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All Billy wants is to become the perfect ideal of what he knows he really is—an animatronic.
Summary, Tales from the Pizzaplex #2: HAPPS

B-7 is the third story in Tales from the Pizzaplex 2: HAPPS and chronologically the Tales from the Pizzaplex series' 6th story. It was written by Andrea Waggener.






5-year-old Billy is inspired by an episode of Freddy and Friends to become an animatronic. At first his parents support his delusions, but it soon tears his family apart. His mother dies soon after Billy turns 18, and Billy is confused why an animatronic like himself feels human sensations. He goes to a corrupt doctor to replace all his human flesh with animatronic parts, and renames himself B-7. On his 21st birthday, he looks in the mirror and has a horrifying realization that he is not an animatronic and that he has completely ruined his life. He goes to a junkyard and sleeps in a car, and as he is crushed by a car compactor, he is happy that the blood reminds him of what he truly is.


When Billy was 3 years old, he was put into medical intensive care and had to be away from his family while treated, resulting in trauma from the event. Now 5, he likes watching the TV show Freddy and Friends. Billy likes the idea of being a big animatronic, as they're strong and don't feel bad things like people do. During a commercial for Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, he starts acting like an animatronic and his parents humor him. The next day Billy pushes one of his friends for calling his behavior stupid and gets put into time-out, but he sings the entire time since he wasn't "turned off". His mother talks to the teacher and takes him to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria afterwards. The next day, the teacher and her assistant set up an area for Billy to be while he continues to act like an animatronic. All of his friends start making fun of him, but he doesn't care because robots don't feel. That night, Billy overhears a conversation between his concerned parents. He "downloads an update" to help him act more like a little boy.

Two months later, Billy’s parents start taking him to see Dr. Lingstrom. She tells them to play along with his fantasy, as he could have a psychotic break if they don’t. Four months later, Billy hasn’t changed and he fails to realize that school has ended for the summer. Dan and Vera, his parents, are getting extremely stressed out. For first grade, Billy is moved to a private school where he gets into an early robotics class and learns that robots need oil. He starts sneaking into the garage every night to drink oil, and one day he throws up and is taken to Parts and Service (the hospital). They determine that Billy’s just sick, but he’s rushed back the next day and the doctor learns what he’s been doing. Vera explains what’s happening and the doctor tells Billy that he needs olive oil, which can be found in the food his mother cooks. Billy begins to keep track of time using Christmas and his “creation day” (birthday), which he considers to be the year he realized he was an animatronic. Vera plays along but chooses to keep it the year he was born.

After four years of being an animatronic, Billy overhears Dan and Vera arguing. Vera refuses to institutionalize Billy and believes he’ll give up soon, but Dan says he’s making their life hell and leaves two days later. Vera tells Billy his father doesn’t understand and points out Billy’s growing and animatronics don’t. Billy concludes he’s simply unique and advanced. He begins to sleep on a steel table, only wears plain gray and black clothes, and only eats white food (“animatronics do not efficiently digest color”). When seventh grade starts Billy stays home since the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, and he adds to his databases by reading library books. He then hears Vera talking on the phone, concerned he no longer has other kids to emulate but still refuses to send him anywhere. Billy feels a sensation in his heart and hugs her. On his 7th (12th) creation day he moves into the basement with only two tables, his computer, and books. Billy’s 13th (18th) creation day is celebrated by him, Vera, and Dr. Lingstrom. Dr. Lingstrom recommends a group home with a resident that has lycanthropy, but Vera insists on taking care of Billy herself. Billy later researches lycanthropy.

A few days later, Vera isn’t in the kitchen when Billy gets up. He searches the house and finds her submerged in the bathtub with an empty drinking glass and the medicine cabinet open. Billy calmly calls the police, remembering the “update” Vera gave him to act like a human and keep his animatronic identity a secret. After the EMTs remove her body, Billy opens an email she left for when she died containing important instructions on how to function as an animatronic adult. Over the next year, Billy experiences cognitive dissonance; he believes he is an animatronic, but he still feels human-like sensations from his body. He decides that in order to fully become an animatronic, he needs to replace all his limbs with prosthetic ones. All the surgeons Billy calls refuse, but he finds an unlicensed surgeon who lost his license due to malpractice lawsuits related to unspecified substance abuse.

