little fancy so called opinions
“All opinions matter”
Nice example. And WTH is baiting
Baiting is when you purposely act dumb for the attention of people
I would want my ass to get demolished
Might as well be if it’s in a E10+ game
Are you being dumb on purpose or unironically I genuinely can’t tell
What about shit stain
Is this yall right now
“Persona is a kid game because it has cameos in a kids game!!!1!!!”
Nah he said my opinions are wrong and that was kinda toxic
That had nothing to do with this conversation you are bringing up shit to make the shit shittier and the shit smells more like shit when it is covered in shit
He said that opinions don’t matter but even tho opinions are opinions and we’re all equal
He never said that it was a problem with liking security breach, he called it a bad game and you somehow are trying to make him seem bad for it just because of your personal feelings towards him
Took you long enough
Exactly my point. He’s toxic as freak
What the fuck did blizzard do
Every other game after Sonic 06 wasn’t usually responded well for a while just from the damage caused from Sonic 06, take Sonic unleashed as an example
Let’s just ignore what I have been saying on discord
Entitled ass bitch throwing a tantrum lmao
Bro got rejected
And you eevee bend fucking metal
There is none, totally, none whatsoever
I’d win
Did someone say render 👽
And Jack is just covered in bandages all the way from that old series stick made