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"Ge-Get ready for a surprise!"
Beware that this page may contain spoilers for related material. If you are new to anything, like if you have not played the games or read the books yet, please read at your own risk! |
- Not what you were looking for? See Charlie (disambiguation) or Emily (disambiguation).
“She's a bit odd, but she's a good kid.” |
Charlotte "Charlie" Emily is the main protagonist of the Five Nights at Freddy's novel series.
In 1983, her parents divorced after losing one of their children, which left her to be raised only by her father, Henry Emily. Years later, she lost her father to suicide, causing her to move in with her Aunt Jen, deciding that it's best to forget all the trauma that happened to them. Ten years later, she returns to her hometown in Hurricane, Utah, to meet up with her childhood friends, though plagued by her painful childhood memories. Throughout the series, she becomes increasingly determined to solve the mysteries of her haunted past.[1]
The Ultimate Guide Description: "A highly complex humanoid animatronic crafted by Henry, the original inventor of the animatronics, to fill the void left by the murder of his beloved daughter, Charlotte. It's stated that Charlie is actually four animatronics—each built to allow Charlie to grow up. Her "youngest" incarnation was the Ella doll, while her "oldest" was unfinished, completed, by William Afton, and ultimately possessed by Elizabeth Afton."
Physical Appearance[]
Charlie is described having pale skin[2], with a round face and rosy cheeks.[3] She has sparkling brown wide eyes, frizzy light-brown hair[4], and a thin mouth, always looking like she was about to smile, even when she doesn't feel happy.[5] Charlie wears a denim jacket, a purple t-shirt, black jeans, and black leather combat boots.[6] In The Twisted Ones, she cut her hair[7] at shoulder-length.[8] When Charlie was younger, she had shoulder-length brown bushy hair and a blue band on top. She wore a very light blue dress with a blue collar and two buttons on her chest. She also had short blue sleeves and a blue skirt.
In The Freddy Files, she is shown wearing an olive-green jacket, a white t-shirt, and blue jeans.
In the graphic novels, her appearance is a combination of The Freddy Files and the books, wearing an olive-green jacket, a purple t-shirt, blue jeans, and tall black combat boots. She wore white sneakers when she was found inside a chest by John and Jessica.
Despite her sweetness and kind personality, Charlie has a type of independent/self-sufficient personality. She also finds it hard to trust people. She is shown to be shy and very socially awkward at times, stumbling over her words as she tries to order dinner on multiple occasions. She also exhibits self-destructive tendencies at times.
Henry Emily[]

In The Fourth Closet, she has a sentimental moment thinking about her father, Graphic Novel #3: The Fourth Closet.
Charlie holds a deep love for her father and misses him greatly, remembering him as a good man. The two were very close when Charlie was young. She was fascinated with her father's work at Fredbear's Family Diner, and she often spent time with him in his workshop. The loss of her father added to the mental burden Charlie carried throughout her life. She thinks about him often. In The Twisted Ones, Charlie takes up a robotics class in hopes he may have passed some of his talent onto her.
John was Charlie's childhood crush. In The Silver Eyes, the two flirt with each other. In The Twisted Ones, they go on a date, and at the end of the book, John tells Charlie that he loves her.
Sammy Emily[]
Sammy was Charlotte's twin brother. He serves as motivation for Charlie throughout TSE to TTO.
Aunt Jen[]
Aunt Jen teaches Charlie self-reliance and safety, not wanting her to suffer the same fate as her father. While not very close, the two still cared for one another. They had a falling out before the events of The Twisted Ones on Charlie's birthday when she said that she wanted to return to Hurricane.
Charlie and Jessica seem to be best friends, and they get along great, they are always there for each other's support whenever they encounter danger, and during the events of The Twisted Ones, Charlie stayed with Jessica.
Marla and Charlie have a really great relationship, as Marla seems to be a bit overprotective of Charlie.
Carlton Burke[]
Carlton and Charlie seem to get along great, and are good friends. Charlie cares about Carlton very much, as shown where she saved him from the springlock suit.
The Silver Eyes[]
Charlie first appears in Chapter 1 in a flash-forward scene as she tries to hide from Foxy. To her misfortune, she stumbles over some wires and sees Foxy swing his hook at her.