The doctor, referred to as Doc, agrees to due to surgeries. Billy feels intense pain when his left leg is removed, but he hopes the prosthetic would make him faster and stronger. Unfortunately, he only feels weaker. Still, as he passes the junkyard a few miles away from his house, he feels hopeful that the remaining surgeries will improve. He has to hire movers to relocate his stuff into his mother's old room and move her furniture out. He gets his last limb replacement surgery two days after his 15th (20th) creation day, but he only feels weak to a point that Doc has to drive him home. Billy looks up further modifications and comes across an online chat room for people who aren't satisfied with their physical appearance, and there he meets Maliah. Maliah isn't happy with her outward appearance and explains that she wants liposuction, cheek sculpting, and a nose job. Billy decides that he wants facial sculpting as well, and Maliah decides to visit Billy's house.

Maliah falls in love with Billy due to his kind nature and his ability to listen to people. After her third visit, they officially become girlfriend and boyfriend. However, Billy still wants more procedures done on him to make him more robotic. He has metal plates implanted into his cheeks to be more angular, has his eyes dyed black, and his tongue removed. Billy now talks through a vocal synthesizer implanted in his throat which he uses by typing into his computer. When Billy has his ears removed, he asks Maliah to shave his head after the incisions heal, and when asked if that will be the last thing he has done, Billy tells her he's getting more surgeries. Maliah immediately leaves and stops visiting, but they still talk online. One day, Billy calls Maliah to be referred to as B-7 for now on. In response, Maliah hangs up.

B-7 calls Maliah after all of his surgeries are done to ask if she wants to celebrate his 16th (21st) creation day, but Maliah says she's busy. On the day of his celebration, B-7 looks in the mirror and is tormented by the sudden realization that he is not actually an animatronic, and has completely ruined his life. Billy lets out a massive wail as all of his repressed emotions and feelings flood back. He calls Doc to ask if the procedures can be undone, but he says sorry and good luck. Billy contemplates a while before leaving in the middle of the night and walking to the junkyard. He gets inside through an opening in the fence and falls asleep in an old station wagon. Billy wakes to vibrations and looks to see the car heading for a compactor. He hides before anyone can see him and waits to be crushed. Although Billy's in excruciating pain, he feels happy, as the blood reminds him of who he truly is.


  • When B-7 was first revealed, the fact that Billy desiring to be transformed from a human to a robot and ends up regretting his decision was seen as an alleged hidden message mocking the transgender community and gender identity. The story's author later debunked the claim, clarifying that she did not have any intentions of adding such message.[1]
    • Therefore, it is possible that Billy actually had clinical lycanthropy, a rare delusional disorder that causes the affected individual to believe they are transforming into something such as an animal, robot, etc.
  • This is the second story in the Tales from the Pizzaplex series to not mention Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex, the first being Help Wanted.
  • This story is one of two stories that got a continuation in the Tales from the Pizzaplex series, B7-2. The other story that has two parts is The Bobbiedots with The Bobbiedots Part 1 and The Bobbiedots Part 2.


Tales from the Pizzaplex Events
Tales from the Pizzaplex #1 stories
FrailtyLally's GameUnder Construction
Tales from the Pizzaplex #2 stories
Help WantedHAPPSB-7
Tales from the Pizzaplex #3 stories
Tales from the Pizzaplex #4 stories
SubmechanophobiaAnimatronic ApocalypseBobbiedots, Part 1
Tales from the Pizzaplex #5 stories
GGYThe StorytellerBobbiedots, Part 2
Tales from the Pizzaplex #6 stories
NexieDrowningThe Mimic
Tales from the Pizzaplex #7 stories
Tiger RockThe Monty WithinBleeding Heart
Tales from the Pizzaplex #8 stories
B7-2Alone TogetherDittophobia