You Americans are so lucky. There is more chance for my cat (Katy) to sleep on top of my dog (Molly), and my neighbour’s two cats (Tommy & Jett) to break into my house and join in the snuggle then find merch of practically anything I like. Especially FNaF. You may think the biggest problem with FNaF merch is the quality of some of the products, but you are wrong. The biggest problem in my opinion is how little merch Australia, and many other places, get. I’ve only seen merch on the shelves once, and it was a balloon circus funko pop two-set containing balloon Freddy and balloon Bonnie. The books are scarce too, but not as scarce as the merch. It took me a year to track down the fazbear frights. I wish I was kidding. Please realise how lucky you are. The only way I can get merch is online shopping, but remember that Australia is on the opposite side of the planet. When I ordered my twisted animatronic plushies, it took them THREE F***ING MONTHS to get here! I posted this here as a call for help. Please, help us Australians get access to merch. I know this might sound like a strange thing to ask, but I hope you understand. Aussie fans like me are forced to watch as the fans who live in America get all the latest books and merch, while we have almost nothing. I used to dislike America because it had overshadowed Australia (don’t get me wrong, I don’t still hate America. It’s been a long time since I did), and because of that Australia was a last choice for merchandise companies to sell their products. But the few times that we got something, no matter how low quality it was, it would be sold out within a day. The only franchises that sell their merch in Australia are ones like Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Disney, and a little Harry Potter. If you’re an Aussie who’s not five to eight years old, chances are that you won’t find merch that suits you. Especially if you’re a FNaF fan. I would like to change this. But my one voice is too small to change it. They say that when you throw a pebble in a pond, it will make little ripples in the water, and those ripples might bounce off objects at the surface of the water and create more ripples. And these ripples will forever change the pond. It will never be exactly the same, just because of one little insignificant pebble. People say that just like the pebble, if you, and you alone, try to make change it will work, in a small way, but it will still work. It will still change. But, when you throw a pebble in a pond, even though it will change, it won’t change much. The pond will still act exactly the same. The pebble is still insignificant. It may have changed the pond, but the change will never be noticed. Just like how one pebble might change a pond, but the change won’t be seen, if just one person alone is trying to make change happen, they will make change, but that change is too small to be seen. But if many more pebbles are thrown in the pond, the change might be seen. And if many more people are trying to make change, the change might happen. Change can’t be made alone. But it can be made if enough people are trying to make it happen. I can’t change this alone. If you could help, it would be greatly appreciated. I’m sick of missing out on FNaF merch and books, and believe me, I’m not the only one. If we could get FNaF merch to be sold in Australia, I’d be so happy I might even scream. If you could lend a hand, or spread the word, it would be greatly appreciated. I know I might have said that ten times in this one post, but I’ll say it once more. It might sound like a weird thing to say, but please help me bring FNaF merch Down Under (“Down Under” usually means Australia in case you don’t know).