Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki
Not what you were looking for? See Fredbear (disambiguation).

The eyes. They were all I could see. I remember them like they're right in front of me. They were dead. Just... Dull and flat.
John, Five Nights at Freddy's: The Silver Eyes

Fredbear is a springlock suit created by Henry Emily, and was used in Fredbear's Family Diner alongside Spring Bonnie.

Physical Appearance[]

Fredbear is described to be nearly identical to Freddy Fazbear, with a black hat, a bowtie and golden fur.


The Silver Eyes[]

Despite not appearing directly, Fredbear is mentioned by Charlie while talking to John about Fredbear's Family Diner; the first location Henry Emily and William Afton made. When John is telling his memory of seeing Michael Brooks disappear, he mentions that he saw a bear with dull and flat eyes, and in the graphic novel, a golden bear just like Fredbear was depicted standing near Michael. While worn by William Afton, he lures Michael into a room and kills him. Michael later takes the ghostly form known as Golden Freddy who looks identical to Fredbear.


Novel Trilogy Bots
Classic Animatronics
Freddy FazbearBonnieChicaFoxy
Springlock Hybrids
FredbearSpring Bonnie
Twisted Animatronics
Twisted FreddyTwisted BonnieTwisted ChicaTwisted FoxyTwisted Wolf
Funtime Animatronics
BabyBaby CrawlerFuntime FreddyFuntime Foxy
Electronic Toys
Unclassified Bots
AmalgamationBalloon BoyCharlotte EmilySuicide BotMinor Animatronics