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Were you looking for Chillax's weaker counterpart, Mechrab.
Or were you looking for their Freddy in Space 3: Chica in Space counterpart Chillax (Freddy in Space)?

Chillax is an enemy encountered in FNaF World. It is encountered in Dusting Fields.

Physical Appearance

Chillax has a similar appearance to the Mechrab, but has a blue shell and antenna, and they both flash yellow from time to time. The same can be said about his legs, however they flash blue from time to time.


Action Button Description Technical Description
Basic Attack Deals damage to a single party member. Damage = 28~32 (Normal Mode)/56~60 (Hard Mode)


FNaF World



Game Title Role Description
FNaF World Common Enemy First appearance; They attack you in Dusting Fields.


  • Chillax has a weaker version called Mechrab.
  • The word Chillax means to relax. It is a portmanteau of the words chill and relax. Both words have very similar meanings.
    • This is obviously meant to be ironic, as this enemy continuously sways back and forth violently.
FNaF World Enemies
Standalone Enemies
BallboyBeartrapBlacktrapBouncepotBoxbyteChillaxChop 'N RollColossalCrabappleDogfightFlanGearratGoldmineGraveweedJangleMechrabMeringueMetalmanNeonP. GoonPrototypeQuarryRedbearRotSeaweedTangleTombstackTotemoleWhite Rabbit%_^^&(_!2222>>>>>>
(Halloween Edition: AnchovyBall BoyBrow BoyBig JackCheeseheadHalf-BakeMad Endo (HE)MadjackMini-PMudpiePrototype (HE)Quad EndoRedbear (HE)Security (HE)Tangle (HE)Xangle)
Auto ChipperBouncerBrowboyBubbaChica's Magic RainbowChipper's RevengeEyesoreGold EndoMad EndoOverclockPorkpatchPurpleGeistScott CawthonScott's HeadSeagoonSecuritySnowconeSouldozerSupergoon
(Halloween Edition: Party Hat AParty Hat BPurplegeist)