Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki
FuntimeFreddy-Icon "Ge-Get ready for a surprise!"

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Helpy-Troll-Game "You have a lot of work to do while patrons eat their pizza in the other room."

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4:00 AM is the sixth stage of Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach. It begins after finding the Party Pass and ends after upgrading Freddy with either the Claw or Voicebox Upgrade.


With the Party Pass he found in Chica's green room, Gregory can now access one of two attractions that require one to enter: Monty Golf or Fazer Blast. Each of these locations leads to a quest line where the player can obtain an item that can be used to stun the animatronics that are capable of being stunned (Roxy and Monty are dependent on whether they are shattered or not). Gregory can also find an item that unlocks another attraction to obtain an item that is needed to reach either Monty's or Chica's boss fight.


If Gregory decides to enter Monty Golf, Freddy will explain in the elevator that flash photography is forbidden in Monty Golf despite Faz Cams being sold exclusively there, referring to this as a "clever marketing plan".

Gregory will need to enter the security office located behind the snack bar, which contains a security badge, a Faz Camera, and a Mazercise ticket. The player will learn that there is a vent in Mazercise that leads to the catwalks above Monty Golf that Monty regularly is found in. This is the same location where Monty had previously become extremely damaged by the Hurricane Hole-in-One bucket that fell on him and knocked him down.

However, the controls that operate the configurations of the maze are inaccessible until Gregory obtains the Mazercise Control Key found in the basement of the Fazbear Theater located in the Superstar Daycare. Once Gregory has the Control Key, several Glamrock Endos will activate around him in the basement and he will have to bypass them. Once he returns to Mazercise, he will need to move several pieces of the maze so he will be able to navigate his way to the vent. The only clue the player has to accomplish this is by moving the one dark-green piece with tacos dotted all over to the corner where the vent is (this is the only piece that can connect to other pieces of the maze and the vent at the same time). Once Gregory makes it to the Monty Golf catwalks, there is a gate that is unlocked by shooting the two Monty targets with a turret right outside the vent. The gate unlocks and Gregory jumps onto the catwalks, with Monty soon riding in on a Monty ride car. He drops down, destroys a turret, and then quips to Gregory before his boss fight begins in earnest.

The objective is to shoot 25 golf balls into the Hurricane Hole-in-One bucket while avoiding Monty. Several turrets will be scattered around the catwalks, each of which varies in distance and angle to the bucket requiring a different trajectory for each one. Monty himself will have the ability to jump from one location to another without navigating towards you, even being able to ambush the player as they move around the catwalk. Although, sometimes he jumps towards locations that are far away from the player, but this is seemingly random.

Once the bucket is filled up, the button to dump it becomes accessible. Upon reaching it however, Monty will corner Gregory, laughing at what he believes to be Gregory's ultimate demise. Gregory quickly presses the button and the Hurricane Hole-in-One bucket falls directly onto Monty, causing him to fall right onto the catwalks support beams, one breaking his legs off from his torso and another breaking his jaw. Gregory approaches Monty as he is temporarily disabled and takes Monty's claws, which he installs on Freddy allowing him to break through chain-locked fences.


Alternatively, Gregory can enter Fazer Blast to obtain the Fazer Blaster which is done so after completing a game of Fazer Blast. The hallway across from the elevator leads to a briefing room where a STAFF bot explains the rules of Fazer Blast before directing guests to the armory. Here, Gregory obtains a silver Fazer Blaster that is only used in the Fazer Blast arena (he will get a gold one later).

The name of the game is "Capture the Flag" where the player must capture and hold three different areas for 30 seconds each (this is actually a fundamental mechanic in King of the Hill). The player will have a health bar that is lowered by the Fazer Blast shots from the Alien Bots, which if they manage to fully deplete will require Gregory to reset the arena. Fortunately, the health bar is fully restored each time Gregory captures a flag. Chica will also appear in Fazer Blast, but can be temporarily stopped by the Fazer Blaster if Gregory happens to encounter her. Unlike the Alien Bots, Chica can simply kill Gregory and make the player restart Fazer Blast a different way.

Once all three flags are captured, Gregory leaves the Fazer Blast arena, but not before being forced to dispose of the Fazer Blaster. He enters the elevator that brings him to a hallway that leads to the Superstar Lounge where he obtains another Fazer Blaster that he can use for the rest of the game. Here, there is also a vent that leads to Vanny's hideout which unlocks the Vanny Ending upon its discovery.

Gregory then enters the security office where he obtains a security badge and a Bonnie Bowl ticket. Interestingly, this security office can be entered before getting the Fazer Blaster in the arena, which makes the Fazer Blast minigame optional. Gregory makes his way down to the kitchen, remembering the large garbage compactor there that could be used to destroy Chica. She will be found down there along with a few STAFF bots patrolling around the kitchen. Gregory turns on the generator that powers the compactor, which is guarded by Chica. After doing so, all he needs is bait to draw her into the compactor.

There is a box of Monty Mystery Mix located behind the snack bar of Bonnie Bowl. This drink mix is pizza-flavored and has also been discontinued by Fazbear Entertainment due to Chica having an adverse reaction to it, which is made worse by the fact that she has a strong affinity to pizza and pizza-related items. He heads back down to the kitchen and places the Monty Mystery Mix in the compactor and heads to the button in front of the compactor.

Chica, mesmerized by the smell of pizza, enters the compactor and starts eating the mix. Gregory activates the compactor, only for the compactor to be held up by a metal pole. Chica notices this and turns her head around to see who turned it on. Regardless of whether Chica simply doesn't notice anyone by the button or is more interested in the mix, she continues eating. Gregory approaches Chica and pushes her into the pole, which causes Chica to become angry and lunge at Gregory. With nothing holding the compactor back, it slams down full force onto Chica before she can grab Gregory. She is briefly inoperable before waking up and grabbing Gregory's leg, screaming in his face before he kicks her beak off. The compactor's horizontal panel squeezes her head, causing her to be inoperable again. The compactor dumps her and whatever other trash that was already in it into the sewers, but since Chica is still holding onto Gregory's leg he gets dragged down with her.

Gregory walks to Chica's incapacitated body and takes her voicebox. He then has to escape the sewers by activating a generator for each powered gate he encounters, all the while avoiding Chica in her shattered state. There will also be two pits Gregory will need to avoid falling into as he will otherwise be killed by the Nightmarionne bots located down there. He will also encounter a handful of them in the room with the last generator who will behave like normal STAFF bots. Once Gregory escapes, he makes his way to Parts and Service and installs Chica's voicebox into Freddy, which can allow him to access gates otherwise only accessible through Chica's voice.



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Core Five Nights at Freddy's Series Levels
Five Nights at Freddy's
Night 1Night 2Night 3Night 4Night 5Night 6Custom Night
Five Nights at Freddy's 2
Night 1Night 2Night 3Night 4Night 5Night 6Custom Night
Five Nights at Freddy's 3
Night 1Night 2Night 3Night 4Night 5Nightmare
Five Nights at Freddy's 4
Night 1Night 2Night 3Night 4Night 5Night 6Nightmare20/20/20/20
Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location
Night 1Night 2Night 3Night 4Night 5Custom Night
Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator
Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted
FNAF 1FNAF 2FNAF 3Dark RoomsParts and ServiceVent RepairNight Terrors

(Curse of Dreadbear: Afraid of the DarkSpooky MansionDanger! Keep Out!

Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach

(Ruin: Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9)

Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted 2
BackstageFazcadeStaff OnlyFood PrepTicket BoothSister Location