I come with a present of axolotl with a knife for those reallllll annoying people <3
You gotta love the random jumpscare when you forget to be beautiful is on your playlist TwT but I honestly love that one and count the ways. I also quite enjoy parasite by nightcove the fox (but lets be honest, all of their songs are amazing) >:D
It looks very decayed, very nice
They are fabulous, very yas
Exactly 9 frills.. got it
phantom mangle looks adorable and so sweet
The one with the sun reminds me of Sundrop
If they can make nightmare bb cute then they get an award
Im honestly afraid to see Nightmare bb tho TwT that one was a mistake in the design of the nightmares
I listen to way too much FNAF music XD
Supernatural for sure
I legit just started singing it from that lyric and kept going until I realized the song
Toy yenndo
Vanny looks like her snout got broken
Why am I doing this at 1 in the morning...
But according to my lineup, Elizabeth died in 1985 and 2 years later william had killed the MC after losing both his son and daughter
I have officially lost my mind