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Helpy-Troll-Game "You have a lot of work to do while patrons eat their pizza in the other room."

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If you upset Lally, you'll end up in the trunk next.
Cade, Tales from the Pizzaplex #1: Lally's Game

Cade is the deuteragonist of Lally's Game, the second story in Tales from the Pizzaplex 1: Lally's Game. He is the husband of Selena who is haunted by the Lally mascot for the Lally's Game attraction.

Physical Appearance[]

Cade is tall, dark, and handsome. He is six foot two with wavy, thick black hair and hooded deep-set green eyes under thick black brows. Cade has a chiseled face with a prominent nose, full mouth of straight white teeth, and a square chin with a dimple. He also has sculpted cheeks, which are shadowed by his black whiskers. Cade has facial hair that grows "at the speed of light" despite shaving every morning[2], and large square hands with faint traces of black hair on the back. Cade is fit and muscular, due to him playing multiple sports.

He almost always wears khakis, matching with shirts of burgundy, dark green, and deep blue; he's mentioned to have a blue polo at one point. During his wedding with Selena, he wore a navy-blue suit with a white shirt and white tie.


When not tormented by Lally, Cade is a charming and charismatic person who is easily liked. He is also very intelligent and driven, having graduated top of his college class after very intensely studying throughout his schooling. He is also a programming master, is skilled in multiple subjects, and, in regards to everything but Lally, has "impeccable" logic. While Selena says he leans towards quiet and serious moods, often jokes or quips around his friends and family, and is very romantic with his partner. Selena also says that he's "attentive," "clean and tidy and [can] cook." Before Lally's escape, Cade was apparently very good at handling his anger.

Whenever Lally is brought up, Cade becomes very upset, often having emotional outbursts or becoming incredibly secretive. Usually, he's either incredibly panicky, or very short and aggressive. Once Lally is released, he becomes extremely paranoid and constantly terrified. However, he is very good at pretending to be unbothered around anyone who isn't questioning him, and once the conversation has moved on, he tries to avoid bringing it up again.

Cade is very family-focused. He deeply loves his mom and applied for a job near to her in case she ever needed him. He is apparently "old-fashioned" and doesn't want to live with his wife until they're already married. He enjoys working out and played several sports in college. He apparently isn't a good dancer. His mother says that he doesn't like softer color palettes.


Cade was born in a smallish town with his mother Janice, who had him in her late 40s. He was obsessed with astronomical things such as space and astronauts, decorating his bedroom to match said theme.[3] He also liked snails and slugs, always poking at them with sticks to see what they'd do.[4]

Cade loved to visit Lally's Game within Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex, which was his favorite attraction in the building. Despite having many friends, he liked to play alone with Lally (as the game was only for two); Janice speculated later that he liked feeling like the "chosen child" or that he may have wanted a brother-figure, though it is also possible that he was somehow able to communicate with Lally. At some point, a kid named Daniel snuck into the game, making him furious. Afterwards, he would tell Janice over and over that the game was only for two. After this, Daniel died in an undescribed accident, which Cade later says was caused by Lally.

During renovations at the Pizzaplex, a construction scaffolding collapsed and broke a hole in the wall of Lally's Game during a round. The auditorium was evacuated, and the game closed down after the doll was reported missing. However, Cade himself was being stalked by Lally, who had come to life and was continuing the interrupted game. After weeks of seeing the doll everywhere, Cade emptied his mom's sewing room and dragged in an empty trunk, knowing that Lally would want to hide inside. After waiting an hour, Cade ran inside and locked the trunk, trapping him. He then kept the box, not wanting Lally to ever be released.

He eventually attended college in a metropolitan area, which is where he met Selena. After chatting, they would eventually hit it off and start going on dates.[5] He eventually proposed to her, and they planned to move into his old neighborhood to help take care of his mother.

"Lally's Game"[]


  • Cade seems to have been fond of photo albums at some point, as Janice refers to the multiple albums in the house as his.


