Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki

A list of collectible Funko POP! figurines based on the Five Nights at Freddy's characters, designed by Funko. They were first published in 2016.


Image No. Name Variant Exclusive

POP! Games[]

Freddy-FunkoPOP 106 Freddy
2016-Funko-Pop-Five-Nights-at-Freddys-106-Flocked-Barnes-and-Noble 106 Freddy Flocked Barnes and Noble
Bonnie-FunkoPOP 107 Bonnie
Chica-FunkoPOP 108 Chica
Foxy-FunkoPOP 109 Foxy the Pirate
Funko-Pop-Five-Nights-at-Freddys-109-Foxy-the-Pirate-Glow-in-the-Dark-Toys-R-Us 109 Foxy the Pirate Glow in the Dark Toys R Us
Funko-Pop-Five-Nights-at-Freddys-110-Springtrap 110 Springtrap
2016-Funko-Pop-Five-Nights-at-Freddys-110-Springtrap-GameStop 110 Springtrap Flocked GameStop
Funko-Pop-Five-Nights-at-Freddys-110-Springtrap-Glow-in-the-Dark-GameStop 110 Springtrap Glow in the Dark GameStop
NightmareFreddy-FunkoPop 111 Nightmare Freddy
Funko-Pop-Five-Nights-at-Freddys-111-Nightmare-Freddy-Glow-in-the-Dark-Walmart 111 Nightmare Freddy Glow in the Dark Walmart
GoldenFreddy-FunkoPOP 119 Golden Freddy 2016 San Diego Comic Con
ShadowFreddyFunkoPop 126 Shadow Freddy Hot Topic
ShadowBonnieFunkoPop 127 Shadow Bonnie Target
ToyFreddyFunkoPop 128 Toy Freddy Walmart
Funko-Pop-Five-Nights-at-Freddys-128-Toy-Freddy-Glow-in-the-Dark-FYE 128 Toy Freddy Glow in the Dark FYE
FuntimeFoxyFunkoPop 129 Funtime Foxy GameStop
Funko-Pop-Five-Nights-at-Freddys-129-Funtime-Foxy-Flocked-Best-Buy-Exclusive 129 Funtime Foxy Flocked Best Buy
S-l1000-1 205 Phantom Foxy Target
JackOChica-FunkoPOP 206 Jack-O-Chica GameStop
CupcakeFunkoPop 213 Cupcake
CupcakeFunkoPopChase 213 Cupcake Chase
NightmareFoxy-FunkoPop 214 Nightmare Foxy
NightmareBonnie-FunkoPop 215 Nightmare Bonnie
NightmareChica-FunkoPop 216 Nightmare Chica
BalloonBoyFunkoPop 217 Balloon Boy Walmart
NightmareCupcakeFunkoPop 218 Nightmare Cupcake Target
JackOBonnie-FunkoPOP 231 Jack-O-Bonnie Glow in the Dark Barnes and Noble
WitheredBonnieFunkoPop 232 Withered Bonnie Walmart
DarkSpringtrapFunkoPop 242 Dark Springtrap Target
MarionetteFunkoPop 345 Marionette Walmart
FreddyandFoxyPOP 2-Pack Foxy the Pirate with Freddy FYE
MoonlightFreddy-FunkoPOP 969 Moonlight Freddy Amazon

Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location[]

2017-Funko-San-Diego-Comic-Con-Exclusives-Funko-Pop-Five-Nights-at-Freddys-Sister-Location-223-Jumpscare-Funtime-Foxy 223 Jumpscare Funtime Foxy 2017 San Diego Comic Con
Jumpbaby-pop-1 224 Jumpscare Baby 2017 San Diego Comic Con
Funfred-pop 225 Funtime Freddy
Jumpfunfred-pop 225 Funtime Freddy Chase
Baby-pop 226 Baby
Ballo-pop 227 Ballora
Funko-Pop-Five-Nights-at-Freddys-227-Ballora-Jumpscare-Chase-Variant 227 Jumpscare Ballora Chase
Funfox-pop 228 Funtime Foxy
Lol-pop 229 Lolbit 2017 New York Comic Con
Bonbon-pop 230 Bon Bon GameStop

Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator[]

RockstarFreddy-FunkoPOP 362 Rockstar Freddy
RockstarFoxy-FunkoPOP 363 Rockstar Foxy
51u7CiAclJL. SX425 364 Pig Patch
OrvilleElephant-FunkoPOP 365 Orville Elephant
Helpy-FunkoPOP 366 Helpy
Lefty-FunkoPOP 367 Lefty
MrHippo-FunkoPOP 368 Mr. Hippo
HappyFrog-FunkoPOP 369 Happy Frog

Five Nights at Freddy's Blacklight[]

