Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki
PhoneGuy UCN "Uh, I think the name was... Final Stage or something like that."

Final Stage has not been given an official name; as such, this name is purely conjectural. However, it will be used until an official name is released.

The Final Stage is the fifth and last level of Freddy in Space 2. Accessible after completing all four levels, this is where the player faces L.O.L.Z.H.A.X as the final boss of this game.

To start the level, click on L.O.L.Z.H.A.X from the right side of the menu's screen.


As the level took place at some empty space-like dimension, the background consists of a fire-colored planet with a rising sun and wispy mists from the lower area. It gets darker as the player goes on after every battle stage with L.O.L.Z.H.A.X.


The beginning part of the level before starting the fight against L.O.L.Z.H.A.X is relatively short, with a large string of Mystery Items the player can find for items such as Gems and Power-Ups. Lolbit also appeared in this part.




Freddy in Space Levels
Freddy in Space 2 Levels
Lunar MinesGalactic FactoryCosmic FreewayStellar PitFinal Stage
Freddy in Space 3 Levels
Kawaii HeavenFun Fungal's Fantasy ForestAnimatronicaSpace HighwayMerch CemeteryMeme CavernNSFW IslandQuiz Time With Monty