(also by werid ass lore you meant the mennard thing (i will agree that is werid as fuck)
(EDIT - Nvm my dumbass thought inferior meant "Better")
The thing is, I like Gregory's reveal more then ollie's for plenty of reasons.
To name one, It had no build up, just got revealed out of the blue.
Gregory's did have some build up and some hints. (before you say "they were both obvious" yes they were. i shall admit it)
(i assume the build up in this cause was when you finally find the mimic and he like slowly comes out of the shadows.)
Like, there was no hint Ollie was the prototype, maybe being a toy? or a orphan
(before you say "WELL THERE WAS NO HINTS OF GREGORY BEING THE MIMIC" there were hints of gregory, not being gregory (as in him acting strange.)
(heres some hints provided by a friend cause my dumbass forgot)
- Mimic repeating base game Greg’s voicelines
- Obvious glitching and such
- The First teaser poster (the tv screens with gregory look off)
- Not caring of what Cassie’s been going through
Of course, dont beat me with hammers cause of this, i thought i'd just state my opinion
(though is it just me or were they trying to pull a fnaf ruin, considering the fact its slightly the same thing, 2 Mechanical robots pretending to be 2 boys to trick the protagonist.)
Oh hey this is 3 Comments away from 100. (now 2)
Im sorry if i sound extremely dumb but what
I just picked a random one ig
Congrats on 10k comments
Honestly, if you want maybe do all? (though to be fair that'd probbaly be a while.)
Oh cool a tprr Icon
Honestly if you think about it depending on the height of the robot you can pretty much beat like any of the small robots
Honestly, Gregory's slightly felt obvious, the surpise was WHO was mimicking em.
Olie on the other hand was very obvious from the start, how did they survive?
Speaking of sb this is cool
(yes i like piemations fnaf videos their cool)
(a bit off topic but meh who cares)
Him being the prototype is fucking obvious (him = oillie)
How the hell did a child survive down there for 10 years with no food or water?
Idk honestly, never been a sonic fan and fnaf sb idk
(also i might be wrong im pretty sure didnt steel wool had to cut some crap out of fnaf sb which include some of the scary shit like vanny's weapon for some reason, also i assume vanny's screentime or whatever cause she was scary (atleast she didnt get the pianosaurus treatment.)
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk (just asking if you ever do more of theese can you add like a idk/results option)
Me (idk)
SO THATS WHERE THE SCREENSHOT COMES FROM (i was like "why does this look like poppy playtime?")
Eh yeah ik, i was saying just incase, since most of the time when it comes to theese certain posts They have like a shit ton of comments.
(also wouldnt it also mean like cassidy possessed a dog).
(though yeah im gonna leave this post (dont ask why i keep talking)
Have a wonderful day everyone! (im talking with a friend too.)
Ehhhhhhhhhhhh, Still.
Wouldnt that mean Mike got hit by a bus and then got his Arm and his leg removed?
Honestly, about ella you could probbaly just say she has a different role.
Charlie as an example, She has a different role from her Games counterpart.
In the books, Shes a Teenager robot thingy, in the games shes a soul.
(okay i think its my time to go (since i said like a day ago i was gonna leave this post)
Cya everyone! have a faz-terrific day!
Its fine dont worry mate. (also should i perhaps call a admin to lock this post?)
Meh, If not step closer, Gumdrop Angel too, does show that there is mutiple freddies.
(that's probbaly a better example.)
also mikebro is like a theory with so much evidence its probbaly in the 'Most likely" spot.
(as in i dont think Frightsparalells is needed for it to work, also if its supposed to be a parallell to mike, wouldnt that mean he got hit by a bus and lost his arm and his eye?)
Wish ya luck Mate!
Stichwraith is the endo skeleton made out of like dead parts or whatever, Its Andrew, Jake, And Willam (yes its revealed later in the story)
To Explain RTTP, TLDR - Retelling of a fazbears frights story, Basically it reveals that Cassidy exists in this universe. (also shes a girl)
(it does bring up the question, does rttp count as apart of frights? since then, why would andrew paralell cassidy meanwhile the other cassidy is... nothing?)
I dont think they retconned andrew? (since he is needed afterall.) but it gets rid of the 6th victim, There is a reasoning behind it im pretty sure, but basically tldr 2!
(RTTP is a retelling of Into the pit, that Removes all references to a 6th victim in general.)
Just here to say something real quick.
(before you say "ERM NO IT DOESNT" or "MOST IF ITS DEBUNKED" im just puting it here so people actually Know, evidence is still evidence.)
(clarifying it) Stichlinegames does have evidence, Infact theres a whole page talking about it.
About the whole "SAY YOUR EVIDENCE" crap, i guess uhhhhh
(moreso frightsgames but WHO CARES they're the same thing.)
Some stories can indeed work in The games Universe, Step closer as an example shows there are more then 1 Freddy's location.
(there are more but im lazy to say it.)
(honestly hell you can say some of the stories that can fit in perfectly can be canon, i think stichline doesnt include the ones that dont make any sense?)
Yes ik it does have problems as well but who cares (frights also has evidence.)
(also uh lum you said stichline wrong)
Also im probbaly wrong but a majority of The Books, i think are confirmed to be in like modern day? i dont think they like, block the timeline. (like cause issues.)
(YES i get its a scrapped story but shhhhhhhhh) YTB, for example is stated to take place 30 years after the murders, which means it takes place in 2015, no issues there?)
(also about the whole "Well The Airplane from the fnaf movie appears in the Game so that must mean they're connected!" Easer eggs.)
Dont really wanna get involved i guess sooooo, Have a wonderful day everyone!
(p.s read rttp)