Blightfred-pop 377 Blacklight Freddy
Blightbon-pop 378 Blacklight Bonnie
Blightchic-pop 379 Blacklight Chica
Blightfox-pop 380 Blacklight Foxy
Blightcupc-pop 381 Blacklight Cupcake
Blacklight-Foxy-HotTopic 954 Blacklight Foxy Hot Topic
Blacklight-Freddy-HotTopic 955 Blacklight Freddy Fazbear Hot Topic

Five Nights at Freddy's Tie-Dye[]

Tiedyefred 878 Tie-Dye Freddy
Tiedyebon 879 Tie-Dye Bonnie
Tiedyechic 880 Tie-Dye Chica
Tiedyefox 881 Tie-Dye Foxy

Five Nights at Freddy's Balloon Circus[]

BalloonFoxy-FunkoPOP 907 Balloon Foxy
Balloon-Foxy-Flocked 907 Balloon Foxy Flocked Pop! & Tee
BalloonFreddy-FunkoPOP 908 Balloon Freddy
BalloonBonnie-FunkoPOP 909 Balloon Bonnie
BalloonChica-FunkoPOP 910 Balloon Chica
CircusFoxy-FunkoPOP 911 Circus Foxy
CircusFreddy-FunkoPOP 912 Circus Freddy
BalloonFreddy&BalloonBonnie-FunkoPOP 2-Pack Balloon Freddy & Balloon Bonnie Metallic Target

Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach[]

Sun & Moon Funko Pop! 919 Sun & Moon Hot Topic

Five Nights at Freddy's Holiday Season[]

Santa Freddy Funko Pop! 936 Santa Freddy
Elf Bonnie Funko Pop! 937 Elf Bonnie
Gingerbread Foxy Funko Pop! 938 Gingerbread Foxy
Snow Chica Funko Pop! 939 Snow Chica

Security Breach: RUIN[]

Ruined Chica Funko Pop! 986 Ruined Chica
Ruined Roxy Funko Pop! 987 Ruined Roxy
Eclipse Funko Pop! 988 Eclipse

10th Anniversary[]

Marionette 10th Anniversary Funko Pop! 1007 Marionette Hot Topic
Withered-golden-freddy-pop 1033 Withered Golden Freddy Hot Topic
FNaFFilm FunkoFreddy Boxed 1060 Freddy Fazbear
MovieBonnieFunkoPopinBox 1061 Bonnie
MovieFoxyFunkoPopinBox 1062 Foxy
FNaFFilm FunkoChica Boxed 1063 Chica

Pop! Books[]

Five Nights at Freddy's: The Twisted Ones[]

Twistfred-pop 15 Twisted Freddy
TwistedWolf-FunkoPOP 16 Twisted Wolf
TwistedBonnie-FunkoPOP 17 Twisted Bonnie
TwistedFoxy-FunkoPOP 18 Twisted Foxy
TwistedChica-FunkoPOP 19 Twisted Chica
Theadore-FunkoPOP 20 Theodore
Stanely-FunkoPOP 21 Stanley Hot Topic
Ella-FunkoPOP 22 Ella GameStop
Funko PopBooks 4Pack 4-Pack Twisted Freddy / Twisted Bonnie / Twisted Wolf / Twisted Chica Glow in the Dark Funko Online Shop

Pocket Pop![]

Keychain - Pizzeria Simulator[]

Rockstar Freddy Keychain Rockstar Freddy
Rockstar Foxy Keychain Rockstar Foxy
1436 3266 32156 FNAF Pigpatch PP GLAM Pigpatch
2 17 167 Orville Elephant
Dddddddddddddddddddddd Helpy

Keychain - Special Delivery[]

Funko Pop Keychain VR Toy Freddy VR Toy Freddy Glow in the Dark
Funko Pop Keychain System Error Bonnie System Error Toy Bonnie Glow in the Dark
Funko Pop Keychain High Score Toy Chica Highscore Toy Chica Glow in the Dark
Funko Pop Keychain Radioactive Foxy Radioactive Foxy Glow in the Dark

Keychain - Tie-Dye[]

Funko Pop Keychain TieDye Freddy Tie-Dye Freddy
Funko Pop Keychain TieDye Bonnie Tie-Dye Bonnie

Keychain - Balloon Circus[]

Balloonfoxykeychain Balloon Foxy
Balloonfreddykeychain Balloon Freddy


RockstarFreddy-FunkOs Rockstar Freddy Blacklight Pocket Pop! Gamestop

Something Wild![]

SomethingWild Rockstar Freddy Pocket Pop!
Something Wild Security Breach package Glamrock Freddy Pocket Pop!

