Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki
Not what you were looking for? See Scott Cawthon (disambiguation).

Ever since I was defeated as the final boss in FNaF World, I was demoted and sent here. Now my code is being used for some game about a rainbow, but the path to it is hidden.
Animdude, FNaF World

Animdude (otherwise known as Scott Cawthon or simply Scott) is an unlockable character added to Update 1.2 for FNaF World. He is unlocked after the player beats the Chica's Magic Rainbow minigame in over 3 minutes.

Quick Answers

How can you unlock Animdude in FNaF World? toggle section
In FNaF World, the character Animdude, also referred to as Scott Cawthon, becomes accessible after the player triumphs over the Chica's Magic Rainbow minigame in under 3 minutes. This character was introduced in the game's Update 1.2.
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What is the significance of the name 'Animdude'? toggle section
Animdude, a character in FNaF World, is named after Scott Cawthon's original username, visible in his YouTube URL and his websites. This character, also referred to as Scott Cawthon, becomes playable after the Chica's Magic Rainbow minigame is completed in under 3 minutes. The design of Animdude mirrors the developer's avatar icon.
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What is the relationship between Animdude and Scott Cawthon? toggle section
Scott Cawthon, the creator of the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise, is also known as Animdude. In FNaF World, Animdude is a character that players can unlock in Update 1.2 after successfully completing the Chica's Magic Rainbow minigame. Additionally, Animdude is depicted as the final boss of Hard Mode in the same game.
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What is unique about Animdude's model in the game? toggle section
In FNaF World, Animdude's model mirrors the developer's avatar icon and the final boss of Hard Mode, but with a horizontal flip and faster animation. His abilities include summoning a damage-blocking shield, draining life with a status effect, and launching a defense-piercing attack.
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Are there any codes related to Animdude in Five Nights TD [update2]? toggle section
There are no specific codes linked to Animdude in Five Nights TD [update2]. However, players can engage Animdude in Normal Mode via file editing. Animdude, along with Coffee and Mr. Chipper, is one of the three characters without a loading screen, likely to prevent spoiling the final boss for newcomers.
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Physical Appearance

Like his boss version, Animdude is identical to the developer's avatar icon. Furthermore, his model is identical to the final boss of Hard Mode but flipped horizontally as well as the animation being slightly faster.


NeonWall fw Summons a shield that will block 50% damage for a short period of time.
MegaVirus fw Puts a status effect that slowly drains large amounts of life.
4thwallatk fw Powerful attack that pierces through defense.


Animdude is a really powerful character to use, especially against Chica's Magic Rainbow. He has Neon Wall, which can block 50% of damage for all characters for 30 seconds, although this can be circumvented via The Geist Lair.

However, Animdude compensates with his other moves. His 4th Wall can do roughly around 4,000 damage to all enemies as well as destroying all Chica's Magic Rainbow Minions that appear. He also has Mega Virus that can do thousands of damage overtime to all enemies for 90 seconds, including Chica's Magic Rainbow Minions. Overall, Animdude is recommended to survive through Chica's Magic Rainbow.


  • Animdude's name is based off Scott Cawthon's original username, the name seen in his YouTube URL, and both of his websites.
  • Animdude is the only playable character that doesn't have an attacking animation.
  • When Update 2 was released, there was a glitch where sometimes players would have unlocked Animdude and Mr. Chipper if they had defeated the boss versions of them. This is due to code left in the game from when this was an intended feature. However, Scott changed his mind but forgot to remove the code. This was patched within the first 24 hours.
  • If Animdude is in the lead character when going into the fight against his boss version, Freddy Fazbear will appear in the cutscene instead. This is done to avoid a similar situation with the joke ending involving two Fredbears being on-screen at the same time.
    • The same thing happens to the other characters from Update 2.
    • This may be because there is no code for their sprites to appear when someone's talking, and Freddy is the default sprite that appears. The same thing happens if the file was edited and have a character with a value 49 or higher.
  • Animdude is one of the three characters not to receive a loading screen, the others being Coffee and Mr. Chipper.
    • This was likely done to avoid spoiling the final boss for new players.
  • Animdude is the only character not to be seen in the FNaF World Update 2 teaser.


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FNaF World Characters
Classic Animatronics*
Freddy FazbearBonnieChicaFoxy
Withered Animatronics
Withered FreddyWithered BonnieWithered ChicaWithered Foxy
Toy Animatronics
Toy FreddyToy BonnieToy ChicaFuntime FoxyMangleBalloon BoyJJMarionette
Phantom Animatronics
Phantom FreddyPhantom ChicaPhantom FoxyPhantom ManglePhantom Balloon BoyPhantom Marionette
Nightmare Animatronics
Nightmare FreddyNightmare BonnieNightmare ChicaNightmare FoxyNightmare Balloon BoyNightmarionneNightmare FredbearNightmarePlushtrapJack-O-BonnieJack-O-Chica
Shadow Animatronics
Springlock Hybrids
FredbearSpring Bonnie
Unclassified Animatronics
Golden FreddySpringtrapVirtua-Freddy
Other Players
AnimdudeCoffeeCrying ChildMr. ChipperPaperpalsPurpleguy
Dee DeeMendoLolbit
Other NPCs
8-Bit FredbearBabyDesk ManOld Man Consequences
Adventure Animatronics