The setting then changes to the present, showing Charlie arriving in the city of Hurricane to attend the launch of a scholarship dedicated to her old friend Michael Brooks, who went missing a decade earlier due to an incident at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. After arriving in the city, Charlie arrives at her old home, where she finds her three old toys, Theodore, Stanley, and Ella. She then recalls seeing a disturbing figure with "silver eyes" when she was a child. After spending a couple of hours she becomes uncomfortable due to unpleasant memories she faced beforehand. After leaving the house, she goes to meet her friends at a nearby diner. She meets up with some of her childhood friends, Jessica, John, and Carlton. They eventually get talking about Freddy's and all of the great memories they’ve had. Carlton tells the group that there was an attempt to build a shopping mall in the restaurant's place but was left incomplete. Charlie is still eager to go, even if it reminded her of her past memories.

Charlie seeing her father's animatronics at Freddy's after 10 years, TSE: Graphic Novel.
Upon further investigation, the group discover that the restaurant was in fact inside the mall. While inside, they try to find a way inside the restaurant. After breaking in, they try to find their way inside the restaurant. Once inside, they explore the abandoned restaurant, which had been left just the way the group all remembers it, Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie, and Chica were still on stage. So the group explore to see if anything has changed. As the group is about to check on Foxy, Carlton, who separated from the group and decided to investigate the kitchen, produces a loud noise. The group decide that it is no longer a good idea to be in the restaurant due to worry of the possibility of alerting the night guard they saw earlier, and leave the mall. They relieve some good memories and called it a day.
The following morning, Marla, along with her half-brother Jason, greets Charlie in the motel where she and Jessica reside for now. They then go to a restaurant where they plan to meet with the rest of the group, including Lamar, who also just arrived in town. Charlie and her friends then attend the scholarship's launch ceremony at their old school, where Michael's parents give a speech about him. Afterward, Charlie and John head for a walk to visit her childhood home again.
When they arrive, they visit Henry's workshop. To Charlie's surprise, the figure with silver eyes that haunts her along with Henry's other things had disappeared. John found Henry's toolbox, and when Charlie reviewed it, she had a very intense memory of her father, where he told Charlie what she thinks about the three metal figures that were in front of her. The figures were unfinished versions of Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie, and Chica, with her cupcake. Once outside, John confessed to Charlie that the day Michael disappeared, he remembers seeing a strange person in a yellow Freddy costume at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza on the day of Michael's death, and he now suspects this person was Michael's killer.
That night, Charlie and John arrive at the mall, with Jessica, Carlton, and now accompanied by their friends Lamar, Marla, and Jason were gathered and ready to go. Once they entered, they discovered two still-functioning control panels that make the robots move. As Charlie plays hide and seek with John, she finds Foxy as she found a place to hide. Foxy reminded her of the figure with the silver eyes. As she tries to get out, she stumbles over to the curtain and then watches Foxy's hook lunge against her, hurting her arm. As everyone left for the motel, Marla took Charlie along with Jason to a pharmacy to heal the wound.

Charlie and John exploring the remains of Fredbear's, TSE: Graphic Novel.
The next morning, haunted by recent events, Charlie told John that before moving to Hurricane, her father owned another restaurant called Fredbear's Family Diner, which featured two performing robots, Fredbear and Spring Bonnie. John agreed to drive Charlie to find the abandoned diner in New Harmony. They eventually found the diner and explored it. When Charlie entered the closets, she remembered the day her twin brother, Sammy Emily, was abducted by someone in a Spring Bonnie costume, which led to the closure of the diner and Charlie's parents divorcing. She suspects that Sammy's abduction and the murders at Freddy's are connected.
That evening, the group goes to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza again but are stopped by the mall's security guard, who threatens to call the police. Charlie offers Dave to explore the restaurant with them, he accepts and introduces himself as Dave Miller. On their way to Freddy's, Charlie notices deep scars on Dave’s neck while he was making small talk with the group. As the group of teens was exploring, they entered the control room and played with the control panels, with Dave also joining in. Later, as the group was distracted by the animatronics erratic movements on stage, Dave took advantage and retrieved the Spring Bonnie suit from a closet and later abducted Carlton, which Jason witnesses. The group of teens then left the restaurant and fetch Officer Dunn, only to find that the restaurant's door had been chained up while they were gone. After they tell Dunn that Carlton was the one kidnapped, Dunn immediately orders his communicator to call Clay Burke, the police chief. Once he arrives, he tells the group that Carlton is playing a prank. He then invited them to come over to his house for some hot chocolate, as they waited for Carlton to appear. When Charlie slept, she had a memory of where she was at her childhood home, confronting the silver-eyed animatronic. It began chasing her until her father stopped it.