Pop! & Tees[]

Pop&Tees Circus Foxy 907 Balloon Foxy Flocked
Pop&Tees Nightmare Freddy 111 Nightmare Freddy Glow-in-the-Dark


Pop! Pens[]

Freddy Pop Pen Freddy
Bonnie Pop Pen Bonnie
Chica Pop Pen Chica
Cupcake Pop Pen Mr. Cupcake
Foxy Pop Pen Foxy
Golden Freddy Pop Pen Golden Freddy
9585 funtimefoxy 1541646892 Mangle
Springtrap Pop Pen Springtrap
9581 nightmarefreddy 1541646796 Nightmare Freddy
9586 nightmarechica 1541647032 Nightmare Chica
9584 nightmarecupcake 1541646697 Nightmare Cupcake
9582 nightmarefoxy 1541646740 Nightmare Foxy
16105 blacklightfreddy 1540417772 Blacklight Freddy
Blacklight Bonnie Pen Blacklight Bonnie
Blacklight Chica Pen Blacklight Chica
16103 blacklightfoxy 1540417621 Blacklight Foxy
Blacklight Golden Freddy Pen Blacklight Golden Freddy
Blacklight Cupcake Pen Blacklight Mr. Cupcake

Pop! and Pint Pack[]

P&PP Springtrap 09 Springtrap (Poster) - FNAF Metallic Springtrap

Pop! Tees[]

FreddyShirt 91 Freddy Fazbear - Five Nights at Freddy's
61g-k0----L. UX522 92 Bonnie - Let's Rock
61kIpzTDdNL. UX466 93 Chica - Let's Eat!
9206b8f4-d4bd-442c-8478-3e9e8bbe14ed 1.b026134baacb563da628050895c335ad 94 Foxy - It's Party Time!
4c2618fcf52e180218e5b8abac113bf8--fnaf-sl-freddy-s 95 Springtrap - I'm Still Here
Funko Pop Tee 96 96 Five Nights at Freddy's
M 5999f260c28456d78a0cf2a7 Foxy The Pirate
10742381 Foxy - Beware the Pirate's Cove
Funko-pop-tees-113-fnaf-five-nights 1 f935fdfaa4fda0e6b38f988deda54742 113 FNAF Toys R Us
81Wh5AXWn+L. AC UL1500 131 Nightmare Freddy - Welcome to your Nightmare...
10664 nightmarefoxymalfunction 1495982050 143 Nightmare Foxy - Malfunction

5c7ea42cac6cc 10663 nightmarefoxyposter 1544766474

144 Nightmare Foxy (Comic Book Cover)

Pop! Apparel[]

Funtime Foxy
Funtime Freddy

Quidd Exclusive 3D Pop![]

On the Quidd app, there are 3D models of the Five Nights at Freddy's Funko Pop!s and exclusive Pop!s in certain poses that never saw a physical release.

Nightshift Series[]

Nightmare Series[]

Shadow Series[]




  • Twisted Chica's Funko Pop! once had a different proposed design based on fanart by Claudia Schröder, as can be seen on Nightmare Freddy's box, who was released before any Twisted Chica merchandise was released. Twisted Chica's final design was made by LadyFiszi who also designed the other twisted animatronics.
  • Rockstar Foxy's and Happy Frog's Funko Pop! models were changed shortly after release due to issues with their design, namely Rockstar Foxy's body color and Happy Frog's eye color. This resulted in the existence of two distinct Funko Pop! models of each character being available for sale, with the originals being much rarer.
  • A Withered Golden Freddy Funko Pop! was leaked on the same day as the Statue Figurines.
  • The Freddy Funko Pop! and a Five Nights at Freddy's themed area will appear in the upcoming Funko Fusion.
Funko Products
Action FiguresAnimatronic PlushArcade Vinyl FiguresBitty POP!Blacklight SlimeCollectible FigurinesFunko POP!Funko SnapFunko SodaHeroWorld FigurinesMyMojiMystery MinisPint-Sized HeroesPlush Key-ChainsPopsiesPop-Tube FiguresSqueeze Key-ChainsStatue FigurinesSuper Racers
JustToys Products
Collector ClipsCraftablesMining KitsSquishMe
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Hex: Parts & ServiceYoutooz CollectiblesCreator Ink seriesLumen CollectionCLOAK CollectionRoosevelts Collection
Products by Series
FNaF1 MerchandiseFNaF2 MerchandiseFNaF3 MerchandiseFNaF4 MerchandiseFNaF: Sister Location MerchandiseFreddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator MerchandiseFNaF: Help Wanted MerchandiseFNaF: Special Delivery MerchandiseFNaF: Security Breach MerchandiseFNaF: Novel Trilogy MerchandiseFNaF: The Movie Merchandise
3ft Animated FreddyCalendarsPillow PetPostersReplica PropsSteam InventoryUnreleased Merchandise