveals to her friends that she plans to make her own movies. Devon steps in and recommends doing horror films. Heather is shocked by his sudden entrance and Devon explains his cousin could help with his clown makeup. She taps his chest, calling him unoriginal and says that the idea has already been done before walking away, but Devon only cares that she touched him. The next day, Heather gives Devon cold stares, but he ignores them.
On Friday, in social studies, the class discusses justice. After Kelsey gives his answer, Heather raises her hand and explains that she views justice as payback. When asked what if payback goes to far, Heather shrugs and simply says that accidents happen, causing everyone except Mick and Kelsey to laugh. After school, Heather and her friends Quincy, Valerie, Juliet, and Gabriella, interrupt Kelsey's plan with Devon and Mick. She puts her hand on Kelsey and asks to join him, saying she's a great designer and loves DIY. Kelsey is uncomfortable but George offers to make two trips. Heather's friends pile into the truck, leaving Devon and Mick alone.
A few days later, Kelsey explains that Quincy and Gabriella bailed on the group while Heather and her other friends offered very little help, even if he enjoyed their company.