The next morning, after eating breakfast at Burke's home, Charlie and John go to her childhood home, to attempt to find new information about Fredbear's. After their many attempts to find something, Charlie gets emotional and told John about her father; he closed the restaurant and committed suicide after Michael was murdered, leading many people in the town to suspect he was the killer. Charlie then recounts the story of her after her father committed suicide; her aunt picked her up from school, since her father has died, and they went to his house to pick up some of Charlie's things. She mentioned the glimpse she saw of her father’s suicide robot, which permanently damaged her. They finally left Hurricane to forget all the bad things that had happened. After that, while looking through photographs, John and Charlie saw another man that Charlie’s father had been standing next to. When they visited a library for old newspaper articles about Fredbear's Family Diner, they found an article about Sammy's kidnapping with a photograph of Dave, who the newspaper identifies as the diner's co-owner. Marla then arrived at the library, telling them that Jason had run off, intending to rescue Carlton.
Charlie, John, Lamar, Jessica, and Marla made it inside the restaurant, finding Jason almost immediately in one of the control rooms. Charlie found Carlton in the cameras, and without thinking, Charlie left the control room. She immediately regretted it when she collided with Bonnie. She narrowly avoids him and finds Carlton trapped in a suit. She undoes the springlocks, freeing him from the costume. Carlton then told her that Dave was the killer, who imprisoned the missing children in the animatronics. Dave then shows up and Charlie knocks him unconscious with a pipe. They spend hours running from the animatronics with no way out. Then they awakened Dave, he didn't answer any questions until Charlie placed the Spring Bonnie head on him. Dave reveals that the robots are possessed by the vengeful ghosts of his victims, and boasts that they will hunt down and kill any intruders. As they search for a way out, the four robots come to life and pursue them through the restaurant. Charlie tried to attack Foxy, then as seen in the flash-forward at the beginning of the book, she ends up in the arcade room, hiding from Foxy. Foxy finds her and attacks her, but Foxy gets put down by John. The group tries to hide in a party room, but all four robots corner them.

Charlie about to activate the springlocks on William's suit, TSE: Graphic Novel.
However, the animatronics were stopped by Golden Freddy, which Charlie and the group realize is possessed by Michael's spirit. Golden Freddy allows them to leave, and Chief Burke breaks in to save everyone. Dressed in his Spring Bonnie suit, Dave (who is revealed to be William Afton under an alias) then grabs Charlie by the neck. He refuses to let everyone leave and threatens to kill her if they don't do what he says. Charlie, angered that he caused the murder of her twin brother Sammy and her best friend Michael[9], activates the suit's springlocks, killing him. As the robots drag William's corpse away, Chief Burke escorts everyone out of the mall. The friends go their separate ways, and before leaving Hurricane, Charlie visits her father's grave, remembering a happy day she had with him when she was a child.
The Twisted Ones[]
A year later, Charlie tries to start over by entering St. George college. She first appears in Chapter 1, hearing her robotics professor, Dr. Treadwell, teach a lesson about how the brain filters out unnecessary information.
Before college, on her 18th birthday, she began having nightmares, twisted versions of her memories, involving her twin brother, Sammy. Charlie wanted to return to Hurricane to find Sammy. In August, she told her aunt that she's going to be accompanied by Jessica, since she's going to attend St. George college. Aunt Jen declined, which led to Charlie's first ever fight with her aunt. Ultimately, Charlie packed her things and drove to Hurricane, but she had second thoughts when she reached city limits. She then drove to St. George and slept in her car for a week until Jessica noticed her. Charlie then stayed with Jessica's through the rest of the summer semester. Charlie caught attention on Jessica's course catalog and saw that the college was offering robotics courses. So she pleaded with the admission staff into letting her go there even though it's past the deadline. A classmate, Arty, seemed to have interest in Charlie, as he tries to be with Charlie by inviting her to do activities with him; as doing a chemistry project with her and by Charlie helping him understand topics in robotics class, however Charlie ignored him due to all the problems that were arising. He was in three of her four classes, including Dr. Treadwell's robotics class.
