Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki

Core Five Nights at Freddy's Series
Article Classification: Five Nights at Freddy's
Description: This article details a topic that is deemed canon to the primary FNaF series' universe.

This is a list of achievements to unlock in Five Nights at Freddy's 2.

List of Achievements[]

Console Achievements[]

There are 10 achievements to unlock. Altogether, PlayStation 4 trophies are worth 315 points and Xbox One achievements are worth 1,000 gamerscore points.

Name Icon Trophy
(Xbox One)
Secret Description Method
One Night at Freddy's FNaF2Achievement-OneNightatFreddys Bronze-icon
70 GameScore-icon No Survived the 1st night. Simply beat Night 1.
Two Nights at Freddy's FNaF2Achievement-TwoNightsatFreddys Bronze-icon
80 GameScore-icon No Survived the 2nd night. Simply beat Night 2.
Three Nights at Freddy's FNaF2Achievement-ThreeNightsatFreddys Silver-icon
90 GameScore-icon No Survived the 3rd night. Simply beat Night 3.
Four Nights at Freddy's FNaF2Achievement-FourNightsatFreddys Silver-icon
100 GameScore-icon No Survived the 4th night. Simply beat Night 4.
Five Nights at Freddy's FNaF2Achievement-FiveNightsatFreddys Silver-icon
120 GameScore-icon No Survived the 5th night. Simply beat Night 5.
You Stayed FNaF2Achievement-YouStayed Silver-icon
150 GameScore-icon Yes Survived the 6th night. Simply beat Night 6.
You Tampered FNaF2Achievement-YouTampered Gold-icon
200 GameScore-icon No Complete the custom night with all AIs set to 20. Complete the Custom Night on 20/20/20/20 mode.
You Tried FNaF2Achievement-YouTried Silver-icon
40 GameScore-icon Yes Play all the minigames. Complete all death minigames.
You Soothed FNaF2Achievement-YouSoothed Silver-icon
135 GameScore-icon No Keep the music box wound above 50% for all of night 4. Keep the Music Box wound above 50% for the entirety of the fourth night.
You Failed FNaF2Achievement-YouFailed Bronze-icon
15 GameScore-icon Yes Experience a jumpscare, and then... something more. Get killed by an animatronic for the first time.

Ingame Achievements[]

Similar to the first game, there are three stars to unlock in the second game. Besides stars, the player can also unlock plushies and toys by accomplishing every Custom Night challenge modes.

Star Achievements[]

Reward Image Strategy Special Notes
1st Star Gold Star Beat Night 5. (See here for more strategies) Completing this night in home console ports will also unlock the "Five Nights at Freddy's" achievement.
2nd Star Gold Star Beat Night 6. (See here for more strategies) Completing this night in home console ports will also unlock the "Six Nights at Freddy's" achievement.
3rd Star Gold Star Beat the Custom Night on 20/20/20/20 mode. (See here for more strategies.) Completing this night in home console ports will also unlock the achievement.

Toy Achievements[]

Reward Image Strategy Special Notes
Toy Bonnie ToyBonnieFigurineToy Bonnie Figure Remaster Beat the Custom Night on the New & Shiny Preset Toy Bonnie's figurine was once removed from the initial release of the mobile port's remastered update and home consoles due to the guitar copyright, making the New & Shiny mode unrewardable. This toy was later re-added but was updated to remove the guitar.
Bonnie BonnieDoll Beat the Custom Night on the Double Trouble Preset N/A
Balloon Boy BBDoll Beat the Custom Night on the Night of Misfits Preset N/A
Foxy FoxyDoll Beat the Custom Night on the Foxy Foxy Preset N/A
Chica ChicaDoll Beat the Custom Night on the Ladies Night Preset N/A
Freddy FreddyFazbearDoll Beat the Custom Night on the Freddy's Circus Preset N/A
Cupcake FNAF2CupcakePlushie Beat the Custom Night on the Cupcake Challenge Preset N/A
Microphone LoneMicrophone Beat the Custom Night on the Fazbear Fever Preset N/A
Golden Freddy GoldenFreddyDoll Beat the Custom Night on the Golden Freddy Preset N/A


"Four Nights At Feddy's", the achievement you get when you beat night 4, is a misspelling of "Four Nights At Freddy's".

Five Nights at Freddy's 2 Media
Media Content
Five Nights at Freddy's 2 (Halloween UpdateMobileDemo)AchievementsEaster EggsUnlockable ExtrasCinematicsJumpscaresSoundtrackUnused and Removed Content
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Five Nights at Freddy's Achievements
Five Nights at Freddy's Achievements
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Spin-Off Series Achievements
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