  1. "Cade's mom had given birth to Cade in her late forties, so she was turning seventy this year." This would put Cade at ~23 at the oldest by the time "Lally's Game" takes place.
  2. Lally's Game | Page 75 | "He had the kind of whiskers that grew at the speed of light; even though Cade shaved every morning, his 'five o'clock shadow' showed up by 10:00 a.m."
  3. Lally's Game | Page 86 | "While she was with Janice, Selena was staying in Cade's old room, which Janice hadn't changed since Cade had moved out. Selena thought it was sweet that Cade's space-themed bedspread was still on the twin bed and his constellation-patterned curtains still hung over the windows."
  4. Lally's Game | Page 136 | "Cade also liked snails and slugs when he was small. He was always poking at them with sticks–not to hurt them, mind you. He just wanted to see what they'd do."
  5. Lally's Game | Page 78 | "...Cade had told her on their second date. That might have been when she'd fallen in love with him."
Tales from the Pizzaplex Characters
Robert's Family
RobertRobert's FatherRobert's Mother
Selena's Family
SelenaDavidSelena's MotherSelena's Father
Cade's Family
CadeJaniceCade's Father
Maya's Family
MayaElenaVioletaMaya's FatherAunt SofiaAunt LucianaUncle RafaelUncle PeterAxelAbrilGramGrampsNanaPappy
Noelle's Family
NoelleNoelle's Uncle
Snodgrass Family
Steve SnodgrassVictoria SnodgrassAvery SnodgrassAbigail Snodgrass
Aiden's Family
AidenAiden's FatherAiden's Mother
Jace's Family
JaceJace's FatherJace's Mother
Billy's Family
BillyDanBilly's GrandmotherVera
Barker Family
Sam BarkerMr. BarkerMrs. Barker
Dawson Family
Raad DawsonMr. DawsonMrs. DawsonRaad's SiblingsRaad's Cousin
Luca's Family
LucaLuca's Father
Asher's family
AsherAsher's Father
Kenny's Family
KennyKenny's Parents
Grady's Family
GradyGrady's MotherGrady's FatherGrady's Grandmother
Ronan's Family
RonanRhondaRonan's Mother
Tate's Family
TateTate's Father
Wykowski Family
Caden WykowskiStella Barns (Grams)Cynthia WykowskiMr. Wykowski
Mendoza Family
Yasmine MendozaMarie Mendoza
Butterfield Family
Jason ButterfieldJason's Parents
Wilson Family
Robbie WilsonBrad WilsonMrs. Wilson
Miller Family
Johnny MillerMrs. MillerJohnny's sibling
Jason's Family
JasonJason's Dad
Dyson's Family
DysonDyson's Parents
Thayer Family
Abe ThayerAbe's MotherAbe's FatherVic Thayer
Evan's Family
EvanEvan's child
Eriksen Family
Astrid EriksenMr. EriksenAstrid's MotherAstrid's Farfar
Geena's Family
GeenaGeena's Mother
Remy’s Family
RemyRemy’s FatherRemy’s Mother
Price Family
Warren PriceMr. Price
Fran's Family
FranFrenUnnamed Mother
Becker Family
Tony BeckerMr. BeckerMrs. BeckerTony's GrandmotherMelva
Ellis' Family
EllisEllis' Mother
Crystal's Family
CrystalCrystal's Brother
Finbarr's Family
FinbarrFinbarr's MotherFinbarr's Father
Browning Family
Mr. BrowningMrs. Browning
Mrs. Hawkins' Family
Mrs. HawkinsShellyPetey
Murray Family
Edwin MurrayDavid Sean MurrayFiona Murray
Walsh Family
Kara WalshMartin WalshMrs. WalshPeggyPeggy's Parents
Lola's Family
LolaLola's BrotherLola's Parents
Francine's Family
FrancineFrancine's MotherFrancine's Father
Zachary's Family
ZacharyZachary's Mother
Dominic's Family
DominicDominic's Grandmother
Harry's Family
HarryHarry's Mother
Joan's Family
Unnamed Fazbear engineerJoanJoan's nieces
Kai's Family
KaiMaliaKai's MomKai's Dad
Todd's Family
ToddTodd's motherTodd's dad
Asher's Family
AsherAlexAsher's motherAsher's father
Gruber's Family
Old Man GruberGruber's daughter
Nelson Family
Mrs. NelsonMr. Nelson
Kane's Family
KaneArcherKane's motherKane's father
Sienna's Family
SiennaSienna's sister
Miles' Family
MilesMiles' fatherMiles' sister
Shullenberg Family
Danny ShullenbergBobby ShullenbergJohnny ShullenbergMrs. ShullenbergMr. Shullenberg
Zayland Family
Daisy ZaylandMrs. ZaylandMr. Zayland
Glasgow Family
Aaron GlasgowMrs. GlasgowMr. Glasgow
Hutchins Family
Travis HutchinsMr. HutchinsMrs. HutchinsTravis' Grandmother
Rory's Family
RoryRory's FatherRory's MotherRory's UncleRory's GrandmotherRory's Sister
Wade's Family
WadeWade's Father
Other Characters
JessicaNurse MacyNurse ColinFather JeremiahOfficer ManorAprilBillyJaxonMrs. CarpenterPastor BenCeciliaAmandaBrock EdwardsMattGilbert HurlbuttDJ DanSaylor ThriftDr. LingstromMaliahGregTherapists
Minor Characters
Frailty/Minor CharactersLally's Game/Minor CharactersUnder Construction/Minor CharactersUnder Construction/Minor CharactersHelp Wanted (Story)/Minor CharactersHAAPS (Story)/Minor CharactersB-7/Minor CharactersSomniphobia/Minor CharactersPressure/Minor CharactersCleithrophobia/Minor CharactersSubmechanophobia/Minor CharactersAnimatronic Apocalypse/Minor CharactersBobbiedots, Part 1/Minor CharactersGGY/Minor CharactersThe Storyteller (Story)/Minor CharactersBobbiedots, Part 2/Minor CharactersNexie/Minor CharactersDrowning/Minor CharactersThe Mimic (Story)/Minor CharactersTiger Rock/Minor CharactersThe Monty Within/Minor CharactersBleeding Heart/Minor CharactersB7-2/Minor CharactersAlone Together/Minor CharactersDittophobia/Minor Characters