She meets up with John, who reveals that Hurricane was struck by a storm and had damaged several homes including her father's. Charlie also tells John about the dreams of her twin brother. John invites her to go on a date with him, to which she agrees to go. While heading to class, she bumps into Clay Burke, who informs her of a series of murders taking place, and wants her to take a look since the victims have similar wounds that can connect to the events of Freddy's. Once they arrive at a deserted field in Hurricane, Charlie confirms that the deep scars around the victim's body are from a springlock suit. She becomes anxious when the scars remind her of Dave. Charlie becomes more anxious when Clay reveals that they didn't find Dave's body at Freddy's and that they found fake blood that could be his. They consider that he survived the suit once, and the thought of him being alive began to haunt her.

Charlie working on her project, Graphic Novel #2: The Twisted Ones.
Charlie then goes on a date with John. They eat dinner at a Thai restaurant and then watch a movie called Zombies vs. Zombies, which reminded Charlie of the corpse in the field and Dave's death. Afterward, they went back to the college campus to talk, where she tells John about Clay and the series of murders that are occurring that connect to Freddy's. She lies to John that Clay has the situation under control. When she arrives back at her dorm, she lies to Jessica and invites her to go out to do "girl stuff" the next day in the morning, as a way to get Jessica to accompany her to Freddy's. The next day, after waking up from a bad dream, she goes to Freddy's with Jessica, where they surprisingly find Dave's dead body in a storage room.
After class, she helps Arty with his notes and leaves after fixating on the rectangular-shaped doodles she drew in her notebook that remind her of her twin brother. On her way to her childhood home, Charlie finds another springlock victim who looks eerily similar to her. She calls Clay to notify him about the body and he informs her that another woman was killed who also looks like her. Once he arrives, Clay identifies the victim as Tracy Horton. She drives to the address of Horton and finds three shallow graves in her backyard. Realizing that she's two hours late for another date with John, she rushes to the restaurant and finds him there waiting for her. Charlie uses the pay phone to call Clay before heading to the restroom to clean herself up. In the restroom, she has a memory of Sammy's kidnapping and feels trapped in a room. Charlie bursts through the door and stumbles into John. She tells John she wants to go to her childhood home. In her old home, which was heavily damaged by a storm, they explore for a while until John finds a secret room that Charlie has never seen before. In there, they find three holes in the dirt, one of them housing Twisted Foxy. Foxy attacks Charlie, but John destroys him, finding a coin-sized disc. She comments that she has seen a similar disc in her father's things.
They return to Charlie's college dorm, and Charlie finds the disc except one side is damaged. They then discover that the discs were created by "Afton Robotics, LLC." They head to her car and she gets a map out and circles where people have been killed and notices a direct line heading towards her college dorm. Unsettled by the fact that she is the target of these creatures, she panics. Now that they have some idea of where the animatronics are going, they go to the next point where the animatronics are going to attack. At the location, which were nearly-abandoned apartment complexes, they head to an empty lot used as a dumping ground. Charlie notices grooves in the dirt and begins digging where the trail had ended and finds Twisted Freddy, buried underground. They call Clay, and once he arrives, started to evacuate people nearby. With dusk approaching, Freddy's appearance changes and Clay orders the group to pile into his police car for safety. Once inside, Charlie theorizes that the disc alters people's perspectives of the animatronics through sound patterns based on memories. Hours pass, and Charlie gets startled by one of her nightmares. She sees Clay rushing in to check on Freddy and awakens the others to follow her. Seeing that the mounds are gone, Charlie tries to catch up to Clay, but she suddenly hears a high-pitched scream. Lost in the forest, she sees Twisted Wolf, who stares at her for a moment. His chest opens up, and a woman falls to the ground. Clay comes up behind Charlie and attempts to help the woman while they seek help.
