Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki
Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki
Not what you were looking for? See Fredbear (disambiguation).

Find the clock.
Fredbear, when speaking to the player.,

8-Bit Fredbear is an 8-bit rendering of Fredbear in FNaF World. He only appears if the player idles instead of clicking "DONE" at the end of Fredbear's dialogue. He tells the player to find the clocks in order to get a special ending.


8-Bit Fredbear is identical to his Five Nights at Freddy's 4 and Sister Location counterparts, but appears to be pixelated and his eyes are black with yellow dots for pupils. The way he is animated is very glitchy, with his right foot and arm, left hand, and both ears splitting out, similar to RWQFSFASXC from the "Glitch Minigame" in the third game of the core series.



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But you don't really believe that, do you? There is a task for you to complete. You need to leave breadcrumbs for him, to help him find his way.
8-bit Fredbear, First Fredbear encounter

Yes, the world beneath the surface world. This is a safe place, a sanctuary. The truth is that there is no safe place. You don't understand that; you were made for one thing. There is a task for you to complete. Before you take this passage, go back. Find the clock.
8-bit Fredbear, Second Fredbear encounter

Things don't get more dangerous. You are being played. You are being led through hoops. Meanwhile the puppet-master is laughing at you. You do need to find the Dusting Fields, but not because there is any urgent adventure ahead. Find the clock.
8-bit Fredbear, Third Fredbear encounter

Play along for now. You are being pulled on a string for his amusement. Don't enter the glitch yet; you need to go into the mine. Find the clock.
8-bit Fredbear, Fourth Fredbear encounter

Yes, well, everything attacks at random. Doesn't it? The man who pulls the strings is watching. He allows you to progress. Follow the trail that they have created for you; play along. There is another mine you must find before entering the glitched object. Find the clock.
8-bit Fredbear, Fifth Fredbear encounter

One thing is true. Nothing here is as it seems. You will need to find another clock, but the passage will not be easy. There is a secret sub-corridor that leads to Pinwheel Circus under this graveyard. Find the clock. Everything else is a deception.
8-bit Fredbear, Sixth Fredbear encounter

Another clock should be inside the funhouse. Nothing else matters. Don't be decieved by the one pulling the strings.
8-bit Fredbear,  Seventh Fredbear encounter

Attacking the game's security system will not accomplish anything. Get the key, but ignore the guardians. If you have succeeded in setting the clocks, then your true goal will be revealed once you have the key.
8-bit Fredbear, Eighth Fredbear encounter

I will tell you a secret. There are powerful chips that can only be attained by breaking the game- the red chests. There are objects that you can press against, and it will break your collision detection. One is a yellow bird on a tree stump. Another is a gravestone. Find these places to gain an unfair advantage. That is, if you insist on following this path that has been forcefully placed before you.
8-bit Fredbear, Final Fredbear encounter

I will tell you a secret. There are powerful chips that can only be attained by breaking the game- the red chests. There are objects that you can press against, and it will break your collision detection. One is a yellow bird on a tree stump. Another is a gravestone. Find these places to gain an unfair advantage. That is, if you insist on following this path that has been forcefully placed before you. Something terrible is coming.
8-bit Fredbear, Final Fredbear encounter, Update 2


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  • It is believed yellow-eyed entity who appears when one starts the game for the first time and during the clock ending is 8-Bit Fredbear.
  • 8-Bit Fredbear highly resembles the Fredbear plush as seen in the minigames from Five Nights at Freddy's 4.
    • This seems to line up with both putting someone being but back together again
  • 8-Bit Fredbear's non-glitched appearance is reused from his overworld sprite, but with yellow pupils with black sclera in the 2D version that was taken off Steam.
  • 8-Bit Fredbear is one of the characters that are completely pixelated and in 2D, the others being Desk Man, Old Man Consequences, Purpleguy and 8-Bit Circus Baby.
  • The way 8-bit Fredbear appears in a darkened area when the player first boots FNaF World may reference Five Nights at Freddy's 4 where an 8-bit Fredbear appears talking to the player similar to his appearance in FNaF World.
FNaF World Characters
Classic Animatronics*
Freddy FazbearBonnieChicaFoxy
Withered Animatronics
Withered FreddyWithered BonnieWithered ChicaWithered Foxy
Toy Animatronics
Toy FreddyToy BonnieToy ChicaFuntime FoxyMangleBalloon BoyJJMarionette
Phantom Animatronics
Phantom FreddyPhantom ChicaPhantom FoxyPhantom ManglePhantom Balloon BoyPhantom Marionette
Nightmare Animatronics
Nightmare FreddyNightmare BonnieNightmare ChicaNightmare FoxyNightmare Balloon BoyNightmarionneNightmare FredbearNightmarePlushtrapJack-O-BonnieJack-O-Chica
Shadow Animatronics
Springlock Hybrids
FredbearSpring Bonnie
Unclassified Animatronics
Golden FreddySpringtrapVirtua-Freddy
Other Players
AnimdudeCoffeeCrying ChildMr. ChipperPaperpalsPurpleguy
Dee DeeMendoLolbit
Other NPCs
8-Bit FredbearBabyDesk ManOld Man Consequences
Adventure Animatronics