This includes stuff like freddys in space,fnaf world,fazbear frights,the fright dome, the youtubers songs and game play edits, the fanverse and much more
Buff helpys name is helpules and he is helpi cause he is digital
This includes stuff like freddys in space,fnaf world,fazbear frights,the fright dome, the youtubers songs and game play edits, the fanverse and much more
Dang how do i change my display name
Also one last thing can u can see the name
Ok thanks for the name
Tater dude then also iv been wanting to change it for a wile just didnt know what cause i wanted my name to not be something genaric so people could remember who i was but there werent any good names alright thanks bro unless u guys already know who i am from my name like in previous posts
Oh sorry for the miscomunication nevermind
Btw il post a post about if i should change my fandom name to potato dude
He can apear on any camm stunlocking it until he leaves bloocking any entity from leaveing or entering and can be removed useing your flashlight aloowing for a reason to check the camms if he gets in the prize camm teh music box is slower but then causes it to unwind faster after he leaves and because of this witherd foxy can apear in that camm if you dont flash him he will take a big chunk from the music box now you may be thinking oh endo 0_2 is to helpfull and only a buff and can cause you to be invinsible thats why he apears starting in party room 3 causeing no softlocks or invinsibility and if you move him he will eventually get you when he gets to the office and if he is in a room for 1 hour he will auto move unless he is in party room 3 any sugestions to make him work better in my concept
Thanks d-dawg0102
Also have any of you seen the songs they use the models in it makes mandos even more disturbing
And the endos the same the reason is unkown thanks for ading proof but i still dont think there the same because of model diffrances also i researched and i was wrong last time sorry
Of course you choose mando ponys thats a very you thing to do
Good bye you will be missed 🫡🫡🫡😭😭😭
Depends on how old they look/act
Iv been a fnaf fan since the beging but only discovered what a fandom was last year(2024)
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