The next day, after class, she finds John, who invites her to dinner. Fixated on everything that has happened, Charlie decides instead to pack some things and go alone to the next point where the animatronics are going to attack. She is taken to an underground pizzeria, where she is quickly rescued by her friends, who had followed nothing more nor less than the original animatronics of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. However, they are surrounded by twisted animatronics, commanded by William Afton, who is now undead; With his new body, he calls himself Springtrap.
They manage to escape their attackers, even managing to burn down Twisted Bonnie and Twisted Wolf. Then Charlie sees that Springtrap escapes and starts chasing him, leaving her friends behind.
She manages to confront Springtrap, demanding that he answer why he had taken him, why he had chosen Sammy instead of her. He replies that he did not take him, but her. Suddenly the building begins to collapse and Springtrap escapes. Without another option, all begin to look for the exit.
When they are about to leave, Charlie is captured by Twisted Freddy (who is terribly damaged) and introduced into the springlocks trap. Although her friends tried to free her, the trap is activated and Charlie is crushed by the mechanisms of the suit. John then sees Aunt Jen next to Twisted Freddy, where Charlie's hand is reaching out of.
As Charlie's friends mourn over her death, a woman drives up and got out. As the woman was almost at the door, most of Charlie's friends rushed to the doorway to meet her. Arty seemed confused, and John watched for a steady moment. John didn’t speak until Arty met his gaze. "That's not Charlie."
The Fourth Closet[]

John finding Charlie inside a box, Graphic Novel 3: The Fourth Closet.
At some point, after her childhood home collapsed, she was transported along with the scrap of her collapsed house to a junkyard. A night before The Fourth Closet takes place, Charlie is pulled out of Twisted Freddy and put inside a large green chest.
In the book, Charlie doesn't make an appearance until Chapter 5, when John finds her inside a chest, unconscious, while he and Jessica were hiding at Aunt Jen's house in Silver Reef. They make a run for it after they find Jen dead. John drives to his apartment and sets Charlie on his bed to rest. Later, she wakes to John moving her somewhere else in the apartment, soon after discovering fake Charlie's true identity. John tells her that someone is impersonating her before she falls back to sleep.
Charlie eventually wakes up from a nightmare. Marla checks on her while John shows her Ella as a three-year-old girl caused by an illusion disc the doll has. Charlie takes a closer look and tells him that the disc is different from Afton's. While resting, Charlie wakes up to see John beside her. She starts to regain some of her memories from the night she apparently "died," and tells John everything she remembers. Charlie tells John that she wants to go back to Aunt Jen's house, as she kept papers that could help them understand the situation that they're facing, so John drives her there.
At Aunt Jen's house, John finds a suicide letter from Henry, and what it read, leaves Charlie anxious and confused. She then finds a lockbox, revealing multiple blueprints of different versions of Ella that Henry drew. They try to escape after they hear Baby. She offers Charlie to come with her to see their "father", to which she declines. She then attacks both her and John. Charlie begs after Baby beats John almost to death. Charlie lets Baby talk to her so she can let John live.
Baby confronts her, who tells Charlie to call her Elizabeth. She shows Charlie memories of her with her father, revealing that she was a ragdoll this whole time. A total of four robots were built by Henry, each simulating a stage of life (toddler, child, teen, adult). Henry didn't finish the fourth one after he realized that he had gone insane. Elizabeth revealed to Charlie that all her memories of her with her father were just recordings made by a camera on a tripod. Baby was the robot with "silver eyes" who was in the corner of Henry's workshop. Elizabeth then also revealed that she isn't even possessed by the real Charlie either.[10] The real Charlotte Emily was the one murdered by William Afton, not Sammy. Henry, after finding out about his daughter's death, sent him into an insane depression. He cried, bled, and sweat so much into the ragdoll that used to belong to Charlie for months, which created the "spark of life", the doll became sentient. The ragdoll is powered by Henry's emotional energy, unintentionally due to him grieving so much into the doll. Henry then began to recreate Charlotte as a robot, recreating her stages of life (toddler, child, teen, adult). He based the robots on the ragdoll, which looked like Ella. He then also began creating false memories for her, using a camera tripod. The robot copies of Charlotte are powered by the Ella ragdoll, which gave the robots life. The robot copies of Charlotte Emily are unaware of the original Charlotte’s death, assuming that the one murdered was Sammy.

