Bubba has a similar appearance to Freddy Fazbear and Porkpatch, but is patched up with a 'windup toy' design, with a clockwork key spinning on his back. He sports Frankenstein-styled plugs on his bottom jaw and heels. He has two buck teeth on the top and a normal set of teeth on the bottom.
Bubba is one of the four bosses appearing in the "Merry Christmas!" image, the three others are Browboy, Porkpatch, and Mad Endo/Overclock.
Bubba has the same name with the final boss of a game Scott Cawthon has made, called Use Holy Water!.
Bubba is very hard to fight, because of its ability to use jumpscare. Once stunned, Bubba will then take out any character level 15 or lower in a single hit.
Bubba has a design similar to Bruce, building version from Chipper and Sons. Lumber Co..
Bubba was one of the first bosses revealed in the FNaF World trailer.