The aftermath, TFC: Graphic Novel.
Baby then drives her hand into Charlie's torso, tearing the Ella ragdoll out her causing her to lose consciousness. After Charlie regained it, the two break into a fight. Charlie defeats Elizabeth by activating her father's suicide contraption. The blade impales them both, as well as the Ella doll that Charlie is holding against her chest. Charlie slides the doll over to Elizabeth before they both (seemingly) die.
At the end of the novel, it is revealed what was written on the real Charlotte Emily's tombstone. It read:
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"I was the first! I have seen everything!"
This section archives a lot of theories and speculation, which usually occurs from pre-release media, or just things that are still unknown, so please keep that in mind while reading. The page will continue to be updated with the most accurate information as more solid evidence is supplied. |
- In The Fourth Closet, Elizabeth reveals during their confrontation that Charlie is a completely separate entity from the original Charlie that was kidnapped and killed by Afton at three years old. Rather, she is alive due to the "spark of life" created by the intense agony that Henry poured into the original Ella doll as he mourned the loss of his daughter. This appears to tie in with what is later explained about Agony in Fazbear Frights, in which it is discovered by Phineas Taggart that inanimate objects can become 'haunted' when in the presence of a high concentration of emotional energy. These objects are not haunted by the souls of dead humans; rather the intense emotional energy results in a 'spark of life' that creates a new consciousness. As demonstrated by Charlie, this new spirit appears to be fully capable of thinking, learning and maturing identically to a human if it is raised as one.
- This is very similar to The Mimic, an advanced A.I. program that copies and replicates behavior that it observes. In extreme cases, it mimics the mannerisms and actions of a person down to the smallest detail that it essentially becomes a clone of the observed subject, as seen in one incarnation of the Mimic.
- The Fourth Closet establishes that Charlie was able to 'grow up' over time due to the Ella doll that contained her soul being transferred into sequential 'older' robot bodies. During the events of the trilogy, the doll is inside of the teenage body, but it is removed by Elizabeth during their confrontation to show Charlie what she truly is. Interestingly, Charlie does not lose consciousness immediately, and is momentarily able to see Elizabeth holding the doll in front of her before she does. She then later regains consciousness while the doll is lying a few feet away from her on the floor. Despite being weak and disoriented, Charlie is able to grab the doll and hold it against her, which causes her to slowly gain back her strength and balance. It would thus appear that Charlie's essence in the doll bonds with the robot body in such a way that her soul is able to control her robot body, and even continue to see through its eyes when separated from it, albeit with great difficulty.
- Because Charlie is able to regain consciousness after being crushed inside Twisted Freddy and repaired by Jen, it would appear that Charlie's soul persists in spite of immense damage caused to her robot body, so long as the doll itself is not destroyed. In the event of severe damage though, she does appear to lose consciousness.

The woman that John sees at the cemetery, TFC: Graphic Novel.
- At the end of The Fourth Closet, the woman that John sees at the cemetery is goes unnamed, but is commonly believed to be Charlie. This appears to be reinforced by the the illustrations of the graphic novel.
- Many believe that Charlie was somehow able to switch bodies with Elizabeth. When they are both impaled by the Suicide Bot, Charlie is holding the Ella doll against her chest. As they both slowly lose consciousness, Charlie slides the doll down the blade until it rests against Elizabeth's chest. Because Charlie's soul is contained within the doll, this action is believed to have transferred her soul over to her adult body. Charlie appearing to die would thus actually be her simply losing consciousness due to her soul leaving her current robot body again.
- It is further speculated that Charlie, now in her adult body, was able to repair the damage dealt to it using spare parts and tools that Jen would have had in her house in order to repair Charlie the first time.
- Some also believe that John was merely imaging Charlie at the cemetery.
The Silver Eyes: The Graphic Novel[]
The Twisted Ones: The Graphic Novel[]
Graphic Novel #3: The Fourth Closet[]
- The Fourth Closet reveals the height of three of the four of Charlie's forms (baby, child, and teenager)[11]:
- The first Charlie's height is 81cm (2ft 7)
- The second Charlie's height is 118cm (3ft 8)
- The third Charlie's height is 164.5cm (5ft 4)
- Charlie's birthday is on May 13th, sharing her birthday with her twin brother.
- That date was also the day that the second update of FNaF World came out.
- Charlie seems to follow her father's footsteps in robotic engineering due to her trying to get a degree in the subject when she is in college during The Twisted Ones.
- She is the only main character to know about the dangers of the springlock suits and knows how to activate/disable them besides William Afton.
- Even though it was first thought that Charlie being a robot was a plot twist, it was foreshadowed throughout The Silver Eyes and The Twisted Ones.
- Charlie wearing Ella's outfit.[12]
- Charlie also, to some degree, resembles Ella.
- The slight dent Charlie made when she sat on the car hood.[13]
- Tripod markings on the gravel in Henry’s workshop located in Charlie's childhood home.[14]
- The fake blood that was found in the pizzeria that was thought of to be William's.
- Charlie wearing Ella's outfit.[12]
- The Twisted Ones graphic novel reveals that Charlie is left-handed. This is shown when she is in her robotics class taking notes, taking a test, and when she is drawing on the map.
- This could be a reference to Lefty since Charlie in the games possesses the Puppet, which is captured by Lefty.
- The Silver Eyes reveals that Charlie's birthday lands on the year 1978, since she's 17 in the events of the book, which takes place in 1995. However, the book would later go in to say that she was three in 1982, making her 16 years old. In The Fourth Closet, her birthday lands on the year 1980, which would make her 15 years old.
- ↑ The Freddy Files/Updated Edition | "Charlie grew up in Hurricane, but left ten years earlier to live with her Aunt Jen, who taught her to be fiercely independent and self-sufficient. Throughout the course of the series, Charlie becomes increasingly determined to find answers to the mysteries of her haunted past, clinging to the few childhood memories that have stuck with her. Though Charlie finds it hard to open up to others, she very much values her friends and the special bond they share."
- ↑ The Silver Eyes | ""You're as pale as ever." She took Charlie's hands in her own. "And you're all clammy, don't you ever get warm?"
- ↑ The Silver Eyes | "She always expected to see pain, anger, sorrow written on her face, but they never were. Her cheeks were pink, and her round face looked almost cheerful, like always."
- ↑ The Silver Eyes | "She ran her fingers through her light-brown hair, as though that would magically fix its slight frizziness, and put the mirror back into position."
- ↑ The Silver Eyes | "Charlie always looked like she was about to smile, her brown eyes wide and sparkling, her thin mouth ready to curve up, even when she wanted to sob, the incongruity a mild betrayal."
- ↑ The Silver Eyes | "Looking again at Jessica's polished appearance, she glanced down at herself. Purple T-shirt, denim jacket, black jeans, and combat boots."
- ↑ The Twisted Ones | ""I cut my hair!" Charlie said in mock-outrage. She ran her fingers through it, demonstrating."
- ↑ The Twisted Ones | "Jessica looked at her friend’s round, cheerful face, and frizzy shoulder-length brown hair."
- ↑ The Silver Eyes | "Charlie looked up at the man in the rabbit suit, and he met her gaze. It was you. You killed Michael. You killed Sammy. You took them from me."
- ↑ The Fourth Closet | "You’re not Charlie, either, you know. You’re not even the soul of Charlie," Elizabeth mocked. "You aren’t even a person. You’re a ghost of a man’s regret, you’re what’s left of a man who lost everything, you’re the sad little tears that fell unceremoniously into a doll that used to belong to Charlie."
- ↑ The Fourth Closet | ""Height: 81 cm; Head circumference..." He looked up. "It's just measurements." Charlie handed him another drawing. "Looks the same to me," John said, then flicked his eyes to the notations. "Height: 118 cm." John tilted the page as though he might be reading it wrong. "This one says 164.5," Charlie said, holding up another, seemingly identical picture."
- ↑ The Silver Eyes | "Charlie had an identical outfit, back when she and Ella were the same height."
- ↑ The Silver Eyes | "She walked to her car and sat on the hood, the metal denting slightly under her weight."
- ↑ The Silver Eyes | "She looked down, and her gaze fixed on something: three widely-spaced grooves in the ground. She knelt, thoughtful, and ran her finger over one of them. The gravel was scattered away, the marks worn heavily into the dirt. A camera tripod of